• Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: September 2021

    Yet another month seems to have flown by at the speed of light, leaving us ever closer to the end of 2021 (ha. haha). We have an exciting (and spooky) month planned for October, so you’ll want to stick around, but before we can get to that, here’s how our September looked.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: August 2021

    It’s the end of August and the end of the summer (if you’re in the northern hemisphere, that is), which brings us to our wrap up post. I don’t know about you, but time seems to be passing so quickly at the moment and yet, at the same time, I do not remember reading half of these books in August. We have a jam-packed September for you, but first, let’s recap the previous month.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: July 2021

    After a more chill July, following June’s…somewhat hectic schedule, we’re back to posting just a bit more in August, and have some great rec lists you won’t want to miss out on! But before we can get to that, here’s our wrap-up of the month just gone.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: June 2021

    Pretty homophobic but Pride Month is over. Everyone celebrated in different ways, be it at marches or through reading LGBT books, or by simply existing in this world.

    So here’s a rundown of what Charlotte & me read and watched in this gayest of months, which isn’t really any shorter than a list of what we read in any other month… Check it out, though, maybe get inspired, tell us what you read yourself!

    And hey, no spoilers, but keep an eye out for the blog in upcoming days! We have something exciting to share!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: May 2021

    May was a busy (and somewhat stressfully hectic) month for us! As you have by now hopefully noticed, we’re self-hosted, thanks to the incredible generosity of Kayla Ancrum (a sign that you need to read her books now if you haven’t already — her next is out on 22nd June, so there’s still time to preorder!). After a wobbly start, we think we know what we’re doing now, although I’m sure Hostgator support would disagree.

    But anyway, if you’re interested in what we’ve been reading and watching in the meantime, check it out!

    And, of course,

    🌈 🌈 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! 🌈🌈

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: April 2021

    Another month gone, another intro I don’t know how to write…welcome to May everyone! I hope your Aprils were as great as mine (I beat Anna in shows/films watched). Aaand yeah I have nothing more to say.

    Let’s get on with it then…

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: March 2021

    I was so close to beating Anna on things watched this month, but, once again, they came out on top. But between us, we watched a fair variety of things…I think.

    But anyway. If you want to see what we’ve read and watched and loved (or not…), then this is the post for you! Also, if you’re wanting any rec lists in particular for next month, drop a comment and we’ll see what we can come up with.

    (And Happy Easter, if you celebrate it!)

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: February 2021

    February seems to have both whizzed by and also taken forever to be done, much like this past year has felt overall, really. There’s not much to add here that we haven’t said before: as ever, I read more than Anna. Anna watched more than me.

    So it goes.

    But we do have some great posts to highlight this month, so take a scroll and find out!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: January 2021

    One month down, only eleven more to go… This year won’t be so bad, will it?

    As always with us, I (Anna) watched more stuff than Charlotte, but Charlotte read way more books than I did. At this point, I don’t suppose anyone is ever surprised to see that. But hey, at least I read more than in December, this is clearly progress! And hopefully y’all have read more than me!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: December 2020

    Possibly the longest year known to mankind has finally ended! Just in time for what could be the second longest year known to mankind. But overall, December was somewhat kind to us (although Anna’s books read total might suggest otherwise). And now we’re finally in 2021 (and so close to all those amazing new books)!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: November 2020

    Yeah, I don’t know how on earth it’s already December, either. I feel like I blinked, didn’t sleep for a week, and the the year ended. 2020 sure is great to us.

    Personally I (Anna) have read very well in November: maybe not as much as some people (I mean Charlotte), but only good books. And because of the movie rec list I made a few weeks back, I had a lot of fun with the stuff I watched. Hopefully I can continue that this month and y’all as well.

    And, last but not least, you still have until 7th December to vote in our Alternative Choice Awards so:

    Go Vote!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: October 2020

    After six years’ worth of October, we’ve finally made it to November (whether this is a good thing remains to be seen)! As you can see, Anna had a…somewhat subdued month of reading, while I managed a single episode of a TV show which wasn’t even that good.

    At least we had the reverse luck with the others.

    And, in October, our Alternative Choice Awards opened for 2020 so

    Go Vote!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: September 2020

    Do you ever get the feeling that September just doesn’t feel real? Like, I feel as though it was August, I blinked, and now it’s October. That may just be me.

    September, as you can see, was a productive month. Anna watched a lot, I read a lot (I don’t want to talk about it), time went by. So take a scroll through, and let us know how September was for you!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: August 2020

    I don’t know about you, but somehow August seems to have simultaneously lasted forever and also been as short as anything. It’s some kind of magic trick, I’m sure.

    Also can you believe it’s autumn already?

    But anyway. Enough of that. Have a scroll through our August summary to see what we enjoyed!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: July 2020

    Is it just me or has July passed by so fast? I can’t quite believe we’re already in August. In the last month, well… you can see what happened to the pair of us reading-wise (every time I think to myself, I’ll start this post earlier so it’s not so much work adding links/images all at once. I never do). And watching-wise (but that’s nothing new for me, is it…).

    But anyway. Check out what we did manage to read and watch.

    Also, thank you so much to everyone who nominated us in the 2020 Book Blogger Awards! We are truly so thankful! And, obviously, congratulations to everyone in there as well! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the full list of bloggers nominated.