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Music Releases: LGBT songs of October 2020

It sure was nice to use the first week of November to curate my playlist of the LGBT songs that came out last month instead of, you know… focusing about anything else. Good life choices, me.

Anyway, maybe you will understand my pain of choosing only ten songs to highlight in the post itself when I tell you the mix actually is 78 songs long. A LOT of great music to choose from!!

But if that’s still somehow not enough for you, check out all my previous monthly posts right here!

So Lucky by Shea Diamond (Black trans artist)
I Want More by Pauline Mancini (lesbian artist)
Boys by Cameron Hawthorn (gay artist)

lovely. by Gregory Dillon (gay artist)
Best Sex by Peppermint (Black trans artist)
The Moment by Saint Wade, Landis & Breikthru (Puerto Rican gay artist)
Unfurler by Aish Divine (Indian gay artist)

No Good by Tafari Anthony (Black queer artist)
7’11 by REYNA (duo; Mexican-American lesbian artist)
Social Distance by Iman (Black queer artist)

Did you find any new artists here today?

And if you liked this post, please consider supporting me on ko-fi.


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