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Book Recs: LGBT Retellings (Myths)

Part two of my retellings rec lists, as promised! Don’t forget to check out the rest of the series: LGBT fairy tales retellings & LGBT retellings of classic books.

Now, when it comes to mythologies… I actually had a bit of a problem. I wasn’t sure if I should include retellings of The Odyssey, for example. Sure, we have mythology there, but also part three of this series is going to be Classic Texts & wouldn’t it be more of a fit there? I even ran a poll on twitter and y’all were who decided in the end. :>>

Also obviously my first thought for this theme was The Song of Achilles, because I am gay and love to suffer, but I figured there’s no point in reccing a book we have all read multiple times.

And hey, a lot of those titles are available on Scribd, so if you want to check out that service but don’t have an account yet, use my invite code to get 2 months for free! (This also gives me one free month.)

See also: LGBT retellings of folklore, fairy tales, classic books & books about historical figures

Midnighter and Apollo


Steve Orlando (writer) & Fernando Blanco (artist)
Rep: gay mcs (bi author)
Original source: Orpheus and Eurydice myth
CWs: blood, death

Why Should I Read It?

I know, I know. I rec this comic book every chance I get, but listen… It’s just that good! Pretty much the only rendition of this myth you will ever need in your life!

Autobiography of Red


Anne Carson
Rep: mlm relationship
Original source: Geryon and Heracles

Why Should I Read It?

Anne Carson is one of my favourite poets and Autobiography of Red is one of my favourite works of hers. It’s very tragic, though, so please, don’t go into this one looking for anything other than heartbreak.

The Dark Wife


Sarah Diemer
Rep: wlw mcs
Original source: Hades and Persephone

Why Should I Read It?

I mean, the only way to make this myth nice and interesting, was to make it sapphic, am I right? It just makes everything better…



Katharine Beutner
Rep: wlw mcs
Original source: Alcestis (Eurypides’ play)

Why Should I Read It?

Letting men tell women’s stories was a mistake from the beginning of time, so thank god we get to rectify those nowadays. Especially when we do it in such good (and gay) ways!



Natasha Alterici
Rep: lesbian mc (ownvoices), bi li
Original source: Norse myths

Why Should I Read It?

What’s better than a lesbian viking warrior! A gold-hearted lesbian viking warrior, you say? Well, you’re in luck because that’s exactly who the main character of Heathen is!



Ramona Meisel
Rep: gay mcs
Original source: Icarus and Apollo

Why Should I Read It?

Okay, another poetry collection, yes, since it is my rec list, after all. I love the modern feel of this one, and how it shows both through Meisel’s style itself and various formats of the poems.

Girl Meets Boy


Ali Smith
Rep: wlw mcs
Original source: Iphis and Ianthe (Ovid’s Metamorphoses)

Why Should I Read It?

The one case where the original myth was already actually not cishet, even if the ancient maybe didn’t want you to look at it that way. In any case, Smith brings a lot of lyricism to the story and a modern, feminist touch.

Love in the Time of Global Warming


Francesca Lia Block
Rep: bi mc
Original source: Homer’s The Odyssey

Why Should I Read It?

Okay, yes, I’m just going for as many poetic-ish books as I can in this one. Bear with me, guys! Venture into the unknown! Let the logical part of your brain chill for a bit! Have fun!



Kieron Gillen, Marguerite Bennett (writers) & Phil Jimenez, Stephanie Hanz (artists)
Rep: wlw mc, trans wlw li
Original source: Norse myths

Why Should I Read It?

She goes to hell to rescue her girlfriend… Are you telling me you don’t wanna read it?

Variations on an Apple


Yoon Ha Lee
bi mc, genderfluid li
Original source:
Homer’s The Iliad

Why Should I Read It?

So Troy is a city, but here? Also a genderfluid person in love with Paris. If that alone isn’t enough to convince you to read this short story (available for free here!), I don’t know how to help you.

I realise this was heavily focused on Greek mythology and I’m sorry about that, but those were the myths I grew up on and obsessed over as a wee gay kid. And those are most popular when it comes to retellings…

If you know of any LGBT retellings of myths other than Greek/Roman ones, let me know!!


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