I already showed you all the M/M books written by achillean authors that were published in the first half of this year. Now it’s time for the second half!
I use the “ownvoices” term from the title in a pretty loose sense. So you will find books here by gay authors featuring bi characters, and so on. But at the end of the day, all the authors in this post know first-hand what love between men looks like.
Without a further ado, then!
See also: ownvoices m/m books of January-June 2021 & of July-December 2021.


Melting by Sean Ashcroft (m/m relationship)
The Bright Lands by John Fram (gay mc & scs) tw homophobia, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, past rape, past child pornography, child abuse, statutory rape
Fire on the Island by Timothy Jay Smith (gay mc)
Skyland by Andrew Durbin (gay mc)
The Fell of Dark by Caleb Roehrig (two gay mcs, pan sc, lesbian sc, queer sc)

The Extraordinaries by T. J. Klune (gay mc with ADHD, bi li, lesbian scs)
Set the Stage by Daniel De Lorne (m/m relationship)
The Friend Scheme by Cale Dietrich (gay mc, m/m relationship)
The Man from Milwaukee by Rick R. Reed (m/m relationship)
The Bachmann Family Secret by Damian Serbu (gay mc)

Heart of Stone by Johannes T. Evans (autistic mlm mc, mlm mc with ADHD)
Divine Proportion by Cole McCade (m/m relationship)


Second Dad Summer by Benjamin Klas (mlm parents)
You Will Love What You Have Killed by Lambert Kevin, trans. by Donald Winkler (gay mcs) tw rape
Boy Queen by George Lester (gay mc)
Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green (m/m relationship)
In the Absence of Men by Philippe Besson, trans. by Frank Wynne (gay mc; reprint)

Darius the Great Deserves Better by Adib Khorram (Persian gay mc with depression, m/m relationship)
Gay All Year by Richard May (m/m relationship)
The Assistant by John Tristan (m/m relationship, mc with fibromyalgia)


Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas (Mexican-Cuban-American gay trans mc, Colombian-American gay li with ADHD, lesbian sc, trans sc, Latinx cast) tw deadnaming (name not on page), misgendering, transphobia, mentions of death of a parent, mentions of past gang violence, blood
Gold Wings Rising by Alex London (m/m relationship)
The Bridge by Bill Konigsberg (gay mc) tw suicide
Upon This Rock by David Eugene Perry (m/m relationship)
Flamer by Mike Curato (half-Filipino gay mc) tw bullying, suicidal ideation

Life of Riley by Simon James Green (gay mc)
The Summer of Everything by Julian Winters (biracial gay mc, bi Mexican-American li)
Second Helpings by Brandon Witt (m/m relationship)
After Elias by Eddy Boudel Tan (gay mc)
Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass (gay mc, Latino gay li, trans sc, gay scs, Black bi sc, lesbian sc) tw conversion therapy, murder (presented initially as suicide), homophobic language, internalised homophobia, homophobic violence (including murder), transphobia, homophobic abuse

Our Subway Baby by Peter Mercurio & Leo Espinosa (gay parents)
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever (m/m relationship) tw violence
A Country for Dying by Abdellah Taïa, trans. by Emma Ramadan (trans mc, gay mc)
If We Were Electric by Patrick Earl Ryan (gay characters)
How it All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi (gay Iranian-American mc, gay scs, bi sc) tw racial profiling, homophobic language, threatened outing

Silver Moon by Richard Amos (m/m relationship)
The Same Breath by Gregory Ashe (m/m relationship)
The City of Palaces by Michael Nava (gay mc; reprint)
The Door and Other Uncanny Tales by Dmetri Kakmi (gay characters)


Tales from the Bottom of my Sole by David Kingston Yeh (gay mc, mlm scs, trans sc)
The Camino Club by Kevin Craig (m/m relationship, gay mc, gay li, lesbian sc)
Elegy for the Undead by Matthew Vesely (gay mc)
The Magic Fish by Trung Le Nguyen (Vietnamese-American gay mc, sapphic scs, mostly Vietnamese cast) tw cannibalism, off page death, on page death, murder, blood, homophobia
Shelter in Place by David Leavitt (mlm mc)

Brothersong by T. J. Klune (m/m relationship)
Memorial by Bryan Washington (Japanese-American gay mc, Black gay mc)
In the City of the Nightmare King by V. S. Santoni (gay mc)
White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton (gay mc)
They Told Me I Was Everything by Gregory Ashe (m/m relationship)


Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins, trans. by Larissa Helena (m/m relationship, gay mc)
Emerging Rebellion by Brandon Witt (m/m relationship)
Just Like This by Cole McCade (m/m relationship)
The Divine Roses by Richard Amos (m/m relationship)
Eye of the Beholder by Thomas Grant Bruso (m/m relationship)


The Blade Between by Sam J. Miller (gay mc)
As If Death Summoned by Alan Rose (gay mc)
The Dubious Gift of Dragon Blood by J. Marshall Freeman (gay mc)
From Archie to Zack by Vincent X. Kirsch (m/m relationship)

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