Here you’ll find all our posts about upcoming and/or backlist releases with a specific LGBT rep or target audience! So that you can choose for yourself what to read next.

Monthly posts

January to June
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction |
Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
July to December
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction |Â
Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
- Sapphic books: January-June & July-December
- Books with trans & nonbinary protagonists: January-December
- YA books: January-June & July-December
- Middle grade & picture books: January-December

January to June
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction |
Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
July to December
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction |
Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
- Books with bi/pan protags: January-June & July-December
- Sapphic books: January-June & July-December
- Books with trans & nonbinary protagonists: January-December
- YA books: January-June & July-December
- Middle grade & picture books: January-December

January to June
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction |
Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
July to December
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction |
Paranormal/Horror | Poetry| Science Fiction
- Books with bi/pan protags: January-June & July-December
- Sapphic books: January-June & July-December
- Achillean books by achillean authors: January-June & July-December
- Books with trans & nonbinary protagonists: January-December
- YA books: January-June & July-December
- Middle grade & picture books: January-December

- Books with bi/pan protags: January-June & July-December
- Sapphic books: January-June & July-December
- Achillean books by achillean authors: January-June & July-December
- Books with trans & nonbinary protagonists: January-December
- YA books: January-June & July-December
- Middle grade & picture books: January-December

- Books with bi/pan protags: January-June & July-December
- Sapphic books: January-June & July-December
- Achillean books by achillean authors: January-June & July-December
- Books with trans & nonbinary protagonists: January-December

- Books with trans & nonbinary protagonists: January-December
- YA books: January-December
- Books we missed before