• All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Ownvoices Achillean Books of January-June 2022

    A list of ownvoices m/m books in the sense that they’re all written by achillean authors. They’re not even all strictly m/m romances, some have little to no romance. But they all have achillean main characters.

    Also worth noting is that last year’s post had barely 69 books, but this year it’s over 100! Let’s hope this number keeps growing with each year.

    There are no rainbow emojis, since all the authors are achillean. But there are plant emojis for nonbinary authors.

    And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

    See also: ownvoices achillean books of January-June 2021 & of July-December 2021; releases by rep
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: January-June 2022 Books With Bi Protagonists

    January on Reads Rainbow means big releases posts (big as in long & time-consuming to draft; not big as in only about big books!). And today it’s time for books with bi and/or pan rep.m

    Those posts have been going for a few years, but just as a reminder: I only include books where there’s no doubt that a character actually is bisexual (or pansexual). That means the character either uses a label or the narrative makes it abundantly clear (especially in case of sff novels). Also, I include books with bi/pan main characters and love interests, and sometimes really major side characters.

    If you know any books I missed or mistakes I made, please let me know in the comment! And like always, the rainbow emoji means the author is LGBT. Happy reading!

    A lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: 2022 Books With Non-Cis Protagonists

    It’s the fourth year in a row of me making a list of trans & nonbinary books, so I’m lowkey hopeful we all know the drill by now. The post itself is titled “non-cis books” to make sure it’s true for all the books included in it (especially novels with Indigenous gender identities, or simply sci-fi ones with no labels). And also because that’s what I used in my first post…

    This post only allows rep in the form of a main character, a love interest, or a truly major side character (usually a parent or someone like that). So you can be sure it’s not small or insignificant.

    If you know of any books I’ve missed or caught any mistakes I’ve made, please leave a comment! And as always, books by LGBT authors have a rainbow emoji next to the title.

    Also, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: 2022 Sapphic Releases (January to June)

    It’s the moment you’ve all undoubtedly been waiting for, the first of our 2022 sapphic releases posts! This one is the biggest initial post so far, with over 300 releases that I know about as of this moment in time. Yeah, it’s a monster post, and I am somewhat exhausted just making it. There’s something for everyone here, so dive in!

    Update, 27/1/22: I’ve decided to add in rep again here, since sapphic is a blanket term and books here do include sapphic mcs in m/f relationships, as well as those in f/f relationships and, while I know which are which, and also that I mean it in this blanket sense, others may not. This will, of course, be updated as I read more of the books/it’s easier to find rep info.

    Looking for July to December? Find it here!

    And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: LGBT YA Books of January-June 2022

    YA lovers, rejoice! Here’s the compilation post you’ve been looking for: all (hopefully) LGBT YA books of this half of 2022. It’s over 150 books long, and I probably still missed a few!

    It’s not easy to be very specific with the LGBT rep without having read all the books myself, but I tried my best. If there are any mistakes or something could be more detailed, feel free to let me know in the comments. And like always, books by LGBT authors are marked with a rainbow emoji.

    Enjoy and preorder! And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

    See also: 2019-2022 releases by rep and genre
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Contemporary (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of contemporary books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Historical (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of historical books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Fantasy (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of fantasy books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Mystery/Thriller (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of mystery and thriller books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Nonfiction (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of nonfiction books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Paranormal/Horror (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of paranormal/horror books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Poetry | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Poetry (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of poetry books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Science Fiction

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Science Fiction (January to June 2022)

    It’s a new year and, since the number of book releases we know about per month is just tipping into unwieldy (June alone last year had 150 books to add to the post, not to mention the 50+ more we found later), we’ve decided to change up the way we’re doing releases posts. We started organising releases posts by genre around halfway through last year, so we’re sticking with that here. The major difference? Each genre gets its own post, which will eventually cover a period of 6 months. So, like with our various other releases posts (although those go up all at once, whereas here we’ll add each month), these are more easily edited and added to! Which means, even if we miss a book, we can better come back and add it to the post. A win for everyone!

    In this post, you’ll find the collection of science fiction books that we know about from January to June of 2022!

    Looking for the other posts?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry

    Looking for July to December?

    Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: All The 2021 Releases We Heard About Too Late

    Every time we make a releases post, we know that we’ll find yet more books for it the moment we hit publish. Hence, this post! This is a collection of all the books we didn’t know about in time to put on our posts (for various reasons, like, simply, we didn’t hear about it, we didn’t realise it was gay until later because reviews mentioned nothing, or because a date change took it into an earlier month). There is a lot here: there are 499 501 books on this list alone, representing just under a third of all the books we knew about (1,715 1,717 at last count), in all genres and age groups.

    This will be the final post of its kind though because, as of January, we’re going about our releases posts in a slightly different way (that’ll hopefully make it easier to update the posts themselves instead of a massive, and not very readable, post of everything we missed from the year).

    But before we start, here’s a link to our list of 2021 releases:


    P.S. a little note: where we write something like “bi mc, m/f” or “pan mc, f/m”, what we’re trying to get across is that the mc note refers to the first letter of that. So, in this case, the bi mc is a man and the pan mc is a woman. Similarly for trans mcs, or when one of the mc’s is nonbinary. I realised that, while this is clear to me, it’s not as clear to everyone else so. A little explanation!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: December 2021

    Last thirty one days of the year! Who can even believe that? But also, statistically speaking, it’s basically 2 LGBT books coming out on each of those days!

    No spoilers, but this is the last time we will do the releases post like this. Starting January we will be using a different method, and hopefully y’all will find it even easier to navigate!

    If any books are wrongly categorised, just let me know & I can fix it. As per usual, you can find all our previous releases posts here & the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.