• Discussions and Guest Posts

    Discussion: Goodreads Awards 2021 & LGBT Books

    Later than usually, but Goodreads finally rolled out their Choice Awards for this year. And that means it’s time for us to tell you which of the books they chose to highlight are LGBT!

    This year, due to growing numbers & to give you a more accurate look, I decided to divide the books into ones where the LGBT characters are actually protagonists & ones where they’re only side characters, however relevant to the plot. You will hopefully see why that seemed like a logical move, especially in YA categories.

    So take a look at what’s LGBT amongst Goodread’s choices! And if you would rather vote in a contest where it’s only LGBT books to choose from, we got you! Like every year, we’re running Reads Rainbow Awards & the voting is opened until December 7th!

    Vote in Reads Rainbow Awards!

    Related: Goodreads Awards & LGBT Books in 2019 and in 2020
  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Messy LGBT Teens

    The “messy” in the title is to be understood in a few different ways. You will find here teens who make mistakes, teens who do (& don’t regret) things society thinks they shouldn’t, teens who make questionable choices… Which is to say: teens who are only human.

    So for everyone who is tired of books trying to portray teenagers as perfect (since no one in the world is), enjoy! And don’t judge.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Bi/Pan Adult Fantasy

    The other day, I did part two of this adult fantasy series, with books featuring gay mcs. Today, I’m back for part three: bi/pan mcs. I say bi/pan, because often it’s hard to tell, since this is fantasy and mostly labels are not in use. But these are ten recs for you, in which the mc is definitively attracted to more than one gender.

    And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

    And if you want to check out the other posts in this series, you can find them below:

    Lesbian | Gay | Trans

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Lea Falls

    Today’s interview is with Lea Falls, the author of Goddess of Limbo, which released just last month! If you’re looking for more ensemble-cast adult fantasy to read, let us point you in that direction. In the meantime, though, we have this very fun interview for you to read!

    And, while you’re at it, don’t forget to follow Lea on twitter!

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of October 2021

    It’s that time of a month again when I bring you all the songs by LGBT artists released in the last weeks that I know about! There are 114 titles on the mix itself (linked at the end of the post, as always), so hopefully I didn’t miss too many. Feel free to comment, though, if you know any I should add!

    That’s still not enough music for you? Try all my previous monthly posts right here!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Gay Adult Fantasy

    During Lesbian Visibility Week earlier this year, I made a whole rec list of adult fantasy books featuring lesbian rep. And I left it at that. But then, while thinking of possible further rec lists to post on the blog, I went back to it and thought: what if I made this a series, with one rec list for every letter of the LGBT acronym? And hence, this rec list (and two future ones) was born.

    I admit, this one was a little tricky to do: turns out I know a lot more achillean adult fantasy books with bi mcs than gay mcs (this may be a pattern? Much like there seems to be more sapphic than achillean high fantasy, at least right now. Both may also just be confirmation bias of some sort), but we got there! Ten adult fantasy recs are ready and waiting for you just below.

    And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

    And if you want to check out the other posts in this series:

    Lesbian | Bi/Pan | Trans

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: October 2021

    Yes, the year is ending, no, we can’t believe that either. But on the plus side, one of us (Anna) finished their reading challenge last month! (We absolutely do not talk about the amount of book Charlotte have or have not read this year, thank you very much.)

    We also, surprisingly, both watched quite a few things in October, so really, just take a look and maybe get inspired in your watching/reading choices!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: November 2021

    If you thought that the releases were slowing down as the year comes to a close, you would be wrong because today I have for you, 138 more releases for November! Okay, so I went through a few more lists with the intention of just double-checking that all the dates were right after a series of delays, and came out with… oh, just another 50 books. But hey! That just gives you another 138 books to look forward to in 2021!

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Reviews,  Literature

    Book Reviews: Comics to Cap Off Your Spooky Season

    October is drawing to a close now and we’re approaching Halloween itself. And, since there are three days left in the month (and only two more months in the rest of the year), perhaps you’re starting to think about how best to complete your Goodreads challenge. Fret not! Because today, we come bearing comic recs.

    So if you’re looking for the perfect short read to cap off your spooky season, Boom! Studios has you covered! Check these four out and let us know what you think!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Twitter’s Anticipated Releases, Or A Look at What 2022 Has in Store

    In my humble opinion, today’s post is the most exciting post we have this month. A while ago on twitter (a while because I got impatient and didn’t want to wait), we asked the question: what are your most anticipated 2022 LGBT releases. And, lo and behold, here they are, all in a post, so you can get excited about what’s to come! (And obviously, get a few preorders in, since we are hitting somewhat of a crisis.)

    We also did this last year, if you remember, so you can check that out, and see how much the list has grown (66 books on that post—but 2 delayed—vs. 120 on this), and also have a look to see how many you’ve read!

    Finally, a little key (bearing in mind that it’s a little hard to confirm rep so far out & some we think might be gay, but only based on an author’s previous output):

    🧡 = sapphic rep
    💛 = achillean rep
    💙 = trans or nonbinary rep
    💚 = other or unknown rep

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: LGBT Retellings

    There are already 3 posts about LGBT retellings on the blog: for fairy tales, for mythology and for classic books. They’re all a few years old, though, so it was a high time for an update. So I asked on twitter what kind of retellings y’all would want to see the most and the answer was “a little bit of everything”

    And that’s exactly what I’m bringing you today. I divided my recs into four categories, for ease of browsing. There is, of course, some overlap, because books aren’t always clean cut & they might fit into more than one category, but there needs to be some kind of logic to the chaos. So let’s go! Choose what you’re interested in the most (or simply browse all the recs):

    folklorefairy talesclassic bookshistorical figures

  • All Reviews,  Film & TV Shows

    Film Review: Operation Hyacinth

    First time for everything! We really are here today with a film review! But really, if you follow us on twitter, you might have guessed that this was coming—we were both clearly very, very excited about Operation Hyacinth. So now that it’s been a week since the movie released on Netflix, let us tell you why exactly you should watch it too.

    Before we start, though, a quick note: please watch the film with English subtitles, they’re definitely better than the English closed captions.

    Not satisfied with the result of a murder investigation in Warsaw’s gay community, an officer in 1980s communist Poland resolves to uncover the truth.

    Operation Hyacinth

    dir. Piotr Domalewski
    written by Marcin Ciastoń


    Rep: gay mc, gay li, gay characters
    CWs: police brutality, homophobia, slurs, autopsy, implied suicide (body on screen), gun violence, shooting, homophobic violence, drowning, violence
    Release: 13th October 2021

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Get Your Spook On

    It’s October, it’s autumn, it’s spooky season, so what better rec list today than a BUMPER rec list of books to read when you want to feel extra spooky! You can even pick your reads based on the emojis below, depending on what you feel like. It’s a win-win situation, I’m sure.

    And if you want yet more recs, here’s the list I made last year.

    Pick your spooky season emoji of choice!


  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Guest Post: Being Queer is Not The Most Interesting Thing About Me

    Another day, another guest post, as the poets say. Or maybe they don’t, but they should do from now on. Which is to say we have already hosted a number of very talented people on the blog, and you can read all the previous guest posts here.

    Today though we have for you an essay by Candas Jane Dorsey, whose newest book – What’s the Matter with Mary Jane? – comes out tomorrow (October 19th). And you will actually learn a thing or two not only about Dorsey, but about the book itself as well by reading it, so enjoy!