LGBT people are magic, so obviously I had to do a rec list of LGBT books with witches (and various other magic-doers). Shamefully, I haven’t read all that many (that I’m willing to rec. There is that One Series We Don’t Talk About as well, but it’ll be a cold day in hell when I rec that), so some of the ones on here are ones people I trust have loved, or ones that aren’t yet published.
But, because they’re about witches (and other magic-doers), and they’re LGBT, I can guarantee* that they’ll be amazing.
*Please don’t actually hold me to this, thanks.

The True Queen

Zen Cho
Rep: lesbian mcs, Malay mcs
Why Should I Read It?
If you want a perfectly slowburning plot and romance, featuring anticolonialism and dragons, this is the book for you. It’s a beautiful book and I will be reccing it from now until eternity. (Also, I reviewed it here.)

Wonders of the Invisible World

Christopher Barzak
Rep: gay mcs
Why Should I Read It?
Estranged best friends to lovers gives you some unique and perfect angst, and no more so than in Wonders of the Invisible World. It’s honestly such a brilliant book, and one I keep promising myself to reread (and then never actually managing to. Shame on me).

Engelsfors Trilogy

Sara B. Elfgren & Mats Strandberg
Rep: lesbian mc, bi mc
TWs: bullying, homophobia, suicide, implied paedophilia, attempted rape, torture, drug/alcohol abuse, animal deaths, self-harm
Why Should I Read It?
This whole series is pretty heavy, but if you can read it, then it’s got an amazing payoff for a THREE-BOOK-LONG F/F SLOWBURN. And each of those books is 500+ pages so you know it’s going to be the slowest slowburn ever and exquisitely wonderful.

These Witches Don’t Burn

Isabel Sterling
Rep: lesbian mc
Why Should I Read It?
It’s not yet published but this is one of mine and Anna’s most anticipated reads of the year. I mean, the main character is a lesbian witch. What more do you need to know?

Witch, Cat, and Cobb

J. K. Pendragon
Rep: lesbian mcs, trans mcs
Why Should I Read It?
Running away from an arranged marriage with a man to shack up with a trans woman witch and your talking cat? Can you get any better a start to a novella?

Labyrinth Lost

Zoraida Córdova
Rep: bi mc
Why Should I Read It?
This is one that I have to admit to not having (yet) read. But so many people whose taste in books I trust have loved this one, so that’s why it’s on here. Also it sounds epic.

The Binding

Bridget Collins
Rep: mlm mcs
Why Should I Read It?
Stretching what I mean by “magic-doer” a little here but I love this book too much not to. It’s a beautiful non-linear narrative, where you start basically in the middle of the story, and then work your way through the past and into the future. And the plot means it has the most excrutiatingly painful second chance romance (just how I like it).
Since this post was published, it has come to light that Bridget Collins is a TERF and, as such, we can no longer recommend this entry (although it will remain on the post for full clarity).

The Fire’s Stone

Tanya Huff
Rep: gay mc, bi mc
Why Should I Read It?
This one was recommended me years ago, and in true fashion, I still haven’t read it. But I trust the person who recced it, so it’s on here. Also it’s a good way of reminding myself to read it already.

The Fever King

Victoria Lee
Rep: bi Jewish mc, gay li
TWs: child abuse, statutory rape, torture in past, suicide mentions
Why Should I Read It?
You know when a book just completely wrecks you and you’re left not knowing what to do with yourself? This is one of those. (So beware.)

Spellbook of the Lost and Found

Moïra Fowley-Doyle
Rep: bi mcs
Why Should I Read It?
The bigger question here is why haven’t you already read this? It has not one, but two bi mcs and it’s a beautifully quietly magical read.

So, that’s all I have. I hope you found something to read on here! What are your favourite books with witches (and other magic-doers)?

Hannah @ Ink and Myths
What a beautiful list! I want to read all of these (but especially Spellbook of the Lost and Found & The Fever King, they sound brillant!) 🥰 a book in which one of the MCs is a witch is Strange Grace and I love it so, so much ♥️
the fever king is amazing i hope you enjoy it! i’ve heard of strange grace but i haven’t read it, so i’ll definitely be checking that out!
– charlotte
Aurora Librialis
I loved Labyrinth Lost and Spellbook of the Lost and Found so much, adding all the other witchy ones to my TBR. Thanks for the wonderful recommendations 😊
no problem! i hope you enjoy all of these (and it’s nice to hear labyrinth lost is good, given that i included it not having read it 😅)
Margaret @ Weird Zeal
I can’t believe I haven’t heard of some of these???? They all look amazing??? But I loved Spellbook of the Lost and Found, and a few of these – The Circle, Labyrinth Lost, and The Fever King – were already on my TBR. Definitely going to add some of these others too! 😀
i’m glad to introduce you to some new books then! i hope you enjoy
Kathy @ Pages Below the Vaulted Sky
I hardly EVER hear of anyone talking about Fire Stone so this was such a lovely surprise! And I somehow had no idea The Binding had LGBTQ rep, so thank you for the share!! I’m even more excited to read it now 😀
tbh i only finished it properly a few days ago but it was SO good. also the binding is amazing and i hope you enjoy it!
– charlotte