New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one every month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the poetry books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Science Fiction


Short Film Starring My Beloved’s Red Bronco by K. Iver
Poems for the People by Nicole Tallman
The Ink Dark Moon by Izumi Shikibu & Ono no Komachi (reprint)
Haruko/Love Poems by June Jordan (reprint)
Hood Vacations by Michal ‘MJ’ Jones
Judas Goat by Gabrielle Bates
space cowboy on a little, uh, space exploration? by Tommy Blake


Auto/Body by Vickie Vértiz
Dress Rehearsals by Madison Godfrey
Like to the Lark by Stuart Barnes
Scrape the Velvet from Your Antlers by Kelly McQuain
Particles of a Stranger Light by Anthony Sutton


God Themselves by Jae Nichelle
CRUEL/CRUEL by Dior J. Stephens
night mode by Caelan Ernest
Grace Engine by Joshua Burton
Trace Evidence by Charif Shanahan
Itch by Zane Frederick
My Dear Comrades by Sunu P. Chandy


Non-Essential Work by Omar Sakr
Metamorphoses by Evan Kennedy
Star Tent: A Triptych by Amie Whittemore
Love Is A Place But You Cannot Live There by Jade Wallace
Gravity and Center by Henri Cole
Four in Hand by Alicia Mountain
More Sure by A. Light Zachary
New Life by Ana Božicevic
a “Working Life” by Eileen Myles
Freedom House by KB Brookins
Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair by Marisca Pichette
Buffalo Girl by Jessica Q. Stark
Good Grief, the Ground by Margaret Ray
trans [re]incarnation by E. Kerr
Non-Essential Work by Omar Sakr
Metamorphoses by Evan Kennedy
Star Tent: A Triptych by Amie Whittemore
Love Is A Place But You Cannot Live There by Jade Wallace
Gravity and Center by Henri Cole
Four in Hand by Alicia Mountain
More Sure by A. Light Zachary
New Life by Ana Božicevic
a “Working Life” by Eileen Myles
Freedom House by KB Brookins
Rivers in Your Skin, Sirens in Your Hair by Marisca Pichette
Buffalo Girl by Jessica Q. Stark
Good Grief, the Ground by Margaret Ray
trans [re]incarnation by E. Kerr
Celebrate Pride With Lockheed Martin by Jake Byrne
Come Back for a Little Bit by Elle Warren


I am the Most Dangerous Thing by Candace Williams
Perennial Fashion Presence Falling by Fred Moten
Deal by Randall Mann
What We Lost in the Swamp by Grant Chemidlin
Spellbook for the the Sabbath Queen by Elisheva Fox
Things I Didn’t Do with This Body by Amanda Gunn
Mare’s Nest by Holly Mitchell


Gay Poems for Red Counties by Willie Edward Taylor Carver Jr.
Negative Money by Lillian-Yvonne Bertram
Ephemera by Sierra DeMulder
Beautiful Malady by Ennis Rook Bashe
Song of My Softening by Omotara James
Muster Points by Lucas Crawford
I Do Everything I’m Told by Megan Fernandes
The Year I Was Everything by Lexi Bruner
So Much for Life by Mark Hyatt
Faster, Annihilators! by Travis Hupp

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