New year, new LGBT books! Hopefully the rules of our releases posts are clear, but just to reiterate: we have 8 of those posts, for genres listed below, and we update each one evekarry month with new books coming out (that we know about). Every post covers half a year.
In this one, you can browse the contemporary books from January to June of 2023!
Looking for the other genres?
Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction


Catch by Kris Bryant (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Last New Beginning by Krystina Rivers (f/f relationship)
Love and Lattes by Karis Walsh (f/f relationship)
The Hues of Me and You by Morgan Lee Miller (f/f relationship)
Hotel Fantasy by Piper Jordan (f/f relationship)
Hearts in the Wind by MJ Williamz (f/f relationship)
What Happened After… by Nicole Pyland (f/f relationship)
Glitterland by Alexis Hall (m/m relationship; reprint)
Becoming Ted by Matt Cain (gay mc)
Behind the Scenes by Karelia Stetz-Waters (lesbian mcs, f/f relationship)
Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni (f/f relationship, Armenian mcs)
The Fixer by Lee Winter (f/f relationship)
The Summer We’ve Had by Katherine Blakeman (f/f relationship)
My Love Mix-Up!, Vol. 6 by Wataru Hinekure & Aruko (m/m relationship)
These Thin Lines by Milena McKay (f/f relationship)
Wholly Trinity by Jodi Payne & B. A. Tortuga (m/m relationship)
Wildflower Muse by Pandora Pine (f/f relationship)
The Rest of the Story by Tal Bauer (m/m relationship)
Jayne and the Average North Dakotan by Chandler Myer (gay mc)
Not on the Resume by Chloe Peterson (f/f relationship)

Red Clay Suzie by Jeffrey Dale Lofton (gay mc with a skeletal deformity)
Through It Came Bright Colors by Trebor Healey (gay mc; reprint)
Rival to the CEO by Emily Hayes (f/f relationship)
Tears in the Water by Margherita Scialla (nonbinary pan mc, transmasc demi li, Chinese lesbian character, Black aroace side character, bi side character)
Giles Ashby Needs A Nanny by K. Sterling (m/m relationship)
Destination Bedding by Allison Temple (f/f relationship)
Sanctuary for the Surgeon by Jason Wrench (m/m relationship)
The Second Date Rule by Kitty Jones (f/f relationship)
Driven by Passion by Renee Dahlia (m/m relationship)
The Revenge Plot by Sienna Waters (f/f relationship)
Chasing Life by Abigail Taylor (f/f relationship)
Rescue Us by Andrew Grey (m/m relationship)
Happiness is a Shade of Blue by Venetia Di Pierro (f/f relationship)
Becoming Emily Novak by Audrey Beth Stein (Jewish sapphic mc)
The Words That Remain by Stênio Gardel, trans. by Bruna Dantas Lobato (Brazilian gay mc)
This Unlikely Soil by Andrea Routley (sapphic mcs)
The Queering by Brooke Skipstone (lesbian mc)
What To Do Outside Tremont by Sabrina Kane (f/f relationship)
Miss Havisham Says Yes by Eule Grey (f/f relationship)
Blue Plate Special by Layla Reyne (m/m relationship)
Stella by Chris Orr (bi mc)
The Love We Make by Harper Bliss (f/f relationship)
The New Town Librarian by Kathy Anderson (sapphic mc)
Where Our Closure Begins by Alex M. Nájera (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Two Lives, One Heart by Barbara Lynn Murphy (f/f relationship)

Brighter Than the Moon by David Valdes (gay mcs)
A Tale of Two Princes by Eric Geron (gay mcs)
Highly Suspicious and Unfairly Cute by Talia Hibbert (Black bi mc, m/f relationship)
Friday I’m in Love by Camryn Garrett (Black sapphic mc, f/f relationship)
As You Walk on By by Julian Winters (Black achillean mc, m/m relationship)
The Minus-One Club by Kekla Magoon (Black gay mc, gay li, m/m relationship)
6 Times We Almost Kissed (+1 Time We Did) by Tess Sharpe (f/f relationship)
Then Everything Happens at Once by M-E Girard (bi mc, f/f relationship)
The Love Match by Priyanka Taslim (side f/f relationship)
The Wrong Kind of Weird by James Ramos (lgbt side characters)
Cool. Awkward. Black. ed. by Karen Strong (anthology; Black lgbt characters)
Pearl of the Sea by Anthony Silverston, Willem Samuel & Raffaella Delle Donne (South African cast & setting, lesbian mc, sapphic li)


Your Driver is Waiting by Priya Guns (Indian American sapphic mc, f/f relationship)
The Speed of Slow Changes by Sander Santiago (bi mc, m/m relationship)
Before She Was Mine by Emma L. McGeown (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Chasing Cypress by Ana Hartnett Reichardt (f/f relationship)
Desires Unleashed by Renee Roman (f/f relationship)
Maybe, Probably by Amanda Radley (f/f relationship)
The One by C. A. Popovich (f/f relationship)
Tides of Love by Kimberly Cooper Griffin (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Endpapers by Jennifer Savran Kelly (genderfluid mc)
The Unfortunates by J. K. Chukwu (Black sapphic mc)
On a Woman’s Madness by Astrid Roemer, trans. by Lucy Scott (Surinamese sapphic mc)
Big Swiss by Jen Beagin (lesbian mc)
The Best Man’s Problem by Sera TaÃno (m/m relationship)
For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding (f/f relationship)
Couplets by Maggie Millner (bi mc, f/f relationship)
She’s a Keeper by Liz Lincoln (f/f relationship)
Olympic Enemies by Rebecca J. Caffery (bi demi mc, gay mc, m/m relationship)
The Story of Us by Catherine Hernandez (lgbt characters)
The New Guy by Sarina Bowen (m/m relationship)
Dexterity Check by Katherine McIntyre (m/m relationship)
Thick City by Katie Jean Shinkle (sapphic mc)
Out of the Blue by Rachel Lacey (f/f relationship)
A Firecracker Wish by Ace Jamerson (achillean mc, nonbinary mc)
Heart on His Lead by J. R. Hart (m/m relationship)

Tourist Trap by Kim Katil (f/f relationship)
My Valentine’s Gift by Reba Bale (f/f relationship)
The Husband Hoax by Saxon James (m/m relationship)
Sing With Me at the Edge of Paradise by Joe Baumann (achillean mcs)
Like I Needed by Charlie Novak (m/m relationship)
Keep It in the Family by Jess Newton (bi mc, f/f relationship)
The 30-Day Engagement by Waverly Decker (f/f relationship)
The Business of Love by Charley Clarke (f/f relationship)
Lesbian Lumberjack by Kitty Jones (f/f relationship)
Always Be Your Baby by illustraice (bi mc, m/m/f relationship)
Idol Minds by K. T. Salvo (m/m relationship)
Chaos Agent by Lee Winter (f/f relationship)
Sweetlust by Asja Bakić, trans. by Jennifer Zoble (trans mc)
Diving Into Her by Alyson Root (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Surprised by Her by Chelsea M. Cameron (f/f relationship)
Future Wife by Nicole Pyland (f/f relationship)
The Girl That Can’t Get a Girlfriend by Mieri Hiranishi (f/f relationship)
Year of the Jackal by Abby Kaitz (m/m relationship)
Never Too Much by Sienna Eggler (Black asexual lesbian mc, Black trans lesbian li, Black omnisexual li, nonbinary li, f/f relationship)
Dani Capello: Shadows of Men by M. S. Izbicki (f/f)
Cabin Fever by Addison M. Conley (f/f)
A Life Worth Living by Monica McCallan (f/f)
The Storm Within Her by Ami Spencer (f/f)
One Last Shot by Lily Seabrooke & Jacqueline Ramsden (f/f)
An Epic Construct by Dawn Cutler-Tran (pan nonbinary mc, genderfluid li, ace lesbian side character, gay side characters, transmasc side character)
Reimagining Ben by Panayotis Cacoyannis (gay mc)
Acing the Game by Carey P.W. (bi mc, trans bi ace mc)

Out of Character by Jenna Miller (lesbian mc, f/f relationship, lgbt side characters)
The Long Run by James Acker (m/m relationship)
Afterglow by Phil Stamper (gay mcs)
And Other Mistakes by Erika Turner (f/f relationship)
Like a Hurricane by Jonathan Bécotte (gay mc)
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill (trans gay mc, pan li, m/m relationship, lesbian side characters)
Last Chance Dance by Lakita Wilson (Black bi mc, f/m relationship)
If I Can Give You That by Michael Gray Bulla (trans mc, m/m relationship)
Glitter Boy by Ian Eagleton (gay mc, gay side characters)
No One Owns the Colors by Gianna Davy & Brenda Rodriguez (agender mc)
Out of the Blue by Robert Tregoning & Stef Murphy (gay mc)
I Got You Babe by Paul Coccia (gay mc)


Return to McCall by Patricia Evans (f/f relationship)
Meeting Millie by Clare Ashton (f/f relationship)
Off the Menu by Alaina Erdell (f/f relationship)
Stolen Kiss by Spencer Greene (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Under the Stars by Jaime Clevenger (f/f relationship)
Lucky in Lace by Melissa Brayden (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Not for a Moment by Cheyenne Blue (f/f relationship)
So It Went Like This by C. Spencer (f/f relationship)
The Fifth Wound by Aurora Mattia (trans mc)
Something Wild & Wonderful by Anita Kelly (m/m relationship)
Mimosa by Archie Bongiovanni (nonbinary mc, sapphic mcs)
Covered Heart by Karin Kallmaker (f/f relationship)
Biography of X by Catherine Lacey (lesbian mc)
Tell the Rest by Lucy Jane Bledsoe (lesbian mc, gay mc)
Blue Hunger by Viola di Grado, trans. by Jamie Richards (lesbian mc)
Künstlers in Paradise by Cathleen Schine (bi mc)
Brother and Sister Enter the Forest by Richard Mirabella (gay mc)
Penny for Your Heart by Season Vining (f/f relationship)
Like You’ve Nothing Left to Prove by E.L. Massey (m/m relationship)
Ascending by Nicole Pyland (f/f relationship)
Gray Light Rises by Serenity Snow (f/f relationship)
Queen Vs. Queen by Barbara Winkes, Alysia D. Evans & Anne Hagan (f/f relationship)
Love on the D-List by J. R. Barker (m/m relationship)
Love Among the Stars by Claerie Kavanaugh (f/f relationship)

Phantom Advances by Mary Lynn Reed (sapphic mcs)
A Manual for How to Love Us by Erin Slaughter (short stories, sapphic mcs)
Wild Geese by Soula Emmanuel (sapphic trans mc)
Chrysalis by Anuja Varghese (short stories, sapphic & achillean mcs)
Sounds Like Fun by Bryan Moriarty (gay mc)
Future Fish by Conor Sneyd (gay mc)
Sucker Punch: Pretty Devils by Kayla Faber (f/f relationship)
Unforgettable by Grace Turner (bi mcs, m/m/f relationship)
Fall Hard by Jade Church (f/f relationship)
In Too Deep by Rachael Sommers (f/f relationship)
Chasing Fireflies by Addison Clarke (f/f relationship)
Trash by Sylvia Aguilar-Zéleny, trans. J.D. Pluecker (trans mc)
Have Me Forever by Ally Blythe (bi mc, m/m relationship)
Always Be Your Baby by illustraice (bi mc, m/m/f relationship)
The Human Origins of Beatrice Porter and Other Essential Ghosts by Soraya Palmer (nonbinary sapphic mc, bi mc, trans side character, gay side character)
Sotto Voce by Suzanne Clay (queer mcs, queer transmasc mc, m/m/f relationship)
The Sound of Her Smile by Sara Scott (f/f relationship)
A Milky Way Home by Hsinju Chen (transmasc mc, transmasc/f relationship)
The Dry Depths of My Soul by Allison K. Garcia (lesbian mcs, bi, pan, sapphic side characters)
Rhythm Riders by Lina George (f/f relationship)
V Day III by Deja Elise (f/f relationship)

So You Wanna Be a Popstar? by Zachary Sergi (lgbt cast)
Dear Medusa by Olivia Cole (bi/pan mc, Pakistani-American lesbian li, f/f relationship, Black ace side character)
Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa (Jewish lesbian mc, Afro Brazilian fat lesbian mc, Japanese lesbian mc, f/f relationship)
The Quiet and the Loud by Helena Fox (sapphic mc, f/f relationship)
Study Break ed. by Aashna Avachat (anthology)
Different for Boys by Patrick Ness & Tea Bendix (gay mc)
The Sister Split by Auriane Desombre (sapphic mc)
Camp QUILTBAG* by Nicole Melleby & A.J. Sass* (lesbian mc, nonbinary mc)
Dear Mothman by Robin Gow (trans mc)
Jamie by L.D. Lapinski (nonbinary mc)
Loathing You by Amina Khan (bi mc, f/f relationship)


Dance With Me by Georgia Beers (f/f relationship)
The No Kiss Contract by Nan Campbell (f/f relationship)
When it Feels Right by Tagan Shepard (f/f relationship)
Gin and Bear It by Joy Argento (f/f relationship)
The Value of Sylver and Gold by Michelle Larkin (f/f relationship)
The People Who Report More Stress by Alejandro Varela (gay mc)
Diamond Ring by K.D. Casey (Jewish bi mc with anxiety & OCD, gay mc, side sapphic characters, side achillean characters, side Jewish achillean characters)
Small Joys by Elvin James Mensah (Black gay mc)
Sizzle Reel by Carlyn Greenwald (bi mc, lesbian li, nonbinary lesbian li)
Can I Steal You for a Second? by Jodi McAlister (f/f relationship)
Just as You Are by Camille Kellogg (lesbian mcs, f/f relationship, lgbt side characters)
Rosewater by Liv Little (Black sapphic mc)
The Fitful Sleep of Immigrants by Orlando Ortega-Medina (m/m relationship)
The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher (Palestinian American lesbian mc, Palestinian lesbian mc, Palestinian gay side characters)
Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love (gay mcs)
Pomegranate by Helen Elaine Lee (Black sapphic mc)
After Happily Ever After Once Again ed. by Astrid Ohletz (f/f relationships)
A Safe Girl to Love by Casey Plett (trans & sapphic mcs; reprint)
If We’re Being Honest by Cat Shook (gay characters)
Summer at the Scottish Castle by Rachel Bowdler (pan mc, bi li, f/m, nonbinary side character)
A Curious Visit by Jess Lea (f/f relationship)
From the Universe to Me by Scott Garrison (gay mc)
Any Other City by Hazel Jane Plante (sapphic trans mcs)
If Only You by Chloe Liese (bi mc, pan mc, m/f relationship)
Caught off Guard by Catherine Cloud (bi mc, gay li, achillean side characters)
Meet. Cute. Awkward. ed. by Tara Moeller (lgbt cast)
(Un)finished by Kim Hoover (f/f relationship)
Training Horses and Hearts by Nicole Gustafson (f/f relationship)
Curious Minds by Rachel Gold (f/f relationship)
Hope for Spring by S. E. Smyth (lesbian mc)
Leading Lady by Bette Hawkins (f/f relationship)
Whisper into the Night by Jay Leigh (m/m relationship)
The Handy Nanny by K. Sterling (m/m relationship)
Allured By Her by Chelsea M. Cameron (f/f relationship)

My Love Mix-Up!, Vol. 7 by Wataru Hinekure & Aruko (m/m relationship)
Pardalita by Joana Estrela, trans. by Lyn Miller-Lachmann (sapphic mc)
Robin and Her Misfits by Kelly Ann Jacobson (sapphic mcs)
Alondra by Gina Femia (Puerto Rican American bi mc, sapphic li)
Secret Rules to Being a Rockstar by Jessamyn Violet (sapphic mc)
Stuck With You by ‘Nathan Burgoine (bi mc & li, m/m relationship)
Forget Me Not by Alyson Derrick (f/f relationship, Asian American mc)
First Year Orientation ed. by Lauren Gibaldi & Eric Smith (anthology; lgbt stories)
Becoming a Queen by Dan Clay (gay mc, gay characters)
Ander and Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa (Mexican American nonbinary mc, Mexican achillean li, nb/m relationship)
Baby Drag Queen by C.A. Tanaka (trans mc)
No Boy Summer by Amy Spalding (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Changelings ed. by Ryan Vale & Ocean Riley (autistic trans mcs, anthology)
The Love That Binds Us by Phoenix Blackwood (nonbinary transmasc li, f/nb relationship, transfem character, gay character)
Jude Saves the World by Ronnie Riley (nonbinary bi mc, Black gay side character, bi side character)
Starting from Scratch by Jazz Taylor (sapphic parents, nonbinary character)
Grandad’s Pride by Harry Woodgate (gay grandad)
Driven by Ambition by Renee Dahlia (m/m relationship)
The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur (f/f relationship)
The Lonely Book by Meg Grehan (nonbinary mc, f/f parents)
Losing Sam by Nicole Maser (f/f relationship)
Sugar People by Oliver Ferrie (m/m relationship)


Never Kiss a Cowgirl by Ali Vali (f/f relationship)
Broken Fences by Jo Hemmingwood (f/f relationship)
The Missing Piece by Kat Jackson (f/f relationship)
Reeled In by Fiona Riley (f/f relationship)
Starting Over by Nance Sparks (f/f relationship)
The Humble Lover by Edmund White (gay mc, m/m relationship)
Roux for Two by Aurora Rey (trans mc, m/f relationship)
Pantheon Girls by Jean Copeland (bi mc, f/f relationship)
The Problem With Perfect by Philip William Stover (m/m relationship)
The Adult by Bronwyn Fischer (f/f relationship)
Your Love is Not Good by Johanna Hedva (bi mc)
That Summer Feeling by Bridget Morrissey (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Dykette by Jenny Fran Davis (sapphic mc & li, f/f relationship)
The Celebrants by Steven Rowley (gay mc, m/m relationship)
The Happy Couple by Naoise Dolan (gay mc)
Wild Things by Laura Kay (bi mc, lesbian side character, f/f relationship)
The Language of Love and Loss by Bart Yates (gay mc, gay characters)
Mrs. Nash’s Ashes by Sarah Adler (f/f relationship)
Big Gay Wedding by Byron Lane (gay mc)
Game Misconduct by Ari Baran (Japanese American gay mc, Mexican American bi mc with substance abuse disorder(s), m/m relationship)
The Small and Tall Ball by Frank J. Sileo (m/m parents)

Homebodies by Tembe Denton-Hurst (Black lesbian mc)
Chef’s Choice by T. J. Alexander (trans mc, trans li, f/m relationship)
The Late Americans by Brandon Taylor (gay mcs)
Best Men by Sidney Karger (gay mc)
Graceland by Nancy Crochiere (genderfluid character, lesbian character)
Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan (f/f relationship)
Changing Spaces by Karmen Lee (f/f relationship)
Queer Life, Queer Love 2 ed. by Matt Bates & Julie Bell (lgbt cast)
Cereus Blooms at Night by Shani Mootoo (gay mc, lesbian mc, trans mc, nonbinary characters; reprint)
Heaven & Earth by Joshua Senter (gay mc)
Always Emilie by Alyson Root (f/f relationship)
Teacher of the Year by M. A. Wardell (m/m relationship)
Appointing by Nicole Pyland (f/f relationship)
Stars Collide by Rachel Lacey (bi mc, pan mc, f/f relationship)
Employing Patience by Saxon James (m/m relationship)
When It’s True by Barbara Lynn Murphy (f/f relationship)
Even if the Sky is Falling ed. by Taj McCoy (bi mc, f/f relationship)
A Lot of People Live in This House by Bailey Merlin (bi & nonbinary characters, polyamory)
Your Love is Not Good by Johanna Hedva (sapphic Korean-American mc)
Girl Juice by Benji Nate (sapphic mcs)
Chasing After Aoi Koshiba, Vol. 4 by Hazuki Takeoka and Fly
Queuing for the Queen by Swéta Rana (m/m relationship)
Notes on Her Color by Jennifer Neal (Black sapphic mc)
The Gay Best Friend by Nicolas DiDomizio (m/m relationship)
Another Chance by Chelsea M. Cameron (f/f relationship)
Passion by Tessa Vidal (f/f relationship)
Light Up the Lamp by Kit Oliver (m/m relationship)
Biscuit in the Basket by Kit Oliver (m/m relationship)
Slant by Katherine O’Donnell (lesbian mc, gay characters)

The Girl Next Door by Cecilia Vinesse (bi mc, f/f relationship, bi side character)
Love, You by Kai Spellmeier (gay mc)
As Long As We’re Together by Brianna Peppins (Black sapphic mc)
Paper Planes by Jennie Wood, Dozerdraws & Micah Myers (nonbinary mc, ace mc)
We Could Be Something by Will Kostakis (m/m relationship, gay dads)
Chasing Pacquiao by Rod Pulido (Filipino American achillean mc)
Time Out by Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner & Carlyn Greenwald (m/m relationship)
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli (bi mc, f/f relationship)
Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Brianna R. Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum (lesbian mcs, f/f relationship)
The Unstoppable Bridget Bloom by Allison L. Bitz (pan mc)
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber (gay mc, m/m relationship)
Fake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee (m/m relationship)
Straight Expectations by Calum McSwiggan (gay mc)
They Hate Each Other by Amanda Woody (m/m relationship)
You Don’t Have a Shot by Racquel Marie (queer ace mc, lesbian li, f/f relationship)
If Tomorrow Doesn’t Come by Jen St. Jude (lesbian mc & li, f/f relationship)
Only This Beautiful Moment by Abdi Nazemian (Iranian gay mcs)
Never Trust a Gemini by Freja Nicole Woolf (f/f relationship)
Riley Weaver Needs A Date To The Gaybutante Ball by Jason June (femme gay mc, m/m relationship, gay characters)

No Perfect Places by Steven Salvatore (m/m relationship)
Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown (gay mc, m/m relationship)
Something Like Possible by Miel Moreland (bi mc, sapphic li, f/f relationship)
Forever is Now by Mariama J. Lockington (Black bi mc)
The Rules of Us by Jennifer Nissley (lesbian mc, gay mc, f/f relationship, m/m relationship)
The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes (autistic sapphic mc)
The Secret Summer Promise by Keah Brown (Black sapphic mc with cerebral palsy, f/f relationship)
Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko (f/f relationship)
Big Island by Emily O’Beirne (f/f relationship)
Constellations by Kate Glasheen (nonbinary mc)
Joy, to the World by Kai Shappley & Lisa Bunker (trans mc)
Sam Makes a Splash by Nicole Melleby (f/f parents)
Basil & Oregano by Melissa Capriglione (f/f relationship)
Marina in the Middle by Nicole Melleby (f/f parents)
The Beautiful Something Else by Ash van Otterloo (nonbinary mc)
Skating on Mars by Caroline Huntoon (nonbinary mc)
The Song of Us by Kate Fussner (f/f relationship)
Sweet & Bitter Rivals by Jessica Burkhart (f/f relationship)
Matteo by Michael Leali (gay mc)
The Puttermans Are in the House by Jacquetta Nammar Feldman (Jewish gay mc)
ABC-Deconstructing Gender by Ashley Molesso & Chess Needham (lgbt cast)
The Wishing Flower by A. J. Irving & Kip Alizadeh (sapphic mc)
The Fairest in the Land by Lesléa Newman & Joshua Heinsz (gnc mc)
Second Chance Summer by Sarah Kapit (sapphic mc)
Rory’s Room of Rectangles by Ian Eagleton & Jessica Knight (m/m parents)


Truly Enough by J. J. Hale (f/f relationship)
Finders Keepers by Radclyffe (f/f relationship)
On My Way There by Jaycie Morrison (f/f relationship)
Just One Dance by Jenny Frame (f/f relationship)
Vintage and Vogue by Kelly & Tana Fireside (f/f relationship)
Transitioning Home by Heather K O’Malley (sapphic trans mc)
Open Throat by Henry Hoke (queer mc)
My Own Worst Enemy by Lily Lindon (lesbian mc, lesbian li)
My Mother Says by Stine Pilgaard, trans. by Hunter Simpson (lesbian mc)
Can’t Let Her Go by Kianna Alexander (Black lesbian mcs, f/f relationship)
I Will Greet the Sun Again by Khashayar J. Khabushani (Iranian American gay mc)
All the Right Notes by Dominic Lim (Filipino gay mc, m/m relationship)
Saudi Champagne by Nadia Sakkal (Saudi gay mc)
Love Among the Ruins by Catherine Maoirisi (f/f relationship)
The Two of Them Are Pretty Much Like This, Vol. 3 by Takashi Ikeda (f/f relationship)
Futari Escape, Vol. 3 by Shouichi Taguchi (f/f relationship)
Qualia the Purple: The Complete Manga Collection by Hisamitsu Ueo and Sirou Tsunasima (f/f relationship)
The Cherokee Rose by Tiya Miles (f/f relationship; reprint)
The Rage Letters by Valérie Bah, trans. by Kama La Mackerel (Black cast, sapphic, achillean & trans mcs)
The Stars Over Hollywood by Carol Wyatt (f/f relationship)
Light My Fire by E. M. Lindsey (m/m relationship)
A Perfect Place to Cry by S-Jay Hart (f/f relationship)
Love on Page Six by Claerie Kavanaugh (f/f relationship)
Dear Ripley by Jacqueline Ramsden (f/f relationship)

The Longest Summer by Alexandrine Ogundimu (bi mc, m/m & m/f relationships)
The Reason I’m Here by Jarrod Campbell (gay mcs)
Farrell Covington and the Limits of Style by Paul Rudnick (gay mc)
The 5-Day Plan by Ashish Rastogi (gay mcs, m/m relationship)
Bellies by Nicola Dinan (achillean mc, trans mc)
And Then He Sang a Lullaby by Ani Kayode Somtochukwu (Nigerian gay mc)
The Color of Always ed. by Brent Fisher & Michele Abounader (lgbt cast)
What I’d Rather Not Think About by Jente Posthuma, trans. by Sarah Timmer Harvey (gay character)
The Way We Wind by Halli Starling (m/m relationship)
His Accidental Cowboy by A. M. Arthur (m/m relationship)
From the Longing Orchard by Jessica Jopp (f/f relationship)
Old Enough by Haley Jakobson (bi mc, f/nb relationship)
The Rachel Incident by Caroline O’Donoghue (gay character, bi character, m/m relationship)
Run Baby Run by Melissa Lenhardt (f/f relationship)
Cicadas Sing of Summer Graves by Quinn Connor (lesbian mcs, f/f relationship)
Better Latte Than Never by C. C. Bridges (m/m relationship)
The Honeymoon Mix-Up by Frankie Fyre (f/f relationship)
Some Place Like Home by Gin Vane (m/m relationship)
Black Wine by Candas Jane Dorsey (sapphic mcs; reprint)
Just Like Heaven by Aila Glass (f/f relationship)
Undercover Daughter by Alexa Woods (f/f relationship)
Back Up Plan by Cara Porter (f/f relationship)
Dear Gosei by Jorge Bosch (gay mc)
Can’t Stand the Heat by Season Vining (m/m relationship)
Still the One by Harper Bliss (f/f relationship)
Chevy by Karmellah Howlett (f/f relationship)

Dreaming Home by Lucian Childs (gay mc)
Romance Languages by A.J. Truman (m/m relationship)
Countries of Origin by Javier Fuentes (m/m relationship)
Mrs. S by K. Patrick (butch lesbian mc, f/f relationship)
The Cosy Cat Society by Charlie Lyndhurst (lgbt mcs)
Twin Babies To Reunite Them & An English Vet In Paris by Ann McIntosh & Kate Hardy (Black sapphic mcs, f/f relationship)
Ponyboy by Eliot Duncan (transmasc mc, lesbian character, achillean character)
JesusDevil: The Parables by Alexis De Veaux (Black queer agender mc)
Us by Sara Soler (sapphic trans mc, sapphic mc, f/f; translation)
Catfishing Caitlyn by Omar Imady (sapphic mc)
Tempt Me by Michelle McCraw (f/f relationship)
Charmed By Her by Chelsea M. Cameron (f/f relationship)
If It’s Meant to Be by Lily Seabrooke (f/f relationship)
Even Though We’re Adults, Vol. 6 by Takako Shimura (f/f relationship)
The Summer You Were There, Vol. 3 by Yuama (f/f relationship)
At Least There’s Ice Cream by Georgia Beers (f/f relationship)
Our First Summer by Hana Xiong (f/f relationship)
Nightmare by Jennifer Brasington-Crowley (bi mc)
The Doctor and Her Veterinarian by Emily Hayes (f/f relationship)

Things I’ll Never Say by Cassandra Newbould (bi mc, lesbian li)
When It All Syncs Up by Maya Ameyaw (Black bi mc, bi li)
Ollie Fitzgerald’s Heartbreak Anthems by Charlie Arrigo (m/m relationship)
Cupid’s Revenge by Wibke Brueggemann (f/f relationship)
Rhubarb Lemonade by Oskar Kroon (f/f relationship)
Ode to My First Car by Robin Gow (bi mc, sapphic li, f/f relationship, lesbian side character)
Does Love Always Win? by Diane Billas (lesbian mc, pan li, f/f relationship)
The Dos and the Donuts by Adiba Jaigirdar (Bangladeshi Irish fat sapphic mc, f/f relationship)
Love Letters for Joy by Melissa See (pan ace mc with cerebral palsy)
Darkhearts by James L. Sutter (m/m relationship)
Butterflies In the End Zone by Jacob Gelman (m/m relationship)
Northranger by Rey Terciero & Bre Indigo (m/m relationship)
House Party ed. by Justin A. Reynolds (lgbt stories)
Going Bicoastal by Dahlia Adler (bi mc, f/m and f/f relationships)
Just Like Everyone Else by Sarah Hagger-Holt (gay mc, side m/m relationship)

Will on the Inside by Andrew Eliopulos (gay mc with Crohn’s disease)
Wednesday Wilson Connects the Dots by Bree Galbraith & Morgan Goble (sapphic parents)
Vivian Lantz’s Second Chances by Kathryn Ormsbee (bi character)
Code Red by Joy McCullough (trans character)
Molly’s Tuxedo by Vicki Johnson (gnc mc)
My Brother George by Zoey & Kelly Allen & Tara O’Brien (gnc mc)
My Brother is the Prettiest Queen in the World by Ashley Baptiste & Kandice Johnson (Black gay character)
When Purple Meets Blue by Julien Fitz (f/f relationship)
How to Say I Do by Tal Bauer (m/m relationship)
Come Sail Away with Me by M. E. Dain (f/f relationship)
The Hotel Inspector by Sienna Waters (f/f relationship)
Love’s Learning Curve by Lindsey Pennington (f/f relationship)
Tie Break by Clara Ann Simons (f/f relationship)
Passing Through by Katia Rose (f/f relationship)

Please note: It has come to our attention that A. J. Sass plans to partake in a trip to Isr*el, thus legitimising an apartheid state. We do not feel we can support someone who disregards Palestinian lives in such a manner, however we have kept this book on the list as Sass is not the sole author of it.
Please note: we have removed titles by Stacey Anthony after on discovering they’re a pseudonym for Taylor B. Barton/Taylor Brooke who was accused of racism, bullying, & pretending to be Latine a few years back.

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