Rep Glossary

We tend to use abbrevations when talking about the LGBT rep in various media and obviously not everyone has to be familiar with those. So here’s a little list of terms you might see in our posts:

  • wlw/sapphic – a female character attracted to the same gender; might be used re: relationship
  • mlm/achillean – a male character attracted to the same gender; might be used re: relationship
  • bi – bisexual
  • pan – pansexual
  • trans – trangender
  • nb – nonbinary
  • gnc – gender nonconforming
  • gq – genderqueer
  • polyam – polyamorous

Other, non-LGBT related terms:

  • mc – main character
  • li – love interest
  • sc – side character
  • aoc – author of color
  • ownvoices – representation from an author of the same diverse, marginalised group; term coined by Corinne Duyvis