Nominations collected, we come to you with the shortlists now! These were the top 10 books from each category that ended up being nominated, and it’s from these that our winners will be selected. Voting doesn’t open until 10AM GMT tomorrow, but we thought we’d give you a chance to look at what there is to vote for a little earlier than that. You will be able to vote on this site from tomorrow! So, without further ado, let’s have a look at what’s made it through.
Music Releases: LGBT songs of December 2022
One last, final post about 2022 releases on the blog! And naturally it’s the music. You know the drill by now: all the December LGBT songs (that I know of!) are in the playlist at the end of this post. And below you will find 10 songs I want to highlight!
Want more music? Check out the previous monthly posts right here!
Wrap-up: December 2022
Welcome to our final wrap up, and not just for 2022! From now on, if you want an insight into what we’ve read/watched/listened to, we’ll be sending out a newsletter every month. We’re also planning on posting a bit less often on here, in part to give ourselves a bit of a break between posts, and in part because after 4 and a bit years, we’re finally running low on new ideas. With luck, longer breaks means more time to read books for rec posts and, consequently, more ideas. We hope.
And, just so you know, you have until 10AM GMT tomorrow to get your nominations in for the awards! You can do that here.
Book Releases: Science Fiction (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the science fiction books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry
Book Releases: Poetry (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the poetry books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Science Fiction
Book Releases: Paranormal/Horror (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the paranormal/horror books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Poetry | Science Fiction
Book Releases: Nonfiction (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the nonfiction books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
Book Releases: Mystery/Thriller (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the mystery and thriller books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
Book Releases: Historical (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the historical books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
Book Releases: Fantasy (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the fantasy books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
Book Releases: Contemporary (January to June 2023)
New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one evekarry month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the contemporary books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
Book Recs: Best of 2022
As ever, this is an incredibly difficult post to write. There were so many good books we both read in the year, that picking only 10 each was a challenge. In the end, I (Charlotte), at least, had to go by the criteria: a) did it stick with me?, and b) how well was it crafted. Tricky criteria still, but it helped.
Once again, we have divided our list into 3 categories: backlist books, books released in 2022 & books to be released in 2023 that we read ARCs of (and, in one case, a 2024 book). Each of these categories, would you believe it, actually has 5 books. For once, we’ve managed to stick to our original plans! (Though there are so many books we still missed out, some of which we featured in our little advent calendar thread we did through December.)
But anyway. Here’s our list of our favourite 25 books of the year! If you want to have a look at the last few years of lists (and how our tastes have or haven’t changed), you can find them here: from 2018, from 2019, from 2020, and from 2021.
Film & TV Recs: Best of 2022
This year this is a very short post. We weren’t really watching a lot, let alone LGBT media. How that happened? Who knows! Maybe next year will be our year and we’ll finally become actual connoisseurs of gay cinema?
Do you want to check out what we loved in 2021? Here’s the post. Otherwise, enjoy!
Film & TV Recs: LGBT Christmas Movies (II)
Christmas celebrations start tomorrow (if you’re Slavic, like me), and so I am finally here with a bunch of movies (and shows) you can watch to get in the mood! And if you don’t celebrate, you might still enjoy some winter-y silliness & gay kisses.
Funnily enough, though, some of my favourite gay Christmas movies are actually in Part I of this rec list, which I made last year. I strongly encourage you to check that out, too!
Book Recs: Cosy Fantasy
Suffering through the shortest days of the year as we northern hemisphere folk are, what better rec list for these long winter nights than cosy fantasy. Snuggle up with a blanket and watch the snow fall outside as these books warm your soul. It’s a tried and trusted method, believe me!
Before we start, though, let me just mention that our awards start tomorrow at 10am GMT! Nominations run until 4th January, so if you’re looking to support the great LGBT lit published this year, check it out.
A lot of these titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)