All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

Book Recs: Lesbian Adult Fantasy (II)

Ever since I made the first of these posts about 4 years ago now, I’ve been meaning to revisit this series and do a, if not completely updated version, then at least a follow-up. A part two. Ten more lesbian adult fantasy books you should read! (And, before the end of the year, the G, B, & T equivalents too!) So, get yourself ready to dive right in!

And, hey, a lot of these titles are available on the artist formerly known as Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

You can find the previous posts here, along with the part twos, as I post them:

Lesbian (I) | Gay (I) | Bi/Pan (I) | Trans (I)

Gay (II) | Bi/Pan (II) | Trans (II)

A Dark and Drowning Tide

Allison Saft
Rep: Jewish lesbian mc with PTSD, sapphic li with PTSD, gay side character
CWs: antisemitism, antisemitic violence

Why Should I Read It?

If you like your fantasy to be the sort that’s whimsical but with an undercurrent of danger to it, a little bit of bite, then this is the book for you. If you like a little academic rivals to lovers thrown in there too, then you should hasten to pick up A Dark and Drowning Tide. After all, Allison Saft is one of the best writers of fantasy romance out there.

Metal From Heaven

August Clarke
Rep: lesbian mc with chronic illness
CWs: violence, gore

Why Should I Read It?

I admit, I’m adding this one here having only just started reading it but. But. I already know this is going to be the dykest of dyke fantasy books, the pinnacle, the zenith! It’s out next month, and already I can tell it’ll be unmissable.

Lady Hotspur

Tessa Gratton
Rep: lesbian mc, bi mcs, gay mc, trans side character

Why Should I Read It?

Who wouldn’t say yes to a lesbian retelling of the Henriad? Not me, that’s for sure. I am perfectly willing to admit that lesbian SFF retellings of kings from English history-slash-Shakespeare plays is a reasonably niche sub-genre, and one that I may be alone in desiring, but hear me out. Or rather, hear Lady Hotspur out, and then come back to me.

The Bone Shard Daughter

Andrea Stewart
Rep: lesbian mcs

Why Should I Read It?

The Bone Shard Daughter is one of the most detailedly plotted, meticulously worldbuilt fantasies of the past few years, and hey! It’s also got lesbians! I’ve recced this one on a fair few lists, so it should be very clear that I mean for you to take this rec incredibly seriously. So seriously that you should get your hands on this book right now. I mean it.


Robert Jackson Bennett
Rep: lesbian mcs
CWs: descriptions of slavery, surgical procedures, gore, violence

Why Should I Read It?

There are few current fantasy writers who I feel write such creative worlds as Robert Jackson Bennett. I don’t believe I’ve ever disliked a book of his, and Foundryside is the perfect introduction to his writing. It’s an incredible series from start to finish, so what are you waiting for? Get reading!

High Times in the Low Parliament

Kelly Robson
Rep: lesbian mc, sapphic lis, sapphic side characters

Why Should I Read It?

For those of you with not the time to commit to entire series, then Kelly Robson’s novella, High Times at the Low Parliament, with its flirtatious lesbian protagonist and polyamorous conclusion will suit you perfectly. It’s a masterclass on how to write a novella, with a story that’s entirely contained within the length of it, yet one that leaves you wanting more.

The Northern Girl

Elizabeth A. Lynn
Rep: lesbian mc, intersex sapphic side character, sapphic side character

Why Should I Read It?

You didn’t think you’d escape this list without an entry from 70s-90s SFF, did you now? One day, I’ll do an entire list of recs from that era, but for now, I’ll satisfy myself with this one. It’s the final book in an interlinking series, but one you can read as a standalone, and it’s possibly my favourite of the three. Although I admit that’s a difficult call to make.


Sam Farren
Rep: dyslexic lesbian mc, lesbian li

Why Should I Read It?

Another one for fans of slowburning fantasy now, about a lesbian knight and a lesbian necromancer and a quest across a land to discover a truth. And, oh yeah, a romance between them. It’s not quite as action-packed as some of the books on this list — the quest is, a lot of it, more internal to the characters — so if that’s something you enjoy, this one is for you!

Among Thieves

M. J. Kuhn
Rep: lesbian mc, sapphic mc
CWs: violence, dismemberment

Why Should I Read It?

Who doesn’t love a good, fast-paced heist? High stakes? Check. Breathless action? Check. Burgeoning lesbian romance? Check! Is there more I need to say to get you to read this one? I hope not!


J. L. Worrad
Rep: lesbian mc, bi li, sapphic li, gay side characters, trans side character
CWs: gore, violence, attempted rape, incest

Why Should I Read It?

This last rec is one for fans of grimdark fantasy. Our protagonist here is an elf, but not as you’ve seen them before! She’s also a murderous, vulgar, and completely unlikeable main character. So, basically, she’s perfect to me. Don’t pay attention to the Goodreads rating on this one, they just don’t get it!

What would you rec?

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