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    Reads Rainbow Awards 2022: Shortlists

    Nominations collected, we come to you with the shortlists now! These were the top 10 books from each category that ended up being nominated, and it’s from these that our winners will be selected. Voting doesn’t open until 10AM GMT tomorrow, but we thought we’d give you a chance to look at what there is to vote for a little earlier than that. You will be able to vote on this site from tomorrow! So, without further ado, let’s have a look at what’s made it through.

    Related: Reads Rainbow Awards 2019, 2020 & 2021.
  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Introducing the Reads Rainbow Book Awards 2022!

    The Goodreads Choice Awards have come and gone and if, perchance, you thought to yourself huh, where are the Reads Rainbow Awards, well here will be your answer! This being the fourth year of the awards, we decided now is the time to break away from the tyranny of the Goodreads Choice Awards and timing ours alongside, and we’ll do it a different way. So, this is a post to explain just that!

    Related: Reads Rainbow Awards 2019, 2020 & 2021.
  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Discussion: Goodreads Awards 2022 & LGBT Books

    The Goodreads Choice Awards are back and so is this post! Anna being busy this afternoon, I’ve taken over writing it. Which will explain the discussion part of this at least… As with last year’s post, the books are sorted into those which have LGBT main characters and side characters alone. Particularly with side characters, it’s possible we have missed a few.

    And, if you’re looking out for our awards, don’t worry if you don’t see them for a while yet! We’re working on a little something…

    Related: Goodreads Awards & LGBT Books in 2019, in 2020 and in 2021.
  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Reads Rainbow Awards 2021: The Results

    As you may have noticed, we ran the awards a little differently this year, allowing for a week’s worth of nominations in all categories, before taking those nominated more than once, adding a few more to reach 20 per category (although 15 in two, and 30 in debut), and then opening up voting for 3 and a half weeks. In selecting nominees, we tried out best to ensure different books were nominated in each category (debut and romance aside) and that, within each category, an author appeared only once.

    But enough of that. The results of that vote, with 2320 ballots cast, are now here and I’m sure you’re all excited to see who won! First though, if you’re interested in just who made the cut in this year’s awards, below you can:

    see the list of nominees!

    Otherwise, happy scrolling!

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    Discussion: Goodreads Awards 2021 & LGBT Books

    Later than usually, but Goodreads finally rolled out their Choice Awards for this year. And that means it’s time for us to tell you which of the books they chose to highlight are LGBT!

    This year, due to growing numbers & to give you a more accurate look, I decided to divide the books into ones where the LGBT characters are actually protagonists & ones where they’re only side characters, however relevant to the plot. You will hopefully see why that seemed like a logical move, especially in YA categories.

    So take a look at what’s LGBT amongst Goodread’s choices! And if you would rather vote in a contest where it’s only LGBT books to choose from, we got you! Like every year, we’re running Reads Rainbow Awards & the voting is opened until December 7th!

    Vote in Reads Rainbow Awards!

    Related: Goodreads Awards & LGBT Books in 2019 and in 2020
  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Reads Rainbow Awards 2020: The Results

    It’s finally time! The results are in! Six weeks of voting and over 1000 votes cast, and we finally have the winners right here.

    Last year, we included the top five (or more, since there were a lot of ties) in each category but this year, we can have a distinct top three in every category bar one, so that’s what we’ve gone with. However, if you do want to know how the numbers worked out, there’ll be a link below to the results (as of tomorrow, probably, thanks to internet connectivity and slow computer issues).

    See the breakdown of results here!

    Otherwise, happy scrolling!

  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Discussion: Goodreads Awards 2020 & LGBT Books

    We’re turning our awards into a yearly thing! Because really, if we spend all day every day promoting LGBT books, we should be able to celebrate them with awards, too! And what’s a better time to do it than the same as Goodreads’ Choice Awards.

    The rules for the Goodreads’ Choice Awards stay the same: 20 categories and 15 books nominated in each in the first round. There are of course a few books nominated in more than one category, but for ease of conversation let’s say it’s 300 books.

    Now. We know about a lot of LGBT books, but we’re aware it’s not possible we know about all of them that came out this year. Even with that in mind, and even only counting books that came out between January and October, we know about 1148. Just so you have some kind of frame of mind here.

    Below you will find LGBT books nominated in each category. This year there is only one category without any LGBT nominees and that is Science & Technology, so frankly, that’s fair enough. Everything else? Well.

    And of course! We prepared our own Alternative Choice Awards, where all the nominated books are LGBT. Below you have a link to cast your vote! Yes, you can write in your choices as well.

    Vote in our LGBT Alternative Choice Awards!

  • All Recommended,  Book Recs,  Literature

    Reads Rainbow Awards 2019: The Results

    It’s that time!!! The votes are in, and we’re about to announce the results of our Alternative Choice Awards (Goodreads who?). You’ve been voting for 5 weeks and now we have our winners*.

    *In the interests of promoting as much LGBT lit as we can, we were actually just going to put top 5, but then some categories had multiple books with the same number of votes, so, as you can see, five is somewhat of an… underestimate?

    Anyway. If you’re interested:

    See the breakdown of results here!

    Otherwise, happy scrolling!

  • Discussions and Guest Posts

    Discussion: Goodreads Awards & LGBT Books

    As I’m sure you’re aware, the Annual Goodreads Choice Awards just started yesterday. And as you also probably already know, the list of official nominees isn’t the final list of nominees. But it is a start & it was put together just the way it was & as someone who co-runs an LGBT media blog, I wanna talk about it.

    We have 20 categories and 15 books nominated in each. Some books are nominated in more than one category so it’s not actually 300 books, but it’s close enough. And how many of those 300 books do you think are LGBT ones? Before you start guessing, though, let me remind you that we have a list of all LGBT releases of the year that we could find & it’s currently over 560 books long.

    Below you will find LGBT books from each category. (Not) Surprisingly there are a few with no LGBT nominees but I still numbered the categories as listed on Goodreads. (Also, if you notice I missed any books, please let me know so I can edit the post. I might know a lot but I surely don’t know everything!)

    When I told Charlotte I want to write this post, it took her basically no time to decide that another thing we need are LGBT Alternative Choice Awards & she set hard to work to put them together. The categories are pretty much the same, but the nominees are – obviously – all LGBT.

    Here’s a google form where you can cast your vote!