Sometimes you just don’t have a lot of time, but you still want to Feel something, to make your gay heart beat faster. That’s when short movies come into play! Packing an emotional punch into a fifteen minutes long story? That’s art. And everyone can spare a quarter of an hour to watch a tiny little thing like that, right?
I’m starting the list with a title you all hopefully already know, but it’s always good to bring back our faves! And then it’s just a little bit of everything, to be honest.

In a Heartbeat (2017)

dir. Beth David, Esteban Bravo
Rep: gay mcs
Why Should I Watch It?
I mean, did you really think I wouldn’t lead with this one? Come on! Three minutes & fifty eight seconds of pure, unadulterated joy! The boys don’t even say a word and it’s still better than half the “rep” we’re given in movies. I probably watched it like a dozen times in a row when it was first released…

Curmudgeons (2016)

dir. Danny DeVito
Rep: gay mc & li
Why Should I Watch It?
Danny DeVito just said “Gay Rights!!!”. Honestly, can you think of a single other movie about two old gay men? And they’re so grumpy! So angry! Believe me, it’s just such a pleasure to witness & cry your heart our at the ending.

Kiss Me Softly (2012)

dir. Anthony Schatteman
Rep: gay mc & li
Why Should I Watch It?
Okay, this one has a sprinkle of homophobia in a school setting, but nothing drastic happens. It’s really just a background for Jasper to figure out how to be himself. And he really DID THAT! Honestly, the last scene? Beautiful. Standing ovation.

Caged (2013)

dir. Dylan Tonk & Lazlo Tonk
Rep: gay best friend, mlm relationship
Why Should I Watch It?
I mean, that description is pretty much self-explanatory, right? It’s not a groundbreaking sort of movie, but it’s a nice, soft little thing with a happy ending. It’s from the perspective of the straight friend & there’s of course some homophobia, but it all works out in the end.

The Language of Love (2013)

dir. Laura Scrivano, John Vallance
Rep: gay Korean mc
Why Should I Watch It?
This is actually just like ten minutes of a monologue from a teen who’s in love with his best friend. It feels very honest and tender, and makes you remember how precious love is, especially that first one.

Still a Rose (2015)

dir. Hazart
Rep: wlw & mlm couples
Why Should I Watch It?
Okay so this is not straightforward (or just straight) at all and that’s where its power lies. Basically we have four couples. Two het ones that you would expect, but they keep cutting to a wlw & a mlm couple. The editing is really a work of art, the constant switching of Romeo being a boy, a Black girl, a boy… So really, you could say that everyone here is bi. And anyway, there’s just something magical about seeing Shakespeare being reenacted by gay couples!

Yeah, I am subverting our rec lists and only putting six things on them. I did that before with songs that make me think of Mary Oliver’s poetry & I’m doing it now. I mean, at the end of the day… It is my blog, so I can do whatever I want… (Yes, I did ask Charlotte if I can.)
Hopefully you found something interesting here! Hopefully you will feel some nice, gay emotions thanks to those movies! Hopefully you will have fun! Let me know in the comments!

Nao @naonotrealname
In A Heartbeat is such a comfort watch! And thank you for this recommendation list. All of them sound very promising!
i adore “in a heartbeat”, it’s the sweetest thing in the world!! :>>
and ur very welcome, it was a pleasure!