Like I said in my last rec list – 10 upcoming books by Black authors – I wanted to celebrate Black History Month with some appropriate recommendations. So this is why today I decided to talk about books that feature Black characters. I tried to only choose titles with Black main characters, but I will admit in the end a few of the books have a Black love interest. Which, if you think about it… those are still kind of main characters…
Three out of ten books I’m recommending today are actually graphic novels, for some novelty. And three are novellas. There’s young adult and new adult, there’s fantasy and contemporary, and historical fiction… Today, you get a little bit of everything!!
Okay, so let’s jump in!

Once Ghosted, Twice Shy

Alyssa Cole
Rep: Black butch lesbian mc, Black bi mc
Why should I read it?
I can’t imagine anyone actually needs more encouragement to read a book, when they know it’s a sapphic novella with a second-chance romance and a butch lesbian! Like, what else could you possibly want from a story? Alyssa Cole really gave us more than we could ever ask for…


Saladin Ahmed (writer) & Sami Kivelä (artist)
Rep: Black bi mc, Chinese lesbian li
Why should I read it?
I already mentioned this one in my post specifically about graphic novels, but one can never hype up titles with sapphic women enough! Especially ones as well written as Abbott is!

The Gilded Wolves

Roshani Chokshi
Rep: Haitian-French mlm mc, French-Algerian mc, Filipino-Spanish bi mc, South Indian mc, possibly autistic mc
Why should I read it?
This book was being pitched as perfect for the fans of Six of Crows and oh boy, was that accurate! Heists, an amazing magic system, cool alternative reality world & on top of that – a bunch of kids who all love each other!

The Pursuit Of…

Courtney Milan
Rep: Black mc, gay mcs
Why should I read it?
Charlotte and me both love this book A Lot, guys. She mentioned it in her rec list of NA romances, I did in mine for books with the hate to love trope. But I also wrote a full review of it! Bottom line is, like I said in that review: “It’s full to the brim with smart metaphors, with little moments that feel almost sacred and ring very true to a gay ear, with pure hope.”

How to Make a Wish

Ashley Herring Blake
Rep: Black lesbian li, bi mc
Why should I read it?
This was one of my choice for the top three books of 2018! That alone should tell you how much I love this book. I made not one, but two aesthethics for it on twitter lmao. I really appreciate this book for such honest portrayal of mother-daughter relationships. Because we all know they’re not always pretty…

Motor Crush

Brenden Fletcher (writer), Cameron Stewart (writer) & Babs Tarr (artist)
Rep: Black butch lesbian mc, lesbian li
Why should I read it?
Okay, first of all, Domino is GORGEOUS and I am gay. Let’s not pretend like this isn’t a factor in how much I love this series… But yeah, this is a story about a girl who takes part in illegal motor races at night! How cool is that!

Juniper Lane

Dylan Morrison
Rep: Black lesbian li, bi mc – wlw relationship
Why should I read it?
If you loved San Junipero on Netflix, you’re gonna love this book as well! Amazing thing about it is that the romantic love is never used as a cure for the characters, it doesn’t turn them magically into the perfect version of themselves. It’s really refreshing to read a story that shows you that the characters are flawed, but at the same time doesn’t make you believe that love it fix it all by itself.

Alice Payne Arrives

Kate Heartfield
Rep: Black lesbian mc, lesbian li
Why should I read it?
Come on, guys! Time travel! A lesbian highwaywoman! Well developed characters! Do you need anything more? I sure don’t, I hope you all already know this much about me…

Princess Princess Ever After

Katie O’Neill
Rep: Black lesbian mc, lesbian li
Why should I read it?
It’s a very cute graphic novel with even cuter art. Love me some subverting of gender roles! I would say it’s more like middle grade than a young adult book, which honestly only makes it better. Because yes, please, normalise sapphic relationships in books! Start doing that with the young audience! Let girls have nice things!


Jacqueline Koyanagi
Rep: Black lesbian mc with a chronic illness, polyam relationship
Why should I read it?
Honestly? This was one of the first truly diverse books I’ve read a few years ago… So I have a lot of sentiment for it! But it’s also just a beautifully written story, full of hope & warmth. And the whole cast is just women. Women in space, supporting each other. The dream, yeah, I know.

I also want to mention a few other titles, since you must have noticed I sadly didn’t recommend any books with trans characters. The only two I know of, I listed on my last post, so just a quick reminder:
- Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
- The Passing Playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
If you know any other books with Black trans characters, please share them with us!!

Ten (and four) totally different books from me, so I hope literally everyone can find something for themself here!! Have you guys read any of those titles already? Let me know!

This is such a great post Anna!! I absolutely love The Pursuit Of… I’ve been wanting to reread it for ages! And I just finished The Gilded Wolves and holy crap that was incredible?!?! I need the next book ASAP! Once Ghosted Twice Shy was so freaking cute it’s made me want to read the other books in the series! 💕
ahh thank u!! 💛💛💛 and look at our tastes aligning so well!!
– anna