This month’s music post comes courtesy of my (Charlotte, not Anna’s) computer, as Anna’s has decided that enough is enough, and it’s going on strike. (By which I mean, it’s broken and in the midst of repairs.) So, in the interests of not delaying this post any longer, I stepped in, under Anna’s close supervision. Here, as ever, you will find their playlist of releases for the month, and 10 of their favourites.
Want more music? Try all of Anna’s previous monthly posts right here!

Running Up That Hill by Kim Petras (trans artist)
Thirst Trap by M the Myth & Medusa (genderqueer artist)
10 lat by Cudowne Lata (Polish sapphic duo)

EVERYTHING CHANGED by Ryan Cassata & Rillakill (trans artist)
The Hunt by Tommy Bravos (queer artist)
Modern Love by Jake Wesley Rogers (gay artist)
CYCLOPS by Amindi (sapphic artist)

Pool Party by Jackie Lipson (sapphic nonbinary artist)
Where Are We Going? by Fab The Duo (queer duo)
Close by Tangina Stone (Black queer artist)

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love the post!!