
Book Tag: I Should Have Read That Book

We were tagged by the amazing Cam @ Camillea Reads! Inspired by her Asian Pacific Heritage Month themed post, we’re also going to mix things up a little, and make sure every book we have on here is an LBGT one. Well, it’s just what is expected from us and from this blog, isn’t it? We wouldn’t want to disappoint you guys! And also, we just really love to talk about LGBT books…


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🌺 Tag 10 others to take part

A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read


The Weight of the Stars
K. Ancrum
Rep: lesbian mcs (bi author)

Anna has been telling me for months to read this book (pretty much since they read the ARC, really), but I still haven’t. Mostly because I’m terrible at actually reading books people tell me to read. It just takes me that much longer to get to them and I don’t know why. But anyway. Anna doesn’t tell me to read a lot of books (either that, or I just forget them all…), but they did this one. Multiple times.


The Gilded Wolves
Roshani Chokshi
Rep: Filipino-Spanish bi mc, Haitian-French mlm mc, South Indian mc, French-Algerian mc, possibly autistic mc

If there is one thing y’all need to know about Charlotte, is that she’s the biggest champion of Chokshi you will ever meet. I can’t even count how many times she told me to read this book that she fell so deeply in love with (and really, any other book by Chokshi as well). The truth is, I even started it but then got into some fantasy-induced reading slump and never managed to finish. Hopefully soon, though!

A book that’s been on your TBR forever and yet you still haven’t picked it up


The Weekend
Peter Cameron
Rep: gay mc

Barring the Nightrunner series (see below), this is the LGBT book that’s been on my TBR shelf (unread) for the longest. I guess part of the problem is that I have a tendency to put books on my TBR and then forget I’ve put them there and never get round to reading them. And this book has definitely suffered from that…


Tara Sim
Rep: male bi mc, gay li

Timekeeper was one of the first books I added to my TBR on goodreads, well the LGBT one. It’s been over three years now… Why haven’t I read it yet? I honestly have no clue, since the books looks exactly like my jam. I guess I just keep getting swept up with all the new releases and all the other books people recommend me and I just never have time to get back to this one.

A book in a series you’ve started, but haven’t gotten round to finishing yet


The White Road (Nightrunner #5)
Lynn Flewelling
Rep: bi mcs, mlm relationship
TWs: torture

I got really into this series a few years back and binged the first four pretty quickly. And then, for whatever reason, I just stopped and haven’t picked it back up since. So one day, I’m going to have to bring myself to read the last three books in this series (in all probability, after rereading the first four).

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 Ice Crypt (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai #2)
Tiana Warner
Rep: wlw mc & li (ownvoices)

I’ve read the first book in the series almost three years ago and I absolutely loved it! Get this, it was a slowburn romance between a mermaid and a girl warrior who were childhood best friends turned enemies. It just doesn’t get better than that… So yeah, I don’t have an excuse for not continuing the series. I’m just… lazy? Really into contemporary lately?

A classic you’ve always liked the sound of, but never actually read


E.M. Forster
Rep: gay mc (ownvoices), mlm relationship

There are so few explicitly gay classics that you hear a lot about, but Maurice is one of them. I don’t do all that well with classics (they take me longer to read and I get easily bored), but I have read one of Forster’s other works (not to say I particularly liked what happened in it, but I liked the writing), so I know I’ll probably like this one. I just… haven’t got round to it yet…


The Charioteer
Mary Renault
Rep: mlm relationship

We as the LGBT community just have a little bit different approach to the term “classic”, don’t we. It’s not necessarily just a really old book, what with how few of those managed to get published across the years. Sometimes it’s more of a “this book had an impact on our culture & there was a time when all of us knew about it and read it”. So my choice here is a book by Mary Renault, a true classic (like all the other ones by her).

A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read


Leah on the Offbeat
Becky Albertalli
Rep: bi mc, wlw relationship

So, I’m gonna fess up to something. I didn’t like Leah at all in Simon vs. Mostly because I hated how childishly angry she got about Simon not coming out to her first, but I mean, it’s a very straight reaction and the author is straight (or, at the time of writing wasn’t out) so. That could be why. But it means that I have no particular inclination to read her book. I will read any f/f I can get my hands on, but I can’t be dealing with a protagonist I dislike. And also I read some reviews and wasn’t too impressed by the biphobia the book seemed to contain so yeah. It’s a popular book everyone but me seems to have read, but also. I don’t actually plan on changing that any time soon.


Everything Leads to You
Nina LaCour
Rep: mixed race (Black) lesbian mc, lesbian li (wlw author)

I just sorted my list by the number of ratings and hoped for the best, because honestly, how do you even judge if a book is popular? I actually don’t understand how I haven’t read this book yet, given how much I absolutely adored We Are Okay. (Sidenote: I have a review of it on my blog.) Maybe this Pride Month I will finally get myself together?

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but you just haven’t read it yet

An LGBT book you really wish was finally adapted into a film/TV show


A Memory Called Empire
Arkady Martine
Rep: wlw mcs

When Anna asked me for my response to this one, A Memory Called Empire was the first book that came to mind. Because the worldbuilding in this is absolutely amazing and I would love to see that translated to the screen. And it’s also a slowburn, politicky sci-fi and I just love that. But then, a lot of the worldbuilding and character development happens through Mazit’s internal monologue so. Maybe it wouldn’t work.


Midnighter and Apollo
Steve Orlando (writer) & Fernando Blanco (artist)
Rep: gay mc & li (ownvoices)

Whatever, it’s our blog and we set the rules, so I can go with a comic book! And guys, listen… We deserve a gay superhero. Two of them even! Madly in love! We deserve to see the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice reimagined on the big screen, with a gay happy ending. And well, quite a lot more death than there is in the original…

A book you see all over Instagram but haven’t picked up yet


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Taylor Jenkins Reid
Rep: bi mc

I don’t use Instagram for books, so I’m going to go with one I’ve seen all over Goodreads instead. And that’s gonna have to be this one. Even that’s a bit of a cheat though, because I have started it, I’ve just not got any much where with it… And I read another of this author’s books in the meantime, so I know I like her writing. I guess right now I’m just in the wrong mood for contemporary adult lit.


The Fever King
Victoria Lee
Rep: bi Jewish mc, gay li
TWs: child abuse, statutory rape, suicide mentions, torture in past

I blacked out for a second here and couldn’t think of a single book I have ever seen on my feed. But then I took a deep breath and remembered all my friends raving about this one. So here we are. Victoria Lee celebrated her birthday in Scotland and I still haven’t read her book, like a fake gay that I am.

And now, for the lovely people we want to tag:

We hope you enjoyed reading this tag as much as we enjoyed participating in it. Thank you again to Cam for tagging us!


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