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    Book Releases: July 2021

    It’s the end of June, which means that it’s that time again! Sadly, unlike the past couple of months, July’s releases don’t break 100 (or sort of gladly, if you’re me, and having to write up the post), but there are some truly exciting releases here.

    Also exciting is our new layout for the posts! Instead of just giving you a long list with dates, we’ve split the list into genres, so you can just search for whichever genre you want to read. (And see just how few there are for some… 😒)

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: June 2021

    If you think that a lot more LGBT books come out during Pride than all the other months, you would be correct! And this post is a real-life proof. Took days to prepare, but here we are: 166 LGBT books out this June!

    And yes, you read that right: one hundred and sixty six. Surely, you will find something for yourself here.

    As always, a rainbow emoji next to the title indicates the author is part of the LGBT community – if I made any mistakes here, please do correct me. And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous monthly releases posts here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: April 2021

    My cat spent the day sunbathing, meanwhile I was putting together this post for y’all. Life is what it is. But in all seriousness, there are some fabulous books coming our way next month, so I hope you are all very excited! Surely everyone can find something out of over 100 titles…

    As always, a rainbow emoji next to an author indicates they’re LGBT – if you know I made any mistakes here, feel free to let me know. And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: March 2021

    The worst* thing in the world is when your internet decides it’s going to be all buggy just as you’re working on a long post. But worry not! There was one winner here and that was ME. I defeated it, and thus can bring you today’s releases post, at the very early** time of 10pm.

    *It’s probably not.

    **It’s past my bedtime.

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: February 2021

    We’re barely a month into this new year but it sure feels like a decade already, doesn’t it… To make everything better, though, I’m here with a list of over 110 LGBT books coming out in February! Whatever happens next, at least y’all have a lot of stuff to read.

    As always, a rainbow emoji is next to LGBT authors. And if you know I made any mistakes here, feel free to let me know.

    And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: LGBT YA Books of January-June 2021

    At this point it’s a tradition: I’ve already made a compilation posts about 2019 LGBT YA books & about 2020 LGBT YA books (first half of the year and second).

    So it’s absolutely no surprise to anyone that I’m here with a list of LGBT YA books of 2021, right? Well, the first half of the year anyway. Over 175 of them! Have I missed any?

    The books are (more or less) in a chronological order of publication, and I tried to be as specific with the rep as it was possible, given I have only read a few of them so far myself. Which of course means, please correct me if I’m wrong. As always, books by LGBT authors also have a rainbow emoji next to the title. Enjoy and preorder!

    See also: LGBT YA books of July-December & 2019-2021 releases by rep
  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: All The 2020 Releases We Heard About Too Late

    After three days of wrangling this post (there is nothing worse than when your browser and internet connection decide to take turns screwing up while you’re trying to make the longest post known to man), it’s finally done! An absolutely not at all definitive list of books we heard about too late to add them to our monthly releases lists. Yeah, that’s a mouthful I know.

    Undoubtedly, there are still yet more we’ve missed off, even after all this, but here are the 380 or so books that we didn’t get the first time round.

    But before we start, just for you all, have a list of


  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: January 2021

    It being the end of 2020 (finally) it’s time to start looking ahead to what 2021 has to offer us in terms of releases (spoilers: it’s a lot and it looks amazing). So, if you’re wondering what to do with the Christmas money and/or book tokens you’ve received, then here are 65 books releasing in January you might consider preordering!

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: December 2020

    Can you guys believe this hell year is almost over? Yeah, me neither! I have no idea when this happened and how the time works anymore. I sure am glad that 2020 is basically behind us, though. Hopefully next year will be better. Anyway! If you’re looking for last minute holiday gifts or simply something to read on a cozy winter afternoon, browse away! There are almost 50 LGBT books coming out in December 2020!

    A reminder that a rainbow emoji indicates that the author is LGBT, but not necessarily that the specific rep in the book is ownvoices.

    And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: November 2020

    We’ve reached the point in the year where the number of LGBT releases starts to drop off. But, happily, all that really means is that we’ve got 58 releases for you today (which is still the equivalent of almost two per day). 2020 has been so good to us (in terms of LGBT releases. Not much else, I’ll admit).

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: October 2020

    If you’re looking for something new to read this fall, you’re in luck. Actually, if you’re looking for something spooky, you’re also in luck – there are quite a few horrors and thrillers coming out in October. Among other kinds of books. Among almost 90 titles.

    A little bit different than I usually do on my posts, but I decided with Charlotte that’s actually a more important piece of information. So. A rainbow emoji indicates that the author is LGBT, but not necessarily that the specific rep in the book is ownvoices.

    And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: Twitter’s Anticipated Releases, Or A Look at What 2021 Has in Store

    A few months back, I asked people on twitter what five LGBT releases they were most anticipating in 2021. Yes, I know, five was very harsh of me, especially since I couldn’t even keep myself to that few anyway, but hey. You do what you gotta do.

    Anyway, I figured I’d turn those tweets into a post, to give you a little bit of a taster of 2021’s releases. Also feast your eyes on the gorgeousness of these covers so far! I cannot wait to see what else is to come.

    Finally, a little key (although bearing in mind that it’s a little hard to confirm rep so far out!):

    💗 = wlw rep
    💙 = mlm rep
    💜 = trans or nonbinary rep

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: September 2020

    September is a monster month for releases (there are 100+ in this post alone, not to mention any that we might not know about just yet). And also one where, every time I felt I had the list down, I found yet another release. (Not that I’m really complaining, apart from having to edit and re-edit the damn thing so many times…)

    So, get yourself a cuppa, and have a scroll!

    As ever, you can find all our previous releases posts here and the rainbow emoji indicates an author who id’s as LGBT.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: August 2020

    The summer is halfway through, but that doesn’t mean the good times are ending! The days might be shorter and shorter now (in this hemisphere), but that only means your evenings are longer and longer, so you will have more time to read! And oh boy, is there a lot to read in August… Almost 100 books.

    Like always, a rainbow emoji is there to tell you a book is ownvoices, in terms of LGBT rep. And if you need some more books, you can find all our previous releases posts here.