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    Book Recs: Adult Fantasy

    Full disclosure, this year has been bad for me in terms of reading and loving YA fantasy. Yes, I have loved some, but also I’ve been bored as anything by others. So I’ve turned a fair bit to adult fantasy — mostly avoiding all the white cishet men writing it, of course.

    This is not a definitive list of all the LGBT adult fantasy novels I have loved, of course. I went to write down possible entries to this list and ended up with about twice as many that I loved, and maybe three or four times as many that I would rec. But these are ten of my favourites.

    So, dive in, and I hope you find something to enjoy here!

    See also: Adult LGBT Sci Fi Books
  • All Recommended,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows

    Film & TV Recs: Sapphic coming of age movies

    Let me start by saying that my definition of “coming of age movies” is pretty loose & basically any movie featuring teens who learn something about themselves & grow up, is welcomed here.

    Now that we cleared that up, let’s go. There are some comedies here, some dramas, some movies somewhere in between. Hopefully a little something for everybody.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Books With Less Than 400 Goodreads Ratings (I)

    A bit of a different post for you today in that it’s not really got a theme as such. Instead I went for books that I’d rec that have fewer than 400 ratings (criminally) on Goodreads (as voted for on twitter, actually).

    There is a somewhat…eclectic mix here, for sure. But I hope it’s such that you will be able to find something you’re interested in, no matter what you’re looking for.

    Oh, and I tried my best to include books that didn’t have so few ratings just because they had only recently been released.

    So check it out!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows,  Literature,  Music,  Music Recs

    If You Liked [Insert Straight Media Here], Try…

    Forgive me if I keep this brief, this post took longer than I expected, and I really need to sleep. But here it is! The final part of our “like this, try that” series, this one dedicated to solely straight media.

    Apologies for the sort of… eclectic mix of media. When we thought about this, we realised we didn’t actually know a whole lot of straight media ourselves, so asked twitter (and pooled some ideas). So yeah.

    Happy Pride and enjoy!


  • All Recommended,  Music,  Music Recs

    If You Liked This Artist, Try…

    Another part of our “If you liked this, try that” series! So far, we recced you books and movies this way. And now it’s time for music!

    I chose ten pretty popular musicians and for each one, based on their most distinct traits, I tried to recommend you 3 less popular artists. Of course, everyone I encourage you to listen to in this post is a member of the LGBT community.

    Happy Pride, guys! Discover some new music!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    If You Liked This Book, Try…

    This month we decided to add a little series to the blog, one that centres on reccing a piece of media, given another, more popular piece of media. It’ll come in four parts: books, films and TV, and music, and then straight media specifically.

    So today’s post is the first of those parts. We’ve picked 10 pretty popular books or series (which may themselves have some form of LGBT rep), and recced you three other books depending on what you might like about that series.

    (As ever, 🌈 means the author identifies as LGBT.)

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Pride Flag Book Recs

    Our first rec list of the month has a theme! And that is, books which fit the labels assigned to the colours in Gilbert Baker’s pride flag (with the added black and brown stripes, obviously).

    So we took each label as a prompt and tried our best to come up with a theme, and a book each to pick that theme.

    And if you want to take this as a book tag and do your own post, please do because we would love to see what you’d rec!

    (As ever, 🌈 means the author identifies as LGBT.)

  • All Recommended,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows

    Film & TV Recs: LGBT Teen Shows

    Even when you’re an adult, sometimes what you really wanna do is watch teens being dramatic. There’s something very soothing about it. And it’s great to see them finally figure their life out and be at peace, so you can feel like a proud parent for a moment.

    With that in mind, I compiled a list of ten TV shows about teenagers. There are quite a few genres here, so you should be able to choose something for yourself. Have fun!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Twitter’s Favourite Trans Books

    The other day I asked people on Twitter to give me their 5 favourite trans books. Now, I’m using trans here as an umbrella term to include all non-cis identities, so you will find recs with nonbinary characters, genderqueer characters and more.

    And let me just say, the responses were great and I managed to compile a list of so many gems! And a lot of them seem to be rather overlooked, which is just another bonus & very good news to people starved for rep, who have already read all the popular titles.

    Of course, as always on this blog, books by LGBT authors are marked with a 🌈 emoji. Please let me know if I got something wrong, so I can correct it!

    See also: 100+ books by trans & nonbinary authors
  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Sapphic YA Contemporary (II)

    It’s been a while since I last did one of these, and I have since read a fair few sapphic books. So, with the second resurgence of the f/f twitter discourse in a week, obviously my only recourse is to rec posts.

    And here I am.

    I also figured I’d go back to YA contemporary because, duh, I know more of them. But to mix things up a little, I’ll add a couple of upcoming ones you can support!

    As ever, all the previous posts are here. The previous contemporary rec list can be found here.

    Also as ever, it’s actually f/f or otherwise sapphic books.

  • All Recommended,  Film & TV Recs,  Film & TV Shows

    Film & TV Recs: LGBT Period Dramas (II)

    A long promised continuation to my first rec list of LGBT period dramas. Definitely check out that post for more recommendations!

    Like in that previous post, I’d like to say that I’m aware there are barely any movies with trans rep on the list. I did my best. All the other period dramas featuring trans characters that I know of, gave those roles to cis actors & I’m not about to recommend that here.

    I accidentally made about half of this rec list about titles based on real stories & people, it wasn’t a conscious choice. But it does mean that not all of the movies listed are exactly super happy & gracious to the LGBT characters.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Scribd LGBT Starter Pack

    It’s quarantine day 2839394, you already baked your sourdough bread, learned how to embroider, cleaned all the grout in your flat, and – in a ideal world – finished all the books on your bookshelves. What to do now, you ask? Read more, of course!

    Because we’re all tight on funds right about now, I would like to remind you that Scribd is offering a 30 days free trial on their whole library. If you’re not familiar with the website, this post would be a good place for you to get going. I tried to include a variety of genres in this list, but like it says in the title, it literally is just a starter pack.

    (And if you’ll use my invite link, you will actually get two months off and I will get one, too. It’s a win-win situation.)

    Final note: I very much encourage you to leave reviews of the books you’ll read on amazon and/or goodreads, and buying your own copies, if you can afford it. Or requesting them at your local library once it’s open again!