Sometimes love finds you when you least expect it.
Morgan Donovan had everything she ever wanted: a dream job as a large animal veterinarian, awesome friends, and a loving and supportive fiancée. But it all comes crashing down when her fiancée dumps her after realizing that Morgan’s job will always come first. And, while Morgan still has the job and friends, her heart is broken into a million tiny pieces.
Emilia Russo is a burned-out shelter vet. When the unexpected death of her father triggers a mental breakdown that hastens the end of her relationship, she retreats to his house in Seal Cove, Maine. She plans on spending the summer renovating it while she figures out how to pull the pieces of her life back together. But when she runs into Morgan at the dock where her father’s sailboat is moored, her plans for a quiet summer of healing and reflection sink like a stone—the attraction is immediate and obvious, and Emilia finds herself slipping seamlessly into Morgan’s world.
Each woman knows this fling will end when Emilia returns to Boston at the end of the summer, but they’re unprepared for the intensity and depth of their attraction. And, as the gales of fall begin to drive leaves like spindrift upon Seal Cove, Morgan and Emilia must each come to terms with how much they’re willing to give up to stay together.

Anna Burke
Published: 25th August 2020
Rep: lesbian mc with depression, lesbian mc, bi and lesbian side characters
CWs: past suicidal depression, death of a parent (off page), mentions of animal euthanasia

5 Reasons to Read this Book
ARC kindly provided by Bywater Books
One. The romance in this book is truly exquisite. A lot of the time, I struggle to find sapphic adult romances where I feel like the characters are genuinely attracted (sexually and otherwise) to one another. That was so far from the case here as to be light years away and I loved it.
Two. A romance isn’t a romance without a background cast of friends you can also root for being together. Here, there was a whole found family of sapphic women (not a man in sight!) and they had the best friendship.
Three. Which leads me to my next point: it’s an excellent opener to the series because not only does it have you fall in love with the main characters in it, it has you fall for all the side characters and want their stories desperately.
Four. I like my romances to be a little darker and angstier than some people look for in them, I know, and this one satisfied that just perfectly. The characters aren’t hyperfocused on each other because they also have other problems to sort out. It was a slice-of-life-esque romance.
Five. I love a romance that meets the prospect of miscommunication with “act like an adult and talk it out”. Definitely need more that don’t rely on miscommunication for angst (although, in a way, this did, but it totally made sense in the context of the characters).

i was already excited for this but your review definitely cemented that i need to prioritize it!!
it’s SO GOOD!! i mean, i knew i’d love it because it was anna burke, but there was always that little bit of trepidation, given how me and adult sapphic romances have tended to get on….
– charlotte