• All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: January 2020 (I)

    It’s a new year, and a new list of releases to crack on with. We have, so far, amassed over 350 upcoming books for 2020. And of those, 45 are out in January (that we currently know of, because undoubtedly we’ll find we missed some out eventually).

    So, as an early Christmas present, here are the first two weeks of January releases!

    As ever, all our previous posts are here.

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of May 2019

    It’s a great problem to have when there’s so much music by LGBT artists coming out every month, that it’s impossible to chose top ten songs! And I’m doing it for you guys, I’m choosing my absolutely all-time favourites!

    In case you missed it: my January, February, March & April choices!

    (And remember, there’s a Spotify playlist with all the May songs at the end of the post!)

  • Literature,  Most Anticipated & Best

    Most Anticipated 2020 Releases: January to June

    It’s that time of year again when we can look at everything that is coming our way and chose what we’re most excited about. We do these things because we like to suffer… Honestly, our list of 2020 LGBT books is almost 300 titles long and we decided making a list of twelve is a good idea?

    But hey, who doesn’t like lists, right? So dive in to see which books of the upcoming six months we simply cannot wait to read!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Maria Ingrande Mora

    Today’s interview was a real pleasure for us to conduct & hopefully, you will be able to feel that while reading! It also focuses a lot on the beauty and importance of the LGBT community, which is to say focuses on something Charlotte & me both wish we could talk about all the time. It’s always incredible to chat with authors who share our exact feelings.

    Read on to find out more about that but also, among other things, music and road trips!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Christmas (and Other Winter Holidays)

    Because we promised (vaguely, maybe a while back on twitter), me and Anna have some wintery rec lists for you! We’ve trawled through all the Christmas (and other winter holiday) media, just to find something gay all for you (ask Anna about her travails with Christmas films I dare you).

    And here is the first of those rec lists! Ten books (mostly novellas in this one) for you set during Christmas (or another winter holiday, but mostly Christmas because it’s surprisingly difficult to find holiday novellas that are a) gay and b) not Christmas-specific. Obviously I wasn’t trying hard enough).

    But anyway. Onwards.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Reads Rainbow Awards 2019: The Results

    It’s that time!!! The votes are in, and we’re about to announce the results of our Alternative Choice Awards (Goodreads who?). You’ve been voting for 5 weeks and now we have our winners*.

    *In the interests of promoting as much LGBT lit as we can, we were actually just going to put top 5, but then some categories had multiple books with the same number of votes, so, as you can see, five is somewhat of an… underestimate?

    Anyway. If you’re interested:

    See the breakdown of results here!

    Otherwise, happy scrolling!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: November 2019

    November was a less busy month on the blog, after the hecticness that was October (and is going to be December too…), but we still posted a fair bit, and, on a whim, started our own LGBT lit choice awards (which may or may not continue next year).

    And I (Charlotte) for once watched more things than Anna did (please note this down because it’ll never happen again).

    So, here’s our wrapup! As ever, the fire emoji indicates a reread/rewatch.

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of March 2019

    I’m not going to lie, guys. Choosing only ten songs each month is really hard work! But I needed an even number for all the months so really, I played myself…

    This also brings me to another point: obviously, if I put a song from a full album on this list & not a single, I encourage y’all to check them all out! Check out the artists in general!

    Here you can also check out my 10 fav songs of January and February.

    (And remember, there’s a Spotify playlist with all the March songs at the end of the post!)

  • Book Club,  Literature

    Book Club: December Read

    In November, we tried out a new thing of offering multiple novellas to pick and choose from. This month we’re going back to a single book (though a fairly short one).

    So, you voted, and the genre we’re reading is historical! Don’t worry, though, there’s still plenty of time to read November’s choice(s) before we get to it.

    But, without further ado, here’s our choice.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: December 2019

    December is not a good month for LGBT books: there are only 27 on this list. If you remember, there were months this year with over 70 releases… But then, people are busy celebrating holidays and planning books for next year! And the December books are still amazing, anyway! So let’s check them out!

    Real quick before we start, for your convenience:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in past months
  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Classics (I)

    I have to put my hand up here and admit me and classics don’t tend to get along. There’s just something about them that seems so dry. But then again, how do we define what constitutes a “classic” and what kind of social forces influence that? (But that’s a discussion for another time.)

    Anyway to cut that long discussion short, classics tend to be white and straight and about men. Or the ones that have been long considered classics (isn’t it notable how a lot of the gay classics are more “modern” if you will – but that is also a discussion for a different time). Here you will obviously find only gay classics.

    Before we start, a confession. I haven’t read any of these, so I’ve dispensed with the “why you should read it” sections.

    (Also please rec me more, as ever!)