I really hope I can say “here comes the post you’ve all been waiting for!!” and be right… Well, the post does come, so I’m already halfway there… In any case! Like the title says, this is part 3 of our very big and very great, and very much made up of books by & for the LGBT community recommendations list!
Today I give you books number 51 all the way to 75. There’s only one post in this series left! (So far. Charlotte & I hope you guys would be interested in more posts like this when we hit our next followers milestone!)
Question we already asked on twitter (here): would you be interested in a Q&A, to get to know Charlotte and me better? Let us know in the comments!
Before you dive in, make sure you read part one and part two of our Great Big LGBT Rec List! And take one more look at how we mark the rep in this series:
lesbians & wlw relationships: ☀️
gays & mlm relationships: 🌿
bisexual characters: 💎
trans, genderqueer, non-binary, gnc characters: 🌷
LGBT authors: 🌈
poetry: 🌉

Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson* 🌿🌉
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo** ☀️💎🌷🌈
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis ☀️🌈
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson 🌿🌈
Moonstruck, Vol. 1: Magic to Brew by Grace Ellis (writer) & Shae Beagle (artist) ☀️🌷🌈

The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis 🌿🌈
Nature Poem by Tommy Pico 🌿🌈🌉
Ascension by Jacqueline Koyanagi ☀️💎🌈
Superior by Jessica Lack 🌿💎
Juniper Lane by Dylan Morrison ☀️💎🌈

The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley 🌿
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters ☀️🌈
Diving Into the Wreck by Adrienne Rich*** ☀️🌈🌉
Olivia by Dorothy Bussy (née Strachey) ☀️
Ivory by J. Rocci 🌿

Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova ☀️💎
A Hero at the End of the World by Erin Claiborne 🌿
A Light Amongst Shadows by Kelley York & Rowan Atwood 🌿💎🌈
Don’t Call Us Dead by Danez Smith 🌿🌈🌉
The Pursuit Of… by Courtney Milan 🌿🌈

Between the Firmaments by J.Y. Yang 🌿🌷🌈
Far From Home by Lorelie Brown ☀️🌈
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson 🌿
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum 🌿💎🌈
Sonnets of Dark Love by Federico García Lorca 🌿🌈🌉

*Please note that Meredith Russo’s partner detailed abuse by Russo.
**Please note that Anne Carson was a TERF.
***Please note that Adrienne Rich was a TERF.

Okay, so that’s it from me today! Look out for Charlotte’s post later this week to see the last 25 books! We hope we managed to show you just how much there is to read & how diverse the books can be!
I would also like to mention here that none of the books we have recced in this series have that awful Bury Your Gays trope and instead they do all have a happy ending! Unless it’s poetry, of course… (We both like poetry that makes you suffer.)

Obv these all look great, but I’m currently reading If I Was Your Girl and I love it!!!!!
ahh im so happy, Sarah!! i loved that book so much!
– anna