A little while back, I touted the possibility on twitter of doing a rec list of Arthurian retellings, but gay (obviously). Now, I thought this would be a pretty niche rec list, but apparently not, which is why I’m here today with 10 gay retellings of Arthurian legend.
First things first, I haven’t read any of these myself, and a fair few are upcoming because, as it turns out, gay Arthurian retellings aren’t that big a market (shamefully, let’s be real). So I have dispensed “why should I read it” sections, since all I can really say is it’s gay, it’s Arthuriana, why aren’t you as excited as I am already.
One last thing before we start though. You will probably notice one book in particular missing and I just want to say, before people start mentioning it in the comments, I do know about it. I didn’t get along with it. That’s why it’s not on this list.
P.S. if you want more than this post, I made a list on Goodreads of everything I could find.

The Guinevere Deception

Kiersten White
Who: Guinevere and Lancelot

The Sapling’s Curse

James Persichetti & L. Biehler
Who: Lancelot and Tristan

Blackheart Knights

Laure Eve
Who: Mordred

Sword Stone Table

ed. by Jenn Northington & Swapna Krishna
Who: Galahaut, Lancelot, Merlin, Arthur

Mordred, Bastard Son

Douglas Clegg
Who: Mordred and Lancelot

Lancelot: Her Story

Carol Anne Douglas
Who: Lancelot and Guinevere


Tracy Deonn
Who: Merlin

The Winter Prince

Elizabeth Wein
Who: Mordred
CWs: incest

Lancelot and the Wolf

Sarah Luddington
Who: Lancelot

The Once and Future Queen

Adam P. Knave, D. J. Kirkbride & Nickolas Brokenshire
Who: Arthur

What would you rec?

Great post! The guinevere deception sounds like a really excellent read and that cover is just 😍😍😍
i’ve heard good things about it!
This is THE BEST LIST EVER! It truly is a tragedy that there isn’t a bigger market for gay Arthurian retellings, and I am over the moon that there are so many coming out soon!
I KNOW!!! it’s a travesty! but i did make a goodreads list with 67 of them, so hopefully that will keep us going until people realise this is where it’s at.
– charlotte
I was just wondering if you would not mind mentioning what is that “one book in particular” that’s missing. I am just making my way through the list on goodreads and it peaked my curiosity.
Thank you!
once & future by a r capetta & cori maccarthy, i believe! it’s been a little while since i wrote this list…