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Book Recs: Books Set at Boarding Schools

First rec list published at my new flat! Because oh yeah, by the way, guys! I moved last Saturday. I’m still settling in, which is most obvious by the state of my bookcase – I just put books on it to get them out of boxes, but order? Never heard of her.

Anyway. Back to why we are actually here. Books set at boarding schools! I feel like it’s one of those Hot Tropes that y’all really like, so I hope my selection won’t disappoint. Frankly, though, I’m treating it a little bit loosely, by which I mean there are also books set at a university or books that take place at a boarding school only for a while. Generally speaking, there’s some kind of dorm situation in each book, though. So I think we’re good. Let’s go.

A Light Amongst Shadows 


Kelley York & Rowan Altwood
Rep: gay mc, bi li with depression

TW: some homophobia, drugs, torture, blood, death, mentions of past rape

Why Should I Read It?

I know both me and Charlotte keep recommending this book every chance we get, but listen! It really is that good! And you not only get a boarding school, but one with ghosts and mysteries as well!

We Are Okay


Nina LaCour
Rep: lesbian mc, bi side character

Why Should I Read It?

It’s one of those delicate books, those tender books where not a lot happens plot-wise, but the characters still go on a real emotional journey. It also has a bonus of being a sapphic story, of course. And it’s one of those set at university (in New York, in winter).

The Sidekicks


Will Kostakis
Rep: gay mc

Why Should I Read It?

I love a lot of things about this book, but one of the most important is how not only the three main characters themselves are distinct, but their style of narrative as well. Because yes, the book is divided in three part, each describing the events from a different point of view. Kostakis plays around with style a lot here and it’s amazing.



Dorothy Bussy (née Strachey)
Rep: lesbian mc and side characters

Why Should I Read It?

It’s an old book and that in itself makes it special. I don’t know about you guys, but I adore the sole idea of gay books written decades ago. And Olivia is about a girl who’s getting her first crush and it’s so very soft, so very gay. I wouldn’t call it adorable, but it still makes your heart sing with joy.

Wilder Girls


Rory Power
Rep: sapphic characters

TW via the author’s website: Graphic violence and body horror. Gore. On the page character death, parental death, and animal death, though the animals are not pets. Behavior and descriptive language akin to self harm, and references to such. Food scarcity and starvation. Emesis. A scene depicting chemical gassing. Reference to suicide and suicidal ideation. Non-consensual medical treatment.

Why Should I Read It?

An upcoming release, yes, but I couldn’t not mention it! Especially since a lot of people talk about this, but sadly not all those people realise the book is sapphic! And honestly, gay Lord of the Flies with girls? Who wouldn’t want that. (Though it’s not much of a Lord of the Flies retelling because girls just aren’t ridiculous like that, but anyway…)

Complementary and Acute


Ella Lyons
Rep: sapphic mcs

Why Should I Read It?

It’s a short story, so there are no excuses not to read it! And get this! It’s sapphic friends to lovers! Who are roommates! At a boarding school!

Ink and Bone


Rachel Caine
Rep: gay side couple

Why Should I Read It?

Okay so first things first: the gay couple is a side pairing, so don’t actually expect a lot of rep. But the book itself is so good and so diverse, I had to include it! Most of the characters are poc, including a hijabi girl who’s lowkey a genius and also I love her.

Reason Number One


Briston Brooks
Rep: gay Native American mc with a heart condition, bi li, side Black characters

Why Should I Read It?

I actually reread this book recently and it’s as sweet as I remembered. The mc is incredibly oblivious which makes him seem ridiculous, up until the point when you learn his full backstory and suddenly it turns out the author knew exactly what she was doing with every single one of his reactions. It’s a great slowburn romance, okay.



E. M. Forster
Rep: gay mcs

Why Should I Read It?

I just… really love Maurice. And I really love Forster. Honestly, he’s my hero. Not writing anymore after he realised he’s gay, because from that point on he was only interested in writing gay stories and he knew he couldn’t publish them? An icon! Anyway, Maurice takes place at a university, for some time at least. And it has a happy ending, no need to be worried. Forster just was sappy like that.

Her Royal Highness


Rachel Hawkins
Rep: bi mc, lesbian li

Why Should I Read It?

Another upcoming release. 2019 is really good to us when it comes to gay books with great tropes. I mean… enemies to lovers? Are you kidding me?

There’s fantasy, mystery, contemporary… I hope all of you will be able to find something here! And if you have any other tropes you would like either me or Charlotte to cover, please let us know in the comments!


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