• Interviews

    Author Interview: K. Ancrum

    It’s time for another part of our new favourite series!

    Kayla is a really good friend, but more importantly – one of my favourite authors in general & authors of LGBT books specifically. So obviously I jumped at the opportunity to have her take part in this project faster than Charlotte finished saying “interviews”.

    Let’s just say, we’re very thankful to Kayla for finding a few free moments to email us her answers to our silly questions. And that also means a huge thanks for sharing some vague but hilarious and lowkey exclusive details about her upcoming books! You guys should be really excited about everything she has in store, just saying. 👀👀

    Ready or not, let’s do this, guys!!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview + Blog Tour: Sophie Cameron

    So hey, today’s interview is special for two reasons! First of all, we talked with Sophie Cameron and we both love her! We chatted about music, getting inspiration from television ads & the next book Sophie is working on. But this post is actually also part of a blog tour for her latest book!

    Last Bus to Everland came out in the UK back in May, but the American edition is getting released today. It’s getting a brand new, beautiful cover by Aimee Fleck, too! So that’s what we’re here to celebrate. (Scroll to the end for the whole schedule for the blog tour.)

    And since I said we’re celebrating the book, do be aware that Charlotte reviewed Last Bus to Everland on her blog!


    Brody Fair feels like nobody gets him: not his overworked parents, not his genius older brother, and definitely not the girls in the projects set on making his life miserable. Then he meets Nico, an art student who takes Brody to Everland, a “knock-off Narnia” that opens its door at 11:21pm each Thursday for Nico and his band of present-day misfits and miscreants.

    Here Brody finds his tribe and a weekly respite from a world where he feels out of place. But when the doors to Everland begin to disappear, Brody is forced to make a decision: He can say goodbye to Everland and to Nico, or stay there and risk never seeing his family again.

    Last Bus to Everland

    Sophie Cameron

    Published: 18th June 2019
    Rep: gay mc, gay li, gay/pan/lesbian side characters, hijabi side character, side character in wheelchair, side character with agoraphobia

    I’m starting to feel like I could disappear, and they wouldn’t even notice.

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Abdi Nazemian

    We told you guys the interviews are going to be a regular feature on the blog and we weren’t kidding! What’s more, we got so many amazing authors on board, there is really no need for us to stop at just two interviews this month! Yes, there will be more in the next couple of weeks!

    Today, though, we’re hosting the wonderful Abdi Nazemian, who found a little time on a busy morning to chat with us! His latest book – Like a Love Story – just released last week, on June 4th, so belated happy book birthday! Naturally, it was a main point of our conversation, but we also talked about the power of character-driven books, the importance of happy endings & how music influences writing. Have fun reading!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: K. A. Doore

    We are so excited to welcome a guest to our blog today! The amazing K. A. Doore very kindly agreed to talk with us about her books and writing and lots of other gay things! To say me and Anna are thrilled about this would be an understatement of the year. We have literally been in a constant state of euphoria in the weeks since we first came up with this idea and a bunch of authors agreed to participate.

    We initially thought this would be just a cool little Pride Month project. But so many wonderful authors were interested in getting involved that we can confidently say: interviews are going to become a more permanent blog fixture. We’re not telling you yet who else we had a pleasure of chatting with, though! Gotta have that element of surprise.

    Well then, without further ado, let’s go!