April was a quick month, I’m not even sure how & when May started. But the playlist I have for you isn’t quick, that’s for certain! There are over 100 songs by LGBT artists on there. So have fun listening!
Like always, 12 songs are listed in the post itself, the ones I especially wanted to highlight, and at the end there’s a Spotify playlist with hours of music. Enjoy!
Want more music? Check out the previous monthly posts right here!

amber by Alej
Fractured Time by Tornsey
Boyhood by Binoy
Blades by Arlo Parks

Greener by Pia Notoriyas
boy alone by Karlson
Butterfly In A Blackhole by Alec Gaston
LoveSexDrugs by Michael Medrano

High For The Summer by Cub Sport & Shamir
Bruises Off The Peach by Ryan Beatty
Monster by Rubby
Burn by Tallulah Guard

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