Making sure y’all have lots & lots of new music to listen to by bringing you all the September releases by LGBT artists that I heard about. Please comment if you know any I’ve missed and I will add them to the mix (available at the end of the post!), but in the meantime check out ten of my personal favourites.
That’s not enough for you? Try all my previous monthly posts right here!
And hey, on an unrelated note! We started a bookstagram account, check it out!

Safe Word by Carlos Guevara (Latino gay artist)
I’m Sorry by Josef Salvat (bisexual artist)
Bloodshot by Kisos (Latino queer artist)
Wave by Mo’Ju (Wiradjuri and Filipino queer artist)
In Transit by Kennen (Asian queer artist)
Before You Say Goodbye by Katey Brooks (lesbian artist)
PRETTY PLEASE by Delia Dane (Black queer artist)
THAT’S WHAT I WANT – piano acoustic by Sam Tsui (half-Cantonese American gay artist)
1000 – sunset version by Safia Nolin (French Canadian lesbian artist)
Emergency by Lotic (Black nonbinary artist)

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