• Interviews

    Author Interview: Suna Dasi

    Today we offer you a look at the steampunk scene, with an insight from an Indian writer (based in Scotland). We’re very excited to have Suna Dasi on our blog! Read on to see what she has to say about the power of children books & the importance of representation in media.

    Be sure to follow Suna on twitter as well!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Anna Burke

    We have for you a very sapphic treat today! We talked with Anna Burke and if you’re still somehow not familiar with her name, you should know she only ever writes F/F books and they’re magical. And her next book, Nottingham, is out on 21st January, so look out for that!

    You can also follow Anna on twitter.


  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Maria Ingrande Mora

    Today’s interview was a real pleasure for us to conduct & hopefully, you will be able to feel that while reading! It also focuses a lot on the beauty and importance of the LGBT community, which is to say focuses on something Charlotte & me both wish we could talk about all the time. It’s always incredible to chat with authors who share our exact feelings.

    Read on to find out more about that but also, among other things, music and road trips!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Adrienne Tooley

    Today’s interview is very special in the way that it get pretty personal at some point. We’re extremely grateful that Adrienne felt comfortable enough to be this honest with us. And with you, guys.

    We’re also just ridiculously excited about her upcoming F/F fantasy book! It comes out in 2021 and y’all should be looking forward to that, too, if you’re not already.

    So let’s just get to it!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Kelley York

    We’re back with another interview today, and this time it’s one of our favourite authors, Kelley York! If you haven’t read any of Kelley’s work before, then you should absolutely do so, particularly her most recent paranormal YA series (which is, of course, also gay).

    And don’t forget to follow her on twitter too!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Ashley Shuttleworth

    We are all aware of the ever-growing number of amazing LGBT books coming out next year (well, I hope we are & I know the list Charlotte and I curate is already almost 200 titles long…) but! Let’s not forget about books getting published in 2021! It’s never too early to show them some love.

    Which is why today’s interview is with Ashley, whose book A Dark and Hollow Star will be out in 2021. It’s a YA fantasy with faes, found family & very gay romance plots. Mark your calendars, guys!!!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Phil Stamper

    We’re here with another amazing interview and once again we managed to get some answers out of someone whose book we both can’t wait to read! Book blogging just has some really cool perks, huh?

    If, like me and Charlotte, you’re super excited for The Gravity of Us (coming out February 4th!!), read on! It’s always nice to get to know the author a little better before reading their book, especially when they’re as enthusiastic & lovely as Phil!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Gabriela Martins

    Today’s interview is special for a number of reasons. Partly because I’ve been friends with Gabriela for some time now, so being able to interview her officially? Incredible. And I’m so happy it happened so soon!

    But first of all, we’re here to celebrate Keep Faith – an anthology of LGBT stories about faith & all the ways one can connect with it. Gabriela is one of the authors who contributed to it, but more importantly: she edited the whole thing & it’s safe to say this project wouldn’t exist without her.

    So read on to see what marvelous things she had to say about her experiences as a bisexual Brazilian writer!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Nina Varela

    Oh, do we have a treat for you guys today!!

    I’m sure y’all are anxiously waiting for Nina’s book, as we both do. I mean, it’s the F/F book of our dreams! What more could we ask for? Turns out: a lovely & funny author, which is a perfect description of Nina.

    On a side note, I’m (Anna) part of a blog tour for Crier’s War organised by Karina @ Afire Pages, so please look forward to my review of the book somewhen next month. Plus a little something extra…

    Edit: the review & the playlist are up!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Christopher Barzak

    Today we bring to you the interview with one of my favourite authors. One of Christopher’s books – Wonders of the Invisible World – is honest to god in my all time personal top five. And to showcase just how gay I get about it, let me just say: I annotated my copy the last time I re-read it & this winter gifted it to my best friend when we went to Paris together.

    So to say I was really excited when Christopher agreed to email us his answers, is a bit of an understatement… Read on to find out what he had to say about inspiration, how music doesn’t always help you write but experience sure does, and more (and more)!

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Adiba Jaigirdar

    Adiba is an author we were very excited to interview! Her upcoming book is basically the sapphic rom-com of our dreams. The Henna Wars is due to come out in next spring and y’all should be counting the days, as we are.

    She’s also very active in the community (consider following her on twitter, if you aren’t already!) & genuinely such a gem. We couldn’t be more lucky that she agreed to answer our questions.

    And a little side-note: now that Pride is over, we will be publishing two interviews each month, for as long as there will be authors willing to talk with us.

  • Interviews

    Author Interview: Julian Winters

    Last day of Pride, but not the last interview!! We will be back with those in the weeks to come!

    Today though, as always, we have an interview that both Charlotte and me are super excited about! We got a chance to talk with Julian just days before the first arcs of his upcoming book – How To Be Remy Cameron – became available for readers. (It comes out on September 10th & you definitely want to pre-order a copy already!)

    We chatted about different ways of channeling your artistic energy, the spaces we still need to fill with LGBT characters, and how important it is to just be yourself.

    Have fun reading!!