With no clue what new rec list to possibly do, I turned back to an old(er) one to refresh. I last did a high fantasy rec list back in March 2021, and before that, April 2019, both of them before a number of books I now consider favourites were even released. So, what better time to do an update than now? And here we are, with 10 high fantasy recs for your delectation and delight!
And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

The Unspoken Name

A. K. Larkwood
Rep: lesbian mcs, gay mc, bi side character
Why Should I Read It?
To call this book simply “high fantasy” is perhaps a little condensed. This book is something like high fantasy crossed with science fiction, and it’s wonderful. If you haven’t read this book (this series!), then you’re missing out. It has snark and banter, and the opposite of wlw/mlm solidarity, and that’s before we even get to the meat of it! Trust me when I say, pick this one up next time you’re at a bookstore.

The Unbroken

C. L. Clark
Rep: Black lesbian mc, bi mc with physical disability due to injury
CWs: violence, gore, past attempted rape, threats of rape, torture
Why Should I Read It?
If you like your fantasy on the denser, more political side of things, this is the book for you. It’s a book that sucks you into the world, fully absorbs you so that, when you next look up, you’ve read a whole chunk of the book and gone way past your bedtime. And Touraine’s arms, amirite?

The Jasmine Throne

Tasha Suri
Rep: Indian lesbian mcs
Why Should I Read It?
If I didn’t put this book on a list, is it really a complete list? This is one of the best fantasies of recent times and you’ll really really want to get to it before the sequel comes out this August. Think lesbians, morally ambiguous lesbians, who willing to sacrifice anything and anyone (except each other?), in the pursuit of their goals. Ideal, right?

A Little Hatred

Joe Abercrombie
Rep: gay mc
CWs: gore, violence, implied torture, implied(?) incest
Why Should I Read It?
I’ve said this before, but let me say it again: sometimes you just want to read about really awful people. Not morally ambiguous. Just straight up awful. Corruption arcs abound! Just. Trust me when I say maybe don’t root for anyone in this series…haha…


Gabrielle Squailia
Rep: trans mc
CWs: gore, body horror
Why Should I Read It?
If you like your fantasy to be on the slightly more horrifying end of things, then this one is the book on the list you want to choose. A hastily assembled crew on a quest, mindfuckery, and a whole lot of chaos (with blood, guts and gore thrown in—please do find more detailed CWs if you want to give this a go). Sounds perfect, right?

The Bladed Faith

David Dalglish
Rep: sapphic mc
CWs: violence
Why Should I Read It?
A new series starter is always exciting, and none more so than this one, for me. Expansive fantasy, glorious worldbuilding, a plot pivoting on revenge… A trifecta of my favourite things right there.


Ellen Kushner
Rep: bi mcs
Why Should I Read It?
Swordspoint is a classic and, if you haven’t read it already, I’d like to invite you to take a moment to sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done. I’m kidding, but I am also. Not. Get yourself this one and get reading. I’m not gonna tell you anything more.

Black Wolves

Kate Elliott
Rep: bi mc
CWs: violence, gore, rape
Why Should I Read It?
Yes, it’s a little bit mean of me to recommend you a book where the sequels have been shelved indefinitely (publishers I would like a word), but. Hear me out. This is one of my favourite ever fantasies and everything about it is immaculate. So if enough more people read it, never say never? I hope?

Son of the Storm

Suyi Davies Okungbowa
Rep: Black sapphic mc, Black nonbinary li, sapphic side characters
CWs: gore, immolation, violence
Why Should I Read It?
Another to add to the list of actually awful characters you definitely want to read about! If you want women who get to be truly, inexcusably awful, who are power hungry and will do anything in that quest for power, then you should read this one. I mean, I support women’s rights but I support women’s wrongs too I love when they do bad stuff.

The Witness for the Dead

Katherine Addison
Rep: gay mc, gay li, sapphic side character
CWs: suicide
Why Should I Read It?
Unlike the other 9 recs on this list (perhaps 8?), this is a quieter kind of high fantasy, more character focused with a less expansive plot. It’s not about saving the world, but about solving a mystery, getting justice for someone, but also putting yourself back together again after the worst has happened. It’s hard to put into words how good this book is, so your only solution has to be to read it.

What would you rec?
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I’d recommend The Paths of Lantistyne because it’s one of the best high fantasy series I’ve read in years. Quite underrated. There’s a queer romance between the queen and her female bodyguard though it’s not central to the story “so far” (one more book to go).
ooh i’ll have to check that out, thanks!