After our month long hiatus, we’re back right into the thick of things with our fresh new releases posts for the second half of the year. As ever, these will be updated regularly, so if you have a book releasing that’s not on here, please feel free to let us know! Otherwise, we hope you find something to enjoy out of all the books releasing this year!
Looking for the other posts?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction
Looking for January to June?
Contemporary | Fantasy | Historical | Mystery/Thriller | Nonfiction | Paranormal/Horror | Poetry | Science Fiction


Go the Way Your Blood Beats by Emmett de Monterey (memoir)
The Unfamiliar by Kirsty Logan (memoir)
Fanny & Stella by Neil McKenna (history; reprint)
Framing a Life by Roberta S. Kuriloff (memoir)
Male Homosexuality in Children’s Literature, 1867-1917 by Eric L. Tribunella (literature studies)
A Real Piece of Work by Erin Riley (essays)
A Place for Us by Brandon J. Wolf (memoir)
Process by Lucy Spraggan (memoir)
Smashed Not Wasted by Sam Thomas (memoir)
50 LGBTQI+ Who Changed the World by Florent Manelli (history)
In/Out by Steph Lentz (memoir)


Thin Skin by Jenn Shapland (essays)
Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls by Kai Cheng Thom (essays)
Queer Then and Now: The David R. Kessler Lectures, 2002–2020 ed. by Debanuj Dasgupta, Joseph Donica & Margot Weiss (essays)
Congratulations, The Best Is Over! by R. Eric Thomas (essays)
Daughters of Latin America ed. by Sandra Guzmán (essays)
Sipping Dom Pérignon Through a Straw: Reimagining Success as a Disabled Achiever by Eddie Ndopu (memoir)
Loving in the War Years: And Other Writings, 1978-1998 by CherrÃe Moraga (memoir/essays)
Performing the Queer Past: Public Possessions by Fintan Walsh (history)
Nothing Ever Just Disappears by Diarmuid Hester (history)
Leading Lady by Charles Busch (memoir)
Drag: A British History by Jacob Bloomfield (studies)
P. S. Burn This Letter Please by Craig Olsen (history)
Maeve Rising by Maeve DuVally (memoir)
Nobody Needs to Know by Pidgeon Pagonis (memoir)
Washington’s Gay General by Josh Trujillo & Levi Hastings (biography)
Late Bloomer by Melissa Giberson (memoir)
transister by Kate Brookes (memoir)
The Gender Book by Cassandra Jules Corrigan (studies & theory)
A Part of the Heart Can’t Be Eaten by Tristan Taormino (memoir)


Coming Out Alive by David Olshanetsky (guide)
Raising Kids Beyond the Binary by Jamie Bruesehoff (guide)
Disorderly Men by Edward Cahill (history)
Leading Lady by Charles Busch (memoir)
Hilda Matheson by Michael Carney (biography)
XOXO, Cody by Cody Rigsby (memoir)
Creep by Myriam Gurba (essays)
Wondrous Transformations by Alison Li (biography)
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) by Lara Vetter (biography)
Glitter and Concrete by Elyssa Maxx Goodman (history)
Surviving Transphobia ed. by Laura A. Jacobs (essays)
Bayard Rustin ed. by Michael G. Long (biography)
Love and Money, Sex and Death by McKenzie Wark (memoir)
Fair Play by Katie Barnes (studies & theory)
The Definition of Beautiful by Charlotte Bellows (memoir)
Exodai by Elizabeth Hackford (memoir)
My Body Is Distant by Paige Maylott (memoir)
Restless by Joseph Kai (memoir)
Inverse Cowgirl by Alicia Weigel (memoir)
To See Clearly: A Portrait of David Hockney by Evan Turk (biography)
Drawn to Change the World by Emma Reynolds (biography)
My Culture, My Gender, Me by Cassandra Jules Corrigan (history)
Adult Human Male by Oliver Radclyffe (monograph)


The City of the Living by Nicola Lagioia, trans. by Ann Goldstein (biography)
Friends Of Dorothy: A Celebration of LGBTQ+ Icons by Anthony Uzarowski & Alejandro Mogollo DÃez (biography)
Coming Out of My Skin by Jean-Baptiste Phou, trans. by Edward Gauvin (memoir)
Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant by Curtis Chin (memoir)
Been Outside: Adventures of Black Women, Nonbinary, and Gender Nonconforming People in Nature ed. by Amber Wendler, Shaz Zamore & Carolyn Finney (essays)
The Jolliest Bunch by Danny Pellegrino (essays)
AntoloGaia by Porpora Marcasciano, trans. by Francesco Pascuzzi & Sandra Waters (memoir)
Lifeline by Stephanie Kain (memoir)
Otherwise by Julie Marie Wade (essays)
Out of Focus by Amber Cantorna-Wylde (memoir)
Life, Laugh, Lesbian by Helen Scott (memoir)
Gender is Really Strange by Teddy G. Goetz (studies & theory)
300,000 Kisses by Seán Hewitt & Luke Edward Hall (history)
Beautiful Monster by Miles Borrero (memoir)
The Race to Be Myself by Caster Semenya (memoir)
He/She/They by Schuyler Bailar (studies & theory)
Out at the Plate by Lynn Ames (biography)
Decolonize Drag by Kareem Khubchandani (studies & theory)
Transland by Mx. Sly (memoir)
Desert Queen by Jyoti Rajan Gopal & Svabhu Kohli (biography)


Touching the Art by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore (memoir)
How to Love: A Guide to Feelings & Relationships for Everyone by Alex Norris (self help)
Your Gender Book by Ben Pechey (self help)
Mother, Nature by Jedidiah Jenkins (memoir)
Beyond Ridiculous by Kenneth Elliott (theatre studies)
Normporn by Karen Tongson (media studies)
The Old Gays Guide to the Good Life by Mick Peterson, Bill Lyons, Robert Reeves & Jessay Martin (group memoir)
I Am Only a Foreigner Because You Do Not Understand by L. Nichols (memoir)
On Community by Casey Plett (essays)
The Risk It Takes to Bloom by Raquel Willis (memoir)
Transitions: A Mother’s Journey by Élodie Durand, trans. by Evan McGorray (memoir)
Gender Rebels by Katherine Locke & Shanee Benjamin (history)
Bent Is Not Broken by M.J. Buckman (history)
About Ed by Robert Glück (memoir)

Songs on Endless Repeat: Essays and Outtakes by Anthony Veasna So (essays)

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