Look me in the eyes and answer one single question: is there anything better than gay superheroes?
No! The correct answer is no & I’m glad we all agree on that. It also means that I compiled a list of ten books with LGBT superheroes just for you guys. And a quick note – only two of those are comics! This is not to say that comics are anything less than, which is an absurd notion & one I absolutely do not want associated with me or this blog. But I wanted to showcase that superheroes are more than beautiful comics and can have their stories told through novels as well!

Midnighter and Apollo

Steve Orlando (writer) & Fernando Blanco (artist)
Rep: gay mcs
TW: blood, death
Why Should I Read It?
Of course I had to start with this one! Of course I had to start with my gay murder dad!! Honestly, Midnighter is my everything & this one is my favourite of his stories. Mostly because it’s even gayer than the rest. And yes, you’re reading the blurb right, this is a retelling of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth.


Jessica Lack
Rep: bi East Asian mc, gay li
Why Should I Read It?
It’s just such a cute, sweet short story!! We get superpowers, villains, gay crushes, teaching your crush how to fight, revenge, patching up your crush’s wounds and so much more!


Lee Winter
Rep: Black lesbian mc
Why Should I Read It?
I didn’t say before but there are a few titles on this list I haven’t read myself yet, but have on good authority they are worth recommending. This is one of those books. But, I mean… This is a story of a Black lesbian superhero… How much more incentive do you need to put it on your TBR?

Not Your Sidekick

C.B. Lee
Rep: bi Chinese-Vietnamese mc, wlw relationship, trans side character
Why Should I Read It?
I would say that this is a one for those of you (okay, those of us, I’m definitely firmly in that category myself) who above all, like their books to have some romance in them. There’s a lot of a love story here, so you won’t be disappointed!


Gabby Rivera (writer) & Joe Quiñones (artist)
Rep: sapphic Latina mc
Why Should I Read It?
The only other comic book on my list! We all know Miss America, as I’m sure we all have read Young Avengers (another very gay comic books series & yes, I was very close to just reccing that one but ultimately, a whole volume about only a sapphic lady won out!) or just… see what Marvel is doing. In any case, she’s given a voice, agenda, an earthly background here and all of it is wrapped up in her very clearly not being straight.

No More Heroes

Michelle Kan
Rep: Chinese genderfluid mc (ownvoices), Samoan, Indian, Maori, Cambodian characters, gay, bi & pan characters
Why Should I Read It?
This is a superhero story but it’s also a story of friendship and the beautiful power it can have over one’s life. But yes, the book never lets you forget it’s about superheroes, not for a moment and all the superpowers are incredibly diverse and unusual.


Gabriela Martins
Rep: trans bi Brazilian mc
Why Should I Read It?
No, I am not just reccing this because my friend wrote it & yes, it really is that amazing. You can actually get it for a dollar here! There are rich parties, clubs, bad neighborhoods, and super-powers but most importantly – the overwhelming feeling of warmth.


April Daniels
Rep: trans lesbian mc
Why Should I Read It?
It’s one of those books that focus on developing great characters and engaging the reader in some good, old-fashioned fun. And come on, we all need a bit of that from time to time, especially when the whole thing is about a trans lesbian superhero!

The Infinite Noise

Lauren Shippen
Rep: mlm relationship
Why Should I Read It?
So I haven’t listened to the podcast yet, though it’s been recommended to me a few times. Plus the book is actually an upcoming release (which gives me some time to finally play catch up!). But given how much everyone loves the podcast version of those characters, I just couldn’t not include the book on my list!

Junior Hero Blues

J.K. Pendragon
Rep: gay mc, mlm relationship
Why Should I Read It?
And something funny to close our list! Because superheroes don’t have to be brooding all the time! (Looking at you, MCU and DC) They can be hilarious! And in high school!

I was kind of afraid I don’t know enough books to put together this list, but look at me now! So proud of myself… And hopefully all my hard work paid off and you guys found your next read here!
Let me know in the comments what other genres/tropes/themes you’d like us to cover in our future rec lists!!

ngọc @ readwithngọc
“What if the X-Men, instead of becoming superheroes, decided to spend some time in therapy?” …wait this sounds amazing. Definitely adding The Infinite Noise to my TBR. Also, I love this list! We all need more gay superheroes in our lives.
it’s sth more superheroes should consider, isn’t it!!!
and ahh im so glad! we definitely do!
– anna
Lulu @ libraryleopard
Thanks for making this list, all the books that are new to me sound great!
of course, it was my pleasure!! nothing better than letting ppl know about books they might end up loving! :>>
– anna
AAAAAAA I can’t believe you featured ARCH-NEMESIS in this list!!! Thank you so much!!!! I’m—!!!! I’m genuinely so touched. This is great. I love all the other books in the list as well. Have read most of them, and am going to keep track of the ones I haven’t so I can buy them when I have extra $.
honestly gabhi it was my pleasure!!!! i love u and ur writing, it was pretty obvious that if i have an opportunity to give u a shout out i have to do that!!
– anna
Sophie @ Me and Ink
This is perfect and just what I needed!! Give me all the superheroes and representation!! Thank you for making this!! 💛
of course!! i hope u will enjoy at least some of them haha
– anna