It’s that time of a month again! The time when I bring you all the LGBT songs released in the past month (that I know about)! And like always, ten songs are highlighted in the post itself and all of them are available in the Spotify playlist.
That’s still not enough music for you? Try all my previous monthly posts right here!

The Low by Jxckson (Black queer artist)
HOUSE IN THE SKY by ieuan (gay artist)
Indigo by Fields (gay artist)

Rush by Raveena (Indian American queer artist)
Pegasus by Kentö (mixed-race lgbt artist)
Intuition by GESS (Italian gay artist)
Reproductive by Shamir (Black nonbinary artist)

Mona Lisa by Manchado & XHOSA (Colombian gay artist)
All Ways by Terry Blade (Black queer artist)
Honey Understand by NoSo (Korean American nonbinary queer artist)

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