At the beginning of December, I decided (foolishly) to aim to have read 400 books in 2019 (being, at the time, only on about 325). I made it, exhaustedly sure, but I made it. And I did so by reading a lot of novellas on
So, obviously, armed with that knowledge, I had to make a rec list. There are only my favourite 10 on here, but I also made a longer thread on twitter, with every single one I read over that time.
So enjoy!

The Library of Lost Things

Matthew Bright
Rep: mlm mc & li
Why Should I Read It?
You know a novella is good when your immediate reaction on finishing is oh I want more. I was at once both wholly satisfied with this one and also desperate to read more of the world and characters. It’s good, basically.

His Footsteps, Through Darkness and Light

Mimi Mondal
Rep: Indian mlm mcs
Why Should I Read It?
Of all the novellas I read, if you asked me to rec just one, this would be my go-to rec. It’s amazing.

The Shape of my Name

Nino Cipri
Rep: trans mc
Why Should I Read It?
Technically, this is one of the novellas we read in November for our book club, and not one I read in that novella binge. BUT. Does that matter? It’s brilliant either way.

Elephants and Corpses

Kameron Hurley
Rep: trans mc
Why Should I Read It?
I mean, surely the synopsis alone is enough to grab you on this one? The idea that there are people who can jump between bodies is so cool. And it is excellently realised in this novella.

The Water that Falls on You from Nowhere

John Chu
Rep: Chinese gay mc
CWs: homophobia from a family member, sibling abuse
Why Should I Read It?
You may notice that this is one of two John Chu novellas I have on this list (with good reason! Namely that I love them). In this one, you have a world where you get rained on if you tell a lie, and it’s brilliant.

Variations on an Apple

Yoon Ha Lee
Rep: bi mc, nonbinary li
Why Should I Read It?
This novella is like, imagine an Iliad retelling, but the city of Troy is a sentient human-like being and Paris is in love with them, and if that hasn’t sold you I don’t know what will.

Angel of the Blockade

Alex Wells
Rep: blind bi mc, nonbinary li
Why Should I Read It?
To be honest, the fact that it’s set in space was enough to sell me. But if you need more, it’s smugglers in space. That always makes everything a thousand times cooler.

Water: A History

K. J. Kabza
Rep: wlw mc
Why Should I Read It?
Insofar as science fiction can ever be “quiet”, this is a quietly sci fi novella. What I mean is the story isn’t a big huge adventure in space, it’s about people experiencing normal human events….but in space. I don’t know if I’m making any sense here, just know I love it.

The Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Proposed Trade-Offs for the Overhaul of the Barricade

John Chu
Rep: bi side character
Why Should I Read It?
There is something about the world created in this novella that I just adored – I don’t know what exactly. That’s why, although the bi character is a side character (and also I may have been reading into things a little), I have to rec it.

Super Bass

Kai Ashante Wilson
Rep: Black mlm mcs
Why Should I Read It?
Also one I read a while back and not in December, but it’s a novella that’s stuck with me, and really, it’s all you want out of anything you read is for it to do that. Isn’t it?

Are there any I’ve missed that you’d rec?

Amazing post!! Saved for later when I feel like binge reading a load of novellas 😍
yes! they’re also all available for free of course, so that makes binging them all the easier
Thank you for this awesome list!! This is very convenient for when I need to get out of my reading slump ❤
of course! there’ll undoubtedly be more parts coming too…
E. Pasternak
Thank you! I love short stories! Amazing post 🙂
no problem! hopefully there’ll be more of these posts to come