• All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: December 2020

    Can you guys believe this hell year is almost over? Yeah, me neither! I have no idea when this happened and how the time works anymore. I sure am glad that 2020 is basically behind us, though. Hopefully next year will be better. Anyway! If you’re looking for last minute holiday gifts or simply something to read on a cozy winter afternoon, browse away! There are almost 50 LGBT books coming out in December 2020!

    A reminder that a rainbow emoji indicates that the author is LGBT, but not necessarily that the specific rep in the book is ownvoices.

    And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: It’s About the Yearning

    I had absolutely no idea what rec list to make for today so, in a sort of democracy I suppose, I got people on twitter to choose between this, butch lesbians and yes this book is gay. (Don’t worry, the latter two will be coming, although maybe not so soon.)

    We all know that yearning is a massive part of the best LGBT lit, at what we all yearn (lol) for. So, here are ten of my favourites that just hit that sweet spot.

    Yes, there are some upcoming books on this list, I can’t be held accountable for it though.

  • All Recommended,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows

    Film & TV Recs: Gay Comedies

    I don’t know about you guys, but most of the gay movies I end up watching are dramas and if there’s anything funny about them, it’s like one scene. So it got me thinking: where are the comedies? And I’m talking actually hilarious stuff. Not romcoms (that is going to be another rec list in the near future!), not slice-of-life with a few joke thrown in. Comedies.

    I put one TV show on this list, just for some variety. In all fairness, I was initially going to include Schitt’s Creek, but I figured everyone knows about that absolute gem so there’s really no point.

    And yes, I’m painfully aware there’s no trans rep on this list, hence the title, but finding good comedies with trans characters played by trans actors proved beyond my powers. If you know any, please let me know, so I can make a list just for them!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Bi MCs and M/F Romance (I)

    Today’s list, brought to you late this evening, is one I touted doing a few months’ back, which got added to my (long) list of post ideas and which I am just now finally getting around to. So, here we are. Ten books featuring bi MCs in m/f romances. And, because when I started listing all the books I knew, the list got steadily longer and longer (if we include those I still need to read), this will have multiple parts to come.

    One little note before we start: this list includes bi MCs with POVs only. That is, a bi love interest, despite the fact they are a pretty major character, would not get included. For this list alone, obviously.

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Chloe Spencer

    After some late night internet connectivity wrangling, we finally have today’s interview post ready for you! Today (or back in August, if you want accuracy), we’re speaking with Chloe Spencer, the author of sci fi thriller Duality (among others). So get yourself a cuppa and settle in!

    And don’t forget to follow her on Twitter!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: LGBT Graphic Novels (II)

    I’ve made a rec list for LGBT graphic novels before (funnily enough, it was on Christmas Eve two years ago) and you can check it out here. But the truth is, you can never have too many of those in your life! Which is why I decided that part two of that particular rec list is long overdue.

    So here we are! Ten more LGBT graphic novels, across a bunch of genres and for various target audiences. Hope you will find a new favourite here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Ownvoices M/M books of January-June 2020

    It is a truth universally acknowledged, that more m/m books come out each year compared to f/f ones. This is not to say that there aren’t a lot of sapphic books, though! And if you think otherwise, take a look at Charlotte’s posts of this year releases: part one & part two. But this is not really my point.

    My point is that a vast majority of the m/m books are actually written by women. Very often straight women. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with that, per se, those can still be good books. (They very often don’t offer good, respectful gay representation, but that’s a whole other conversation.)

    It got me thinking, though. How many books written by mlm authors were published this year? Turns out not that many… Which only means we should support them all the more.

    See also: ownvoices m/m books of July-December 2020, of January-June 2021 & of July-December 2021.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Books With Less Than 400 Goodreads Ratings (II)

    It’s been a good few months since I did a post like this, and since I hit…uh…500 books so far this year, I figure I’ve read enough more books to do a second post. So, here we are! Once again, there is a wide range of books on this post, so hopefully you find something you’ll enjoy.

    If you want to know what I recced in the first post, take a peek here.

    And, once again, the books on this list, where possible, are not ones that only have fewer than 400* ratings by dint of being published recently (i.e. within the last month, I figure).

    *Although by some strange coincidence, none of these actually have over 204 ratings…

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of October 2020

    It sure was nice to use the first week of November to curate my playlist of the LGBT songs that came out last month instead of, you know… focusing about anything else. Good life choices, me.

    Anyway, maybe you will understand my pain of choosing only ten songs to highlight in the post itself when I tell you the mix actually is 78 songs long. A LOT of great music to choose from!!

    But if that’s still somehow not enough for you, check out all my previous monthly posts right here!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: October 2020

    After six years’ worth of October, we’ve finally made it to November (whether this is a good thing remains to be seen)! As you can see, Anna had a…somewhat subdued month of reading, while I managed a single episode of a TV show which wasn’t even that good.

    At least we had the reverse luck with the others.

    And, in October, our Alternative Choice Awards opened for 2020 so

    Go Vote!

  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Discussion: Goodreads Awards 2020 & LGBT Books

    We’re turning our awards into a yearly thing! Because really, if we spend all day every day promoting LGBT books, we should be able to celebrate them with awards, too! And what’s a better time to do it than the same as Goodreads’ Choice Awards.

    The rules for the Goodreads’ Choice Awards stay the same: 20 categories and 15 books nominated in each in the first round. There are of course a few books nominated in more than one category, but for ease of conversation let’s say it’s 300 books.

    Now. We know about a lot of LGBT books, but we’re aware it’s not possible we know about all of them that came out this year. Even with that in mind, and even only counting books that came out between January and October, we know about 1148. Just so you have some kind of frame of mind here.

    Below you will find LGBT books nominated in each category. This year there is only one category without any LGBT nominees and that is Science & Technology, so frankly, that’s fair enough. Everything else? Well.

    And of course! We prepared our own Alternative Choice Awards, where all the nominated books are LGBT. Below you have a link to cast your vote! Yes, you can write in your choices as well.

    Vote in our LGBT Alternative Choice Awards!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: November 2020

    We’ve reached the point in the year where the number of LGBT releases starts to drop off. But, happily, all that really means is that we’ve got 58 releases for you today (which is still the equivalent of almost two per day). 2020 has been so good to us (in terms of LGBT releases. Not much else, I’ll admit).

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Recommended,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows

    Film & TV Recs: Movies with two QPOC leads

    I’m sure y’all noticed that weird trend in Hollywood where if one half of a gay couple is POC, the other, without fail, is white. Yeah, we can have some diversity, but just not too much.

    So that’s why this rec list came to be. Here you will find ten gay and lesbian movies where both the main character and the love interest are QPOC. Turns out, it’s not impossible to achieve!