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Book Recs: Christmas (and Other Winter Holidays)

Because we promised (vaguely, maybe a while back on twitter), me and Anna have some wintery rec lists for you! We’ve trawled through all the Christmas (and other winter holiday) media, just to find something gay all for you (ask Anna about her travails with Christmas films I dare you).

And here is the first of those rec lists! Ten books (mostly novellas in this one) for you set during Christmas (or another winter holiday, but mostly Christmas because it’s surprisingly difficult to find holiday novellas that are a) gay and b) not Christmas-specific. Obviously I wasn’t trying hard enough).

But anyway. Onwards.

Dala Horse Inn


Ellen Jenkins
Rep: bi mc, wlw li
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

I will happily admit I didn’t expect this to be such a soft friends-with-benefits-to-fake-girlfriends-to-lovers story as it was. And all in less than 50 pages.

A (Fake) Boyfriend for Christmas


Sean Ashcroft
Rep: gay mcs, lesbian side characters
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

It’s so soft I think I developed cavities just thinking about it again.

Christmas Inn Maine


Chelsea M. Cameron
Rep: wlw mcs
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

This is the first of the few upcoming releases on this list, so I can’t really tell you why you should read it but. It’s Chelsea M. Cameron, so if you want a soft and sweet romance to get you through the winter, this one’s for you!

Mangos and Mistletoe


Adriana Herrera
Rep: lesbian Dominican mcs
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

A cute f/f rivals to lovers romance? Set on a cookery show? Over Christmas? Give me twenty. Or even a hundred. I’ll never tire of reading them.

Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night


Iona Datt Sharma & Katherine Fabian
Rep: bi mc, genderqueer mc, bi, lesbian & gq side characters
Holiday: winter solstice

Why Should I Read It?

Rescuing your boyfriend who’s done something completely stupid with the help of his other partner, who you happen to only tolerate? I mean, you definitely need this in your life, I’m telling you.

Hearts Alight


Elliott Cooper
Rep: bi mc, trans side character
Holiday: Hanukkah

Why Should I Read It?

It’s cute and it’s one of the few Hanukkah novellas I could find (please rec me more if you know them this list is very Christmassy and not much else). Surely that’s enough for you.

No Room at the Inn


Brooke Winters
Rep: lesbian mcs
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

Okay so it’s not out yet but. Two women, one bed? Guess what I’m spending 19th December reading.

Handmade Holidays


Nathan Burgoine
Rep: gay mc, Japanese American gay li
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

Found family Christmas? Friends to lovers? Have I sold you yet?

A Match Made at Christmas


Ellen Jane
Rep: lesbian mc & li
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

The pining in this one is just *chef’s kiss*. Is that not reason alone to read it?

Room at the Inn


Drew Marvin Frayne
Rep: gay mc, Latino gay li
Holiday: Christmas

Why Should I Read It?

We’re all looking for that one novella that gives us a warm feeling inside and, whaddaya know, this is it!

What would you rec?


  • 'Nathan Burgoine

    I have a string of good luck this year with Christmas reads: Kris Bryant’s “Tinsel” (a grinchy, not-feeling-the-season, recently dumped woman finds and rescues a kitten (and maybe her Christmas spirit), and potential for much more with the local vet), then Hank Edwards’ “Snowflakes and Song Lyrics” which was like reading a Hallmark movie, only gay, between a bearish nice shy fellow and a singer who’s struggling for song lyrics for a Christmas album (shy fellow ends up leaving him notes with lyrics suggestions and it’s adorbs!), and then Jay Northcote’s “A Boyfriend for Christmas” which was as sexy as the others were sweet, about a reserved and posh upper-class fellow who’s family is super-Tory and so he’s not out, and the hunky tattoo artist he falls for at an event, which tosses both their lives into turmoil…

    • readsrainbow

      tinsel & a boyfriend for christmas are on my list but i couldn’t get to them in time for this post. i’ll definitely have to read all these in time for next year though!

      – charlotte

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