I might be away on a work trip, but that’s no reason for y’all not to have some new music! Or well, in all honesty, I do hope most of those songs aren’t new for you, because that would mean you know more & more LGBT artists. But whatever’s the case, please enjoy!
There’s over six hours of music for you here, have fun! (And please remember, we’re always more than happy to add any songs you let us know about!)
Want more music? Check out the previous monthly posts right here!

Seatbelts by SuperKnova
ET SI, DE by Safia Nolin
new bitch by Pyra
Hugs N Kisses by Hybrid Rose

Evermore by Tafari Anthony
Holiday by RiSi
Karaoke Bar by daena
Let Yourself Go! by Octo Octa

Sweet Love by Brayla
Dani by Maddie Zahm
Back In Time by Daniel Molyneaux
Cvore by Vergo

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