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Book Recs: Historical

Hello from Cornwall! Or not really, because this is a scheduled post and I am currently probably dragging my family around yet another castle (they should never have let me plan the trip, is all I’m saying). It’s probably apt, then, that my rec list is going to be full of history!

Historical LGBT books are a bit of a minefield, I think we can all agree. You think you’ll have come across a good one, and then all of a sudden, it’s either a) tragic, b) buries its gays (because no gay people ever had a happy ending in the past, did they?), or c) does both. So, of the utmost importance on this list, is that the book isn’t overly tragic all the way through, and it absolutely does not bury its gays.

So, with that in mind, here are ten historical LGBT books for you!

Wanted, A Gentleman


K. J. Charles
Rep: gay mcs, Black mc

Why Should I Read It?

K. J. Charles writes such great slowburn novellas you’ll find yourself just wanting to go back and reread the entire thing the moment you’re done. And then months later that same urge will come over you and you’ll “just read a bit of it” and end up spending hours rereading about half the novella. But it’s so worth it.

Tipping the Velvet

tipping the velvet by sarah waters

Sarah Waters
Rep: lesbian mcs (ownvoices)

Why Should I Read It?

Anna gave me this one to rec. Between us, it’s the only Sarah Waters book we’ve actually read (yes, we’re useless, we know). So if this one goes badly for you, blame her.

Confessions of the Fox


Jordy Rosenberg
Rep: trans mcs (ownvoices)

Why Should I Read It?

The premise of this book is essentially: Jack Shepherd, but what if he was trans. Which, you have to admit, is a pretty damn good premise. And then it goes, but what if the manuscript is wanted by some shady people and the professor who discovered it has to go on the run? (Or does he? Is it all paranoia? Anyway this book is chaotic. Read it.)

That Could be Enough


Alyssa Cole
Rep: Black wlw mcs (ownvoices)

TWs: period typical racism

Why Should I Read It?

I’ve recced this a thousand times before, you know the drill. (Also please do read it. I love it with my whole heart.)

The Pearl Thief


Elizabeth Wein
Rep: bi mc

TWs: period typical racism

Why Should I Read It?

A bi mc discovering her sexuality while roaming the moors and heaths of Scotland? You know you need it. Also, if you’ve read Code Name Verity, this will give you some very strong emotions. (If you haven’t read that, read it as well as this. Preferably after so you feel really sad.)

The Wicked Cometh


Laura Carlin
Replesbian mcs

Why Should I Read It?

I don’t want to give any spoilers for this one, but just. Trust me. Even at the point where you’re thinking “Charlotte, what the fuck have you recced me?”, just, reread what I wrote in the intro, and trust me.

Mrs. Martin’s Incomparable Adventure


Courtney Milan
Rep: wlw mcs (ownvoices)

Why Should I Read It?

I have been waiting my whole life* for a novel/novella dedicated to an f/f relationship from Courtney Milan, and she absolutely delivered with this one. And you get the sweet satisfaction of seeing a dickhead straight man suffer for his crimes. (The choir in pursuit really killed me.)

*This is an exaggeration.

A Light Amongst Shadows

a light amongst shadows by kelley york

Kelley York & Rowan Altwood
Rep: gay mc, bi li

TWs: discussion of past CSA, drug abuse, torture, murder, statutory rape

Why Should I Read It?

Do not read this at night. But do read it. And marvel at how James ever thought he was being at all subtle about liking William.

The Pursuit Of…


Courtney Milan
Rep: black mc, gay mcs

TWs: period typical racism and homophobia

Why Should I Read It?

This is another one I have recced a lot before, so all I have to say is this: Anna told me earlier that their uncle and aunt were talking about cheese and all they could think of was this book.



E. M. Forster
Rep: gay mcs (ownvoices)

Why Should I Read It?

(Yes, I had a discussion with Anna about whether this one should be considered historical if when E. M. Forster wrote it it was technically contemporary. They lost, because I’m writing the post.) Honestly, there is just something so healing about reading classics where gay characters are allowed happy endings, so that’s really why this one’s here.

I hope you found something to read here! What are some of your favourite historical LGBT books?


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