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    Misc Media Recs: Podcasts, Webseries & Webcomics (I)

    At the beginning of the month, I got really into podcasts, because they gave me something to listen to while I was playing Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Or rather, one podcast. Because this list was initially supposed to be only podcasts, with a few webseries thrown in.

    Instead… Well, you can see what it is instead.

    But anyway. Sometimes you just need an easily and rapidly consumable shot of LGBT media, hence why on this post you can find recs for podcasts, webseries and webcomics. And this will be an ongoing series too.

    If you enjoyed any of these recs, please do support the creators however you can (Patreon, Tapas, etc — there should be links on websites, hopefully, or at least links to the creators’ pages).

    So, pick your content and let’s go!


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    The Great Big Thank You Post

    About 10 days back, we celebrated our first birthday for this blog. And in typical us, slapdash and hurried fashion, we completely failed to time our celebration posts at all reasonably. So, if you’re wondering why this great big thank you post is coming last, a good week after our actual blogiversary. Well. Yeah. Just pretend like we didn’t confess to how unprofessional this whole operation is. (Spoiler alert: adulthood is not fun, do not grow up kids!)

    Anyway. Before we start this post, here’s a reminder of the guests we’ve featured over the past week!

    🌻 Shri wrote about coming to terms with being bi. 🌻
    🌻 Gabhi wrote about her experiences with coming out. 🌻
    🌻 Amrita wrote about finding representation in Malinda Lo’s books. 🌻
    🌻 Kayla wrote about the importance of found family & background LGBT characters. 🌻
    🌻 Lou wrote about finding the right person to create comics with. 🌻

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    Book Tag: I Should Have Read That Book

    We were tagged by the amazing Cam @ Camillea Reads! Inspired by her Asian Pacific Heritage Month themed post, we’re also going to mix things up a little, and make sure every book we have on here is an LBGT one. Well, it’s just what is expected from us and from this blog, isn’t it? We wouldn’t want to disappoint you guys! And also, we just really love to talk about LGBT books…


    🌺 Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post
    🌺 Answer the questions below
    🌺 Tag 10 others to take part

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    Bloggers Recognition Award

    Someday in April Shri @ Sun and Chai nominated us for this award which we are very grateful for & very honored by! Thank you, Shri! Shri is a big fan of fantasy books and specifically diverse fantasy books, so head over to her blog whenever you feel a void in your heart that a great sff book could fill!

    And now quickly the rules:

    • Thank the blogger that nominated you.
    • Write a post to show your award.
    • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
    • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
    • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
    • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
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    About the Bloggers: Q&A

    You asked (kind of), so we’re delivering! Well, actually… We asked if you want to ask & then you did. But it counts, right? It’s almost like this whole post was your idea!

    Hopefully you will have as much fun reading our answers as we did answering your questions in the first place! 💛💚

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    An Introduction

    Welcome to Reads Rainbow

    a blog dedicated to LGBT media, where we aim to give you reviews, recs and information about new releases!

    A little bit about the blog: we hope to provide you with reviews of already released books, films and tv shows, as well as offering rec lists and keeping you apprised of new LGBT releases. We want to primarily consider ownvoices media, but we will also be reviewing non-ownvoices media, and reccing those we think are good. We will also try to indicate where the media is diverse in other ways, and whether that is ownvoices representation or not.


    (twitter @ heresthepencil)

    Hi, I’m Anna! I’m a 30 year old lesbian from Poland and I work full-time at a city hall. Nowadays I usually read YA literature (I might be old, but the feelings described in those books are relatable to all & somehow more real than in adult lit) and more specifically contemporary books, with some sff thrown in every once in a while. I’m also very big on poetry. The list of my favourite authors is quite long but to name just a few: Melina Marchetta, Natasha Pulley, Kayla Ancrum, Brandon Sanderson, and for poets: Ocean Vuong, Richard Siken, Ada Limón, Sappho, Kaveh Akbar.


    (twitter @ mahitdzmare)

    Hi, I’m Charlotte! I’m 22 and studying for my Masters degree in Sport Psychology this year. My reading oscillates between finishing something in a day, maybe two, and not finishing it for months on end. (There really is no in-between.) My favourite genres are historical mystery and fantasy (and probably also sports fiction, now I think about it). Some of my favourite authors are Patrick Ness, Melina Marchetta, and Megan Whalen Turner. I also blog over at tealeafreads.