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Book Recs: Mysteries

I’m a simple reader: give me a good mystery and I will be satisfied. Make it gay and I will be over the freaking moon. And I’ve finally read enough excellent mysteries that I can make a rec list of them!

I have fairly high standards for mysteries, I’ll admit. I mean, I want something where I could potentially guess the culprit myself for a start. But not too easily. Basically I have to be able to follow along but also have some element of actual mysteriousness. I told you it was high standards.

But that, of course, means that all the books on this list are especially excellent (not that they wouldn’t be otherwise but. Stringent criteria and all).

So, onwards.

After the Eclipse


Fran Dorricott
Rep: lesbian mc, bi li
CWs: implied child rape

Why Should I Read It?

I feel like I’ve recced this enough times for you to know the drill, but let’s go again. Excellent (creepy) mystery and second chance romance. What’s not to love?

The Better Liar


Tanen Jones
Rep: bi mc

Why Should I Read It?

When I got to the plot twist in this, I gasped out loud and that’s all you need to know.



Russ Thomas
Rep: gay mc
CWs: casual homophobia, graphic descriptions of past child abuse and rape

Why Should I Read It?

I sat and read this one in about 3-4 hours it was that good. I put it down and immediately wanted more of it. Also it’s one of those where you finish and then you realise where the foreshadowing and hints were.

Keep This to Yourself


Tom Ryan
Rep: gay mc

Why Should I Read It?

I have a very vivid memory of finishing this book at 1am and then literally staring at the ceiling in shock for a good half hour because h o l y s h i t that plot twist.

Call Him Mine


Tim MacGabhann
Rep: gay mc
CWs: graphic descriptions of death & violence, drug abuse, mentions of drug addiction

Why Should I Read It?

This book is a grower, and I mean that in the best way possible. It’s also got an underlying current of grief to it, throughout it all, and you’ll only realise that when you reach about two thirds and suddenly you’re crying, why are you crying.

A Dead Djinn in Cairo


P. Djèlí Clark
Rep: Black wlw mc

Why Should I Read It?

If you’re looking for something shorter to read, this is an excellent one. Everything good about a mystery, condensed into a novella. And if, when you’re done, that’s not enough, there’s a full-length novel featuring the same characters coming out next year!

The Little Death


Michael Nava
Rep: Latino gay mc

Why Should I Read It?

This one’s a less recently published, but sometimes you just need to go back to the people who started writing gay shit when there was less gay shit around. And this is an excellent one for that (though it’s not that happy a book).

The Last Place You Look


Kristen Lepionka
Rep: bi mc
CWs: alcohol abuse, implied rape

Why Should I Read It?

Because of Roxane Weary. Do it for her.

Far From You


Tess Sharpe
Rep: bi mc
CWs: past drug abuse

Why Should I Read It?

I think this was possibly one of the first sapphic books I ever read, and it’s still one of my absolute favourites, so that’s definitely a sign. Also Tess Sharpe has basically got the market cornered on thrillers (and has another out next year, which I’m very excited about).

The Best Bad Things


Katrina Carrasco
Rep: bi (possibly gnc) mc

Why Should I Read It?

love historical mysteries, possibly more than any other. And this one also has a doozy of a romance (though I am still annoyed at how the whole book ended. Just noting that).

What would you rec?


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