All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

Book Recs: Urban Fantasy (II)

…or urbanish, since most of these turned out to be historical fantasies. But that still counts, in my opinion.

But anyway! Today’s rec list is a continuation of a previous one, because I’ve done high fantasy, I did adult fantasy, and Anna did (some) YA fantasy. So where else to turn to next, but (back) to urban fantasy. So. Without further ado, let’s start!

P.S. you can see what I recced in the first of these posts here.

Weak Heart


Ban Gilmartin
Rep: gay mc, Filipino gay li, Black lesbian mc, lesbian li, nonbinary side character

Why Should I Read It?

If you haven’t already seen me yelling about this book on twitter, well, now’s your chance to see me yelling about it here! No other book so well combines found family, lovers to enemies to friends to lovers, and a paranormal/horror-ish type fantasy. You will find yourself unable to help but love each and every single character and, in the end, all you’ll want to do is go back and reread.

The Scapegracers


Hannah Abigail Clarke
Rep: lesbian mc, wlw li, Black sapphic mc, Chinese American bi mc, mlm side characters

Why Should I Read It?

This isn’t out yet, but I haven’t read as intense a female friendship as there is in this book like… ever. And the way it just subverts the mean girls trope because they will do whatever it takes to protect one another? It’s honestly truly beautiful.

Dominion of the Fallen


Aliette de Bodard
Rep: Vietnamese bi mc, gay mc, Black lesbian mc, trans lesbian mc

Why Should I Read It?

Fallen angels and Vietnamese dragons in historical Paris? With rivalries and fights between houses of angels? Think The Gilded Wolves, but adult, in terms of vibes, and you have something similar to this. And if that’s not enough for you, there’s a bi dragon and his gay angel husband in later books.

The Betrayals


Bridget Collins
Rep: bi mc

Why Should I Read It?

This is verging towards less-than-urban fantasy, I’ll admit, but also. Oxford exists in this universe, so I think that’s reason enough to count it for this list. And, okay, so it’s not yet released, but it’s so good. A gorgeously written tale of hate to love and betrayal and everything in between.

Please note that since this post was published, it’s come to light that Bridget Collins is a TERF and, as such, we no longer recommend this entry (although, for full clarity, are leaving this rec list as is).



Patrick Ness
Rep: gay mc, Guatemalan Canadian gay mc

Why Should I Read It?

Truly, if you haven’t read a Patrick Ness novel before now, what have you been doing? Each one of his is so quirky and creative that it stands out amongst all other books. And, in this one, gay love is strong enough to change literal timelines. You love to see it.

Greenhollow Duology


Emily Tesh
Rep: gay mcs

Why Should I Read It?

I mean. What can I say about this one? If you haven’t yet read Silver in the Wood, and its companion novel (which is arguably even better), Drowned Country, then you’re missing out in a big way. Forest spirits, grumpy mc and sunshine-slash-chaotic gay li, the angst… I could go on all day but for the fact that if I did, you might still be here reading this post and not the book.

The Relic Spell


Jimena I. Novaro
Rep: Argentine-Japanese American bi mc, nonbinary li

Why Should I Read It?

If you enjoyed Shadowhunters, the books or the TV show or the film, in any capacity, then this one’s for you. A small town where all the sorcerers have vanished, except for the main character, and a mysterious and dangerous spell? Plus the angst of unrequited love. I mean, it’s all you could possibly want.

If at First You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try Again


Zen Cho
Rep: wlw mc, agender (?) mc

Why Should I Read It?

Zen Cho is probably one of my favourite authors ever. I had The True Queen in my last post, and in this one, I’m including a free novella (that’s a hint, by the way), about an imugi, who’s desperate to attain their full form as a dragon, but ends up falling in love with a human. Which is surely all you need to know about it. Right?

Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night


Iona Datt Sharma & Katherine Fabian
Rep: British Indian bi mc, Jewish genderqueer mc, bi side character, lesbian side character, genderqueer side characters

Why Should I Read It?

I recced this as one of my Christmas (and other winter holidays) recs way back in December. But that doesn’t mean it’s not the perfect year round read! It follows two members of a polyamorous triad who are forced together to search for their partner, after he disappears. And it’s available on scribd, so you can read it right away!

The Starless Sea


Erin Morgenstern
Rep: Black gay mc, gay li, wlw side character

Why Should I Read It?

If you haven’t heard about this one yet, this is your notice that, yes, this book is gay. It straddles the line of urban fantasy and high fantasy, sure, being perhaps a bit more of a portal fantasy than the rest of these books, but this is my rec list, so my rules, of course. And this book is a beautiful slowburning fantasy that interweaves stories within stories in the most perfect way.

What would you rec?

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