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    ARC Review: In The Vanishers’ Palace


    In a ruined, devastated world, where the earth is poisoned and beings of nightmares roam the land…

    A woman, betrayed, terrified, sold into indenture to pay her village’s debts and struggling to survive in a spirit world.

    A dragon, among the last of her kind, cold and aloof but desperately trying to make a difference.

    When failed scholar Yên is sold to Vu Côn, one of the last dragons walking the earth, she expects to be tortured or killed for Vu Côn’s amusement.

    But Vu Côn, it turns out, has a use for Yên: she needs a scholar to tutor her two unruly children. She takes Yên back to her home, a vast, vertiginous palace-prison where every door can lead to death. Vu Côn seems stern and unbending, but as the days pass Yên comes to see her kinder and caring side. She finds herself dangerously attracted to the dragon who is her master and jailer. In the end, Yên will have to decide where her own happiness lies—and whether it will survive the revelation of Vu Côn’s dark, unspeakable secrets…

    In The Vanishers’ Palace

    Aliette de Bodard

    Rating: 4/5 🌈
    Published: 16th October 2018
    Rep: Vietnamese mcs (ownvoices), bi mc (fairly sure ownvoices), lesbian mc, non-binary side characters (not ownvoices)

    And then she’d wake up, gasping, trying to breathe, raising her hands to her face, remembering Vu Côn’s touch on her skin, as wet and as cold as the oily river.