• Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: June 2020

    It’s the end of June and another Pride month, which means it’s time for a wrap-up. As you may remember, at the beginning of the month, each of us set the other a TBR of six books. Well, now you can find out how we got on with that!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: May 2020

    When writing this post, both me and Anna thought to ourselves that we could have sworn it was longer since we read certain books. Which probably sums up May as a whole, really.

    Anna had a generally positive reading month, meanwhile I read some great books, but also suffered through some really really shit ones. About the usual then, really.

    Also starting this month, if only because I got into podcasts, our “watched” section has become a “watched and listened to” section.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: April 2020

    While March seems to have lasted forever, I’m sure we’re not alone in thinking April has shot by. Time is so fake.

    But anyway, both Anna and I had good reading months in April and, for the first time since January, Anna is back to watching more than me. But it’s okay. Just wait until I bring in a “listened to” feature next month…

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: March 2020

    March sure was a very weird month for all us, not just readers and bloggers. We all deal with the current situation in different ways; some of us (like Charlotte) used the lockdown to read a ridiculous amount of books, others (like me) found it kinda difficult to actually do anything productive at all. Whatever was the case for you, if you’re looking for some recs, here’s all the LGBT media we managed to consume last month!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: February 2020

    February was #FFFeb, so we both challenged ourselves to only read sapphic books for the whole month. Which was, to a degree, successful. Which means what you see here is every single book we read this month.

    It’s also the first month I think ever that I (Anna) have watched less things than Charlotte… Let’s please all give her a round of applause!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: January 2020

    As always and to no one’s surprise, Charlotte read more last month than me & I watched more than she. But surprisingly, I read quite a few fantasy novels! So really, if you think about it, it was a month of surprises…

    Anyway, we both read some amazing books, so take a look at our lists!

    (Also I realised I’ve been watching a lot of movies lately, so if any of you wants a specific rec list from me, please don’t hesitate to say so in the comments & I’ll do my best!)

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: December 2019

    For some of us (and by some of us, I mean Charlotte) December was an amazing month, reading-wise. Some of us read literally dozens of books and have a lot of recs to share with you guys. Other people (and by other people, I mean me, Anna) focused on watching gay movies & have close to nothing to share with you guys, because watching gay movies is a lot like playing Russian roulette – you just can’t tell which one will do you in.

    Regardless, we both ended the year on a very gay note, so explore!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: November 2019

    November was a less busy month on the blog, after the hecticness that was October (and is going to be December too…), but we still posted a fair bit, and, on a whim, started our own LGBT lit choice awards (which may or may not continue next year).

    And I (Charlotte) for once watched more things than Anna did (please note this down because it’ll never happen again).

    So, here’s our wrapup! As ever, the fire emoji indicates a reread/rewatch.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: October 2019

    October was not very good to us when it came to reading. Personally I was in a lowkey reading slump (yet again), but I don’t know what is Charlotte’s excuse for reading barely ten books… (edit: that’s a lie, I read only 10 LGBT books not 10 books total)

    To be fair Charlotte made me watch 9-1-1 and we’ve both been thinking about little else since.

    In any case! Here are the LGBT titles we consumed last month! And once again, the fire emoji indicates a reread/rewatch.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: September 2019

    September was a great reading month for us, by which I mean I managed to read basically as many books as Charlotte! (So what if it was only because she was busy finishing her research project for uni…) But in any case, we both read some great books, so you should definitely pay attention to our lists!

    You’ll also notice a fire emoji next to some titles. I figured it might be cool to mark the books we’ve reread.

    (As ever, though, Anna beat me at watching things in September.)

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: August 2019

    August seems like it’s lasted forever, to be quite honest (though that may in part be because of my research project, and now the final two weeks are gonna go by like nothing, but okay). We have a lot of things in this post (mostly because I read a lot and Anna watched – comparatively – a lot).

    And there were some great posts we saw as well! So, without further ado, here’s our wrap-up!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: July 2019

    Personally, I don’t know when this whole month went past. If you asked me what day it is and didn’t show me a calendar, I would say it’s like… maybe… July 17th?? But here we are, already in August.

    Neither of us really read A Lot in July, which I will gladly blame on it being the summer holidays (even though I didn’t get time off from work at all). And yes, I am aware that Charlotte’s list is 23 books long, but believe me – for her? That’s nothing. On my part, I was doing pretty well, until I read struggled with this one Polish book that was so awful, it actually put me off reading for the rest of the month…

    Hopefully, August will be amazing for both of us! And for all of you, too! And now, let’s dive into the past.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: June 2019

    We had an epic June (and Pride Month), so what better way to finish it off than to give you a wrap-up of all the amazing things that happened on this blog and others! So we thought, what better than to highlight some of the best (and gayest) books and posts of the month.

    We’re starting with what each of us read and watched this month (even the stuff we hated, yes), complete with any reviews we wrote. And then we want to highlight some great posts from the community we read. Hopefully, this will become a more regular feature, but who knows.