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Book Recs: Sapphic Fantasy (I)

I am here today, entirely reluctantly it should be noted, to rec you all some f/f fantasy books. (Not reluctantly because I don’t like the genre, I hasten to add, but because sometimes it’s all I seem to be asked to rec when it comes to f/f. But anyway.)

But you asked, so here I am.

As ever, I haven’t read every single book on this list. This is just a starter pack for you. And today, because f/f fantasy is a comparatively big genre, I’m going to try rec books that I know are less popular (so if you don’t see some big names on here, that’s why! And also I feel like I end up reccing the same books over and over for this genre so…trying to branch out a little).

Again, all the previous posts are here.

The Impossible Contract by K. A. Doore
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger**
The True Queen by Zen Cho
Sing the Four Quarters by Tanya Huff

Shatter the Sky by Rebecca Kim Wells
In the Vanishers’ Palace by Aliette de Bodard
Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno (CW for mentions of rape)
The Afterward by E. K. Johnston
Penhallow Amid Passing Things by Iona Datt Sharma

Thorn by Anna Burke
Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron
Robbergirl by S. T. Gibson
Cinder Ella by S. T. Lynn
The Drowning Eyes by Emily Foster (CW for eye horror)

Thornfruit by Felicia Davin
The Fire Opal Mechanism by Fran Wilde
Among the Hollow by Roman Ankenbrandt
Breaking Legacies by Zoe Reed
The Wind City by Summer Wigmore

**Please note that since this post was published, Paul Krueger has been accused of sexual harassment by several women and, as such, we can no longer recommend this book (although it will not be removed from the post, for full clarity).

Any of your favourites on this list? What other (less popular) novels you think are missing?

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