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Music Releases: LGBT songs of August 2021

It’s that time at the beginning of a new month, when I bring you all the songs LGBT artists released in the previous month. That I know about, of course. Feel free to list in the comments any I’ve missed and I will add them to the mix (available at the end of the post!), but in the meantime check out ten of my personal favourites.

That’s not enough for you? Try all my previous monthly posts right here!

San Frandiscothèque by Wu Am I & Freddie (Chinese American queer artist & Black genderfluid artist)
Feel Me by Jayse Vegas (nonbinary artist)
On My Way by Mayyadda (Black queer artist)

Purple by Miles Canady & Ryan Satyr (Black bisexual artist & Vietnamese American queer artist)
Volver a Enamorarme by Manchado (Colombian queer artist)
Love at First Sight by Cameron Hawthorn (gay artist)
boys in the backseat by Sean Doherty (gay artist)

Where Gravity is Dead by Shamir (Black nonbinary artist)
Se Entrega! by Bemti (Brazilian queer artist)
london by Wrabel (gay artist)

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