• Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: December 2022

    Welcome to our final wrap up, and not just for 2022! From now on, if you want an insight into what we’ve read/watched/listened to, we’ll be sending out a newsletter every month. We’re also planning on posting a bit less often on here, in part to give ourselves a bit of a break between posts, and in part because after 4 and a bit years, we’re finally running low on new ideas. With luck, longer breaks means more time to read books for rec posts and, consequently, more ideas. We hope.

    And, just so you know, you have until 10AM GMT tomorrow to get your nominations in for the awards! You can do that here.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: November 2022

    We open this wrap up with the news that it’ll be our penultimate one. That’s not to say we won’t be doing something similar still, but just not here on the blog. In fact, we’re transferring it over to a newsletter! The first of those went out yesterday and you can read it here (and subscribe maybe?). Instead of being simply a list of everything we read or watched, and posted, it’ll be a little more interesting than that, our favourites of the month, things we’ve seen that we want to highlight, and more besides.

    But in the meantime, we’ll finish off 2022 in wrap ups at least, alongside the first couple of newsletters. So, here’s November’s for you to enjoy (maybe).

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: October 2022

    I visited all the cemeteries in the city, as you’re wont to do on November 1st in this part of the world, so now it’s time to take a look at the last month! Of course, like always, Charlotte read more than me, no one is surprised by that, but you’ll also notice that I already started (re)watching Christmas movies. Yes, a new rec list is coming your way some day in December! (Because there’s one from last year, for those of you who want to get in the spirit early!)

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: September 2022

    September was a weird month for us. Well, maybe mostly for me… My laptop broke (thanks to everyone who helped me out!), I had a work trip, I had a few out-of-town workshops for work… Not a lot of time to read. Meanwhile, Charlotte, in true fashion, was reading like there’s no tomorrow.

    Most importantly, though, in September we hit our fourth (!) blogging anniversary!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: August 2022

    We’ve finally hit the end of (the northern hemisphere’s) summer (and hopefully the heat!) and it’s time to start thinking about curling up in the cold with a blanket and a book! In the meantime, though, here’s a little wrap up, courtesy of the one working laptop we have between us. So, if any of Anna’s entries are a little incomplete, I do apologise.

    P.S. if you’re able and willing to help Anna out a bit with their computer repairs, their ko-fi can be found here.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: July 2022

    I don’t know about you, but July seems to have sped by for me. We’re already into August and from there, it’s basically the end of 2022. Time, what a thing. In an unexpected turn of events, neither of us watched or listened to anything gay this month. I say “unexpected”, but this is probably more so for Anna than me. But anyway, August sounds like the perfect month for correcting that! And we did read a whole lot besides.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: June 2022

    June might be over but every month is Pride month on this blog! Because let’s be honest, to be able to recommend you as many books and movies, as we do, we must consume giant amounts of them on daily basis. No matter what it is.

    So check out what Pride had to offer to us, and hopefully get inspire to read/watch something new!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: May 2022

    Happy Pride! Hope this month is gonna be filled with nothing but beautiful & joyful things for you!

    But speaking of the past month, in absolutely shocking news, I (Anna) finally remembered what it means to read! Very exciting, even if most of what I read were romance novels… Anyway, check out what media we consumed in May!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: April 2022

    Hope everyone had a good April, a month which I keep referring to as either March or May. As you can tell, Anna got back to watching more than me (& I feel I should mention they did read more than one book, it’s just the others were straight, in an unusual turn of events). But anyway, here’s what we read, watched and listened to!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: March 2022

    I don’t know about you, but March feels like it flew by. It was February just a few days ago, I swear! But here we are, in April already. And with a wrap up post to boot.

    Before we start, though, in June we’re looking to open up the blog to you guys! We’ve got 10 guest post slots open to anyone, so, if you have a post you’re burning to write, pitch us your ideas! More information about it (& the sign up form) can be found here.

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: February 2022

    February was not an easy month for anyone, we don’t think, not least for the obvious reasons. Anna was in a reading slump for a lot of it (though also says to say at least I was reading). As ever, time does not feel real, etc etc, and we can’t believe it’s already March. All of which to say, check out what we read and watched this past month!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: January 2022

    January was a bumper month for us: we hit our new record views for a day, and also for the month (by a long way), we hit 5k followers on twitter, and then we surpassed our record views for the day again. (Now all that’s left is to hit 1k followers on here…) There was a lot going on. And in between all that, we read a few things (though neither of us managed to watch anything gay at all).

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: December 2021

    After giving you a couple of entire year wrap ups in the form of best of posts (books and tv/film), we’re taking a quick step back with our final wrap up post of 2021, before we continue forward into January’s post. So, if you’re interested in what we read, watched and listened to in December, take a look!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: November 2021

    Better late than never comes our wrap up post for November. This month was pretty busy for us, and December is only going to get busier. Which is… good news of a sort? Risky news for the frequency of posts on the blog, but we’ll just have to see how it goes.

    But anyway! I hope your Novembers went well, and that December is good to you. Here’s a little summary of our reading, watching, and now listening habits!

  • Wrap Ups

    Wrap-up: October 2021

    Yes, the year is ending, no, we can’t believe that either. But on the plus side, one of us (Anna) finished their reading challenge last month! (We absolutely do not talk about the amount of book Charlotte have or have not read this year, thank you very much.)

    We also, surprisingly, both watched quite a few things in October, so really, just take a look and maybe get inspired in your watching/reading choices!