• All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Adult Sci Fi

    When I wrote up the schedule for this month’s posts, I was initially planning for this rec list to be a continuation of that sapphic series. But, at the eleventh hour, I changed my mind, and went with adult sci fi recs.

    Sci fi is, in all honesty, one of my favourite genres. And particularly sci fi that leans towards being hard rather than soft (as such, if you don’t like hard sci fi, you may not find a whole lot on this list for you, for which I apologise). And when that sci fi is gay? It just makes it all the better.

    So, here are ten of my absolute faves.

    See also: Adult LGBT Fantasy Books
  • All Reviews,  Literature

    ARC Review: Spindrift


    Sometimes love finds you when you least expect it.

    Morgan Donovan had everything she ever wanted: a dream job as a large animal veterinarian, awesome friends, and a loving and supportive fiancée. But it all comes crashing down when her fiancée dumps her after realizing that Morgan’s job will always come first. And, while Morgan still has the job and friends, her heart is broken into a million tiny pieces.

    Emilia Russo is a burned-out shelter vet. When the unexpected death of her father triggers a mental breakdown that hastens the end of her relationship, she retreats to his house in Seal Cove, Maine. She plans on spending the summer renovating it while she figures out how to pull the pieces of her life back together. But when she runs into Morgan at the dock where her father’s sailboat is moored, her plans for a quiet summer of healing and reflection sink like a stone—the attraction is immediate and obvious, and Emilia finds herself slipping seamlessly into Morgan’s world.

    Each woman knows this fling will end when Emilia returns to Boston at the end of the summer, but they’re unprepared for the intensity and depth of their attraction. And, as the gales of fall begin to drive leaves like spindrift upon Seal Cove, Morgan and Emilia must each come to terms with how much they’re willing to give up to stay together.


    Anna Burke

    Published: 25th August 2020
    Rep: lesbian mc with depression, lesbian mc, bi and lesbian side characters
    CWs: past suicidal depression, death of a parent (off page), mentions of animal euthanasia

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Sapphic YA Fantasy

    The other day Charlotte made for you guys a rec list of adult fantasy books, and so here I am, trying to maintain my brand, reccing YA books.

    Specifically, sapphic YA books. I don’t have a particular reasoning here, I’ve just read a bunch of them this year, so it seemed quite obvious. I want to say right away, though, that I didn’t include Crier’s War here, despite it being one of my favourite books. I just figured y’all know about it anyway, so there’s no point! But this is your reminder that it exists, and that Iron Heart comes out next month.

    And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

    Okay, let’s go!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Adult Fantasy

    Full disclosure, this year has been bad for me in terms of reading and loving YA fantasy. Yes, I have loved some, but also I’ve been bored as anything by others. So I’ve turned a fair bit to adult fantasy — mostly avoiding all the white cishet men writing it, of course.

    This is not a definitive list of all the LGBT adult fantasy novels I have loved, of course. I went to write down possible entries to this list and ended up with about twice as many that I loved, and maybe three or four times as many that I would rec. But these are ten of my favourites.

    So, dive in, and I hope you find something to enjoy here!

    See also: Adult LGBT Sci Fi Books
  • All Recommended,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows

    Film & TV Recs: Sapphic coming of age movies

    Let me start by saying that my definition of “coming of age movies” is pretty loose & basically any movie featuring teens who learn something about themselves & grow up, is welcomed here.

    Now that we cleared that up, let’s go. There are some comedies here, some dramas, some movies somewhere in between. Hopefully a little something for everybody.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: 2020 Sapphic Releases (July to December)

    It’s August which means it’s time for PART TWO of 2020’s sapphic releases (part one here). These are all the sapphic releases that I know about from July to December this year (so, usual disclaimer of it not being on here generally means I don’t know about it. Sometimes means I completely forgot even if I did know).

    As ever, 🌈 means the author identifies as LGBT. Apologies if I have screwed up a date somewhere — they’ve changed so often I know I haven’t kept track of them all.

    For clarification: I have included in this list books where the sapphic character is either the main character/protagonist, has a POV, or is a major character who affects the plot.

    So let’s go!

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of July 2020

    First week of August is over so that’s a high time for me to let you guys know what songs released last month by LGBT artists did I love the most. Hold on tight, because the whole mix is basically 50 songs long (it’s available at the end of the post), even if I only included the 10 absolute faves in the post itself!

    And perhaps you need more music? Check out all my previous monthly posts right here!

  • Book of the Month,  Literature

    Book(s) of the Month: Legendborn, Master of Poisons, and Every Body Looking

    This month’s feature is a little different, in that, both me and Anna looked at our releases list, and couldn’t decide which book to pick, since there were three books we thought, hey we’ve not seen that talked about very much. And we definitely hadn’t seen them being talked about as being gay.

    Hence why this post contains not one but three books.

    Related: Don’t forget all releases can be found in our monthly lists here.
  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: July 2020

    Is it just me or has July passed by so fast? I can’t quite believe we’re already in August. In the last month, well… you can see what happened to the pair of us reading-wise (every time I think to myself, I’ll start this post earlier so it’s not so much work adding links/images all at once. I never do). And watching-wise (but that’s nothing new for me, is it…).

    But anyway. Check out what we did manage to read and watch.

    Also, thank you so much to everyone who nominated us in the 2020 Book Blogger Awards! We are truly so thankful! And, obviously, congratulations to everyone in there as well! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the full list of bloggers nominated.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: August 2020

    The summer is halfway through, but that doesn’t mean the good times are ending! The days might be shorter and shorter now (in this hemisphere), but that only means your evenings are longer and longer, so you will have more time to read! And oh boy, is there a lot to read in August… Almost 100 books.

    Like always, a rainbow emoji is there to tell you a book is ownvoices, in terms of LGBT rep. And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Reviews,  Literature

    Book Reviews: Backlist Releases You May Have Missed

    Something a bit different for you today, with a series of reviews of books that have been published recently (and a little less recently) that you might have missed out on. A little disclaimer first up, though: copies of these books were kindly provided us by the authors, but these are my unbiased reviews.

    So dive in! And I hope you find something here that interests you.

  • Literature,  Most Anticipated & Best

    Most Anticipated 2020 Releases: July to December

    Ignoring the fact that this post is a little delayed and a couple of the books may have been published (we did at least pick them earlier than this!), but today we have for you, our most anticipated releases of the second half of this year.

    Not that either of us really read any that we selected for the first half.

    But anyway. Check out what we picked, and let us know what you’re looking forward to most!