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    Music Releases: LGBT songs of February 2020

    February’s mix is probably one of my favourite ones I made so far. So many of absolute bops! We were being blessed just before the whole world went to shit…

    Anyway, as always, the post features ten of the songs I’m obsessed with and the rest of them you can find on the playlist, at the end. Have fun listening!

    And perhaps you need more? Check out all my previous posts right here!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: 2020 Sapphic Releases (January to June)

    Not to be bringing any sort of bitterness to this blog or anything, but there’s only so many times you can see “there’s no (good) f/f” as a tweet before you snap. So in the interests of not snapping, I compiled a list of all the sapphic releases I know about this year.

    And I know a lot.

    So this list is actually going to be split into two. The first, this post, is going to take us from January to June. The second will come in a few months time and focus on July to December. Actually, the post is based on a thread I did on twitter, so if you’re impatient, go check that out (though dates aren’t always correct, and it’s not the most up to date).

    So do you want to read f/f books but you don’t want to look for them?

    Well it’s your lucky day. I did the looking for you!

    P.S. dates are correct to the best of my knowledge, but if I have missed a postponement somewhere, please let me know.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: 2019 LGBT YA Books

    If you follow our blog and/or twitter accounts, you’re probably aware I’m (Anna) a big fan of YA books. So it was always just a matter of time before I made for you guys a compilation post like this, to highlight the books I enjoy reading the most…

    For this list, I decided to mark if a book is a part of an ongoing series, just so you know you have some catching up to do before you can read it. Per tradition, I also listed trigger warnings whenever I knew about them. If there’s something else you think I should add, please let me know!

    And of course, books by LGBT authors – to the best of my knowledge – are marked with a 🌈 emoji! Once again, please correct me if I’m wrong.

    So dive in! There are over 160 books on this list, you’re bound to find something for yourself!

    See also: LGBT YA books of 2021 and more
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: May 2020

    Another month has gone by which means it’s time to look ahead to what next month has in store for us with releases! If there’s any on here that you’re really excited about, there’s still time enough to preorder them and make sure you support the authors in this time.

    Since there have been a lot of date changes due to the current situation, I’m not sure I’ve kept up with them all, so if any dates are completely in the wrong ballpark, please let me know!

    You can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: April 2020

    In these weird times, all of us could use something nice to read. Especially if wanting to read books means pre-ordering them and helping out authors who are debuting in upcoming months. And hey!, if you can afford it, consider using an indie bookstore for all your orders! Which should be plenty, given how many great books are coming out next month, just saying.

    So, without further ado, here are 85 (!) LGBT April releases!

    (As always, the rainbow emoji indicates that the author is LGBT.)

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of October 2019

    Guys, look, I almost made it to the end of the year with my posts! I am so close to being up to date, I can nearly taste it!

    And anyway, here are 10 of my absolutely favourite songs that came out in October and even more songs in the Spotify mix. You can it at the bottom of the post!

    And if you have never been here before, you can catch up on my previous posts here!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: January-June 2020 Books With Bi Protagonists

    If you’re looking for books with bisexual and/or pansexual characters, you’re in luck. Here’s a list of all books coming out in January-June 2020 that fit that description. (The July-December list is available here.)

    Finding specific rep in upcoming books isn’t always easy, so I want to make some things clear before we start:

    1) I included only books that use the bi & pan labels or, in case of sff ones, that make it clear from context the characters are bi or pan. It’s not always clear-cut but I figured that if you’re looking for bi/pan rep, you’re looking for something concrete;

    2) I did not include books which I wasn’t sure about, because I didn’t want to falsely advertise. If there’s anything I missed that you know for a fact features a bi or pan protag, please let me know!

    I’ll be also marking YA books with a ✌️ emoji, if that’s something that you’re interested in. And, as always, a 🌈 emoji indicates a book is by an LGBT author.

    (You might also be interested in these posts about 2020 YA releases & 2020 releases with non-cis characters.)

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of September 2019

    Every month of 2019 was great to us, music wise, but September was especially good. Some of my favourite LGBT songs of the year are in this post!!

    Per tradition, there are 10 songs in the post itself and a lot more in the Spotify mix. You can find it at the bottom of the post!

    And if you have never been here before, you can catch up on my previous posts here!

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of August 2019

    I’m almost caught up, guys! We’re in the second half of the year with this series already! Soon I will actually be doing it on time…

    Anyway, here are my 10 most favourite songs by LGBT artists dropped in August 2019 + a lot more on the Spotify mix which you can find at the end of the post.

    And if you have never been here before, you can catch up on my previous posts here!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: February 2020

    We decided to change things up a little bit! And by that I mean we decided that from now on we will be putting all monthly releases in one post! (With a different format, too.)

    So now you’re about to see around 90 LGBT books coming out this February. I hope you’re ready!

    (The rainbow emoji next to a specific rep in a book means it’s written by an LGBT author.)