• Interviews

    Author Interview: Francesca May

    If you’re not excited about the upcoming Wild and Wicked Things, then I can only assume you have been living under a rock. But no matter! We’re here to change your mind. Great Gatsby meets Practical Magic but make it sapphic? What’s not to love? And if you already are excited, then get ready to be more so!

    Before we begin, don’t forget you can follow Fran on twitter as well!

    (And also don’t forget, you can check out Fran’s other works, under Fran Dorricott, if you’re looking for sapphic lit to tide you over while you wait!)

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Sapphic Science Fiction (II)

    Earlier, I ran a quick Twitter poll to ask the question of what genre of sapphic recs people would prefer and so, here we are! 20 science fiction recs (and some dystopia) just for you! If you’re interested in what I recced last time, that list is here. And if you’re interested in all the other sapphic posts I’ve done, those can be found here. Otherwise, enjoy!

  • All Releases,  Music,  Music Releases

    Music Releases: LGBT songs of February 2022

    I think all of us need a little tiny break from everything that is happening in the world right now, not even just in Ukraine. So without any further ado, here are ten songs by LGBT artists released in February that I wanted to spotlight & of course, per tradition, many many more are in the playlist available at the end of the post. Enjoy!

    That’s still not enough music for you? Try all my previous monthly posts right here!

  • Book of the Month,  Literature

    Book of the Month: Mamo

    When we made a shortlist of our potential books of the month, Mamo won for two reasons: fewest adds on Goodreads (a travesty), and Anna’s love of it. But, really, this was always going to be our pick, for obvious reasons: gorgeous art, a wonderful story, and a sweet romance. If you’re not excited about this graphic novel, then we can only conclude you hadn’t heard of it before. So take a look at why we think this is the book for you!

    And as always, you can, of course, also follow Sas on twitter.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: February 2022

    February was not an easy month for anyone, we don’t think, not least for the obvious reasons. Anna was in a reading slump for a lot of it (though also says to say at least I was reading). As ever, time does not feel real, etc etc, and we can’t believe it’s already March. All of which to say, check out what we read and watched this past month!

  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Guest Post: How My Daughter and My Main Character Brought Me Out of the Closet at the Age of 42

    We’re very excited today to be helping Katryn Bury celebrate her debut day with this post! Katryn’s book, Drew Leclair Gets a Clue, is out right now and we cannot wait to get to it. Katryn was lovely enough to write us this post, about coming out later in life, and how writing Drew Leclair helped her do it. If you’re still waiting on your copy to arrive, give this post a read in the meantime!

    And if you haven’t yet got yourself a copy, you can do so right here!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: 2022 Middle Grade & Picture Books

    This is the last of our big releases posts of the first half of the year. Here you will find 62 middle grade releases, and 25 picture book releases, all of which feature LGBT main characters! Everything I know at this point in time (give or take a couple that I’m waiting for clarification on). This list will get updated as I find more books, so if there’s one you know that’s not on here, feel free to mention it.

    And as ever, 🌈 means the author IDs as LGBT.

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Emily Bergslien & Kat Weaver

    Not to be biased here, but this interview probably ranks among my favourites that we’ve done, perhaps even outright top on the list. And that’s only partly because I’ve just started reading Uncommon Charm and I’m already loving it. Mark this one TBR folks, because it’s so good.

    Sadly, because publishing is publishing, it’s not available just yet, but in the meantime, you can enjoy this interview with the authors!

    Before we start, though, don’t forget you can also follow Emily and Kat on twitter!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Ownvoices Achillean Books of January-June 2022

    A list of ownvoices m/m books in the sense that they’re all written by achillean authors. They’re not even all strictly m/m romances, some have little to no romance. But they all have achillean main characters.

    Also worth noting is that last year’s post had barely 69 books, but this year it’s over 100! Let’s hope this number keeps growing with each year.

    There are no rainbow emojis, since all the authors are achillean. But there are plant emojis for nonbinary authors.

    And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

    See also: ownvoices achillean books of January-June 2021 & of July-December 2021; releases by rep
  • Book Features

    Cover Reveal + Excerpt: Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston

    Today’s post is probably our most exciting post of the month. We are delighted to help Esme Symes-Smith reveal the cover of their debut middle grade, Sir Callie and the Champions of Helston, coming out on 1st November! This cover is designed by Michelle Cunningham, with art by Kate Sheridan, and it is truly gorgeous.

    And not only do we have a cover for you today, but we also have a sneak preview of the book itself! Everyone wins today.

    Once you’ve read all this, of course, you can preorder and also follow Esme on twitter!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Adult LGBT Books with YA Crossover Appeal

    You know when you want to read a YA book, but actually you don’t want to read about teenagers, because you just got back home from your day job & you’re in a different head space? I got you!

    Just so we’re clear, though, I’m not saying those books should be shelved as YA, I’m not saying those authors didn’t know what they were writing, I’m not saying those authors have no idea how to write adult books… I’m not here to infantilise anyone, I’m simply offering you books with the vibes you’re looking for.

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Book Recs: Sapphic Fantasy (II)

    About two years back now, maybe nearer three, I started a rec series of posts of sapphic books split by genre. Then, sometime early 2020, I got bored, and stopped. Now, though, I’ve decided to come back to it, partly because I’ve read so much more since then I feel I have more content to rec. Partly because of recent dumbass twitter discourse. So yeah.

    It’s been a while, though. It’s been so long, in fact, I decided I had to expand how many books I included in here, just so none of my favourites would have to miss out! I upped it to 25 and there are still more that I haven’t added, so keep an eye out for a third post sometime soon…haha…

    As ever, all of the previous posts can be found here.