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    Book Releases: October 2019 (I)

    As almost every month this year, the list of LGBT releases is too long to put in one post and overwhelm you guys. Which is why today I only listed books coming out between October 1st and 8th. Eight days and twenty five (25) books of so many different genres, y’all are bound to find a new favourite!

    Just in case you’re here for the first time:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in recent months

    So without any further ado!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: September 2019 (I)

    After a couple of more relaxed months in terms of releases, September brings us 60 alone. Some of our most anticipated releases are out this month (*cough cough* lesbian necromancers *cough cough*), and we are just as excited get to them as undoubtedly you are too.

    So, in the interests of not rambling too much, let’s get into it!

    (And, as ever, you can find all our previous release lists here.)

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: August 2019

    The summer ends slowly but the LGBT books never stop coming your way! Granted, this month we will share only 35 titles… And yes, I can use the word “only” because, as I’m sure you remember, there were months this year with way more than forty releases.

    Feel free to check what you have missed, if you’re here for the first time:

    all our posts about LGBT books that came out in recent months

    And now, let’s just get into (gender politics) it, let’s see what gems August has in store!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: July 2019

    After the massive months of releases that were April, May and June, July is a little more chill with all that. There are only (lol) 29 releases that we know about this month (but, undoubtedly, more we don’t know about. As much as we may like to pretend, we’re not omniscient). But they are 29 excellent releases!

    Also, a little note before we continue: after the whole debacle earlier in the month with a certain book misgendering its mc in the blurb, we’ve decided we need a little policy in dealing with books that are, unfortunately, a mess (when we’ve heard something of course). Because we would rather warn you about some things than have you go in totally unawares, we’re still planning on including them in the list, but noting where we’ve seen or heard something less than great. On the off chance it’s a real shitshow, then we won’t include it, but may make a note so you know we’re aware of it and may yourself become aware also.

    But anyway, on with the list!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: June 2019 (II)

    Quick heads-up, please remember that this is only one part of books coming out this Pride – my previous post, covering the first few days of the month, is here. So check that one out as well if you haven’t yet!

    And you can always see what past releases you might have missed – here are all our posts about LGBT books that came out recently.

    Honestly, though! Can you think of a better way to celebrate Pride, than publishing so many wonderful books? Yeah, me neither.

    So check out what more June has in store for us!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: June 2019 (I)

    We are almost halfway through the year and Pride Month is upon us! Can you guys believe how fast the time flew? I can’t, especially with all the changes in my life lately (I moved into my own flat!).

    We found forty two (42) nicely looking LGBT books coming out in June. Not as many as in May, but still a big number, right? Actually, our whole list for this year is nearly four hundreds titles long… Please don’t ever tell me you can’t find gay shit to read.

    I’m only covering the first few days of June today, the rest will have to wait for the second post! And yes, there are enough books coming out in a less than a week for me to make a list of them. I know, sounds like a dream to me, too.

    Also a little tidbit, maybe of interest to some of you: there are 13 sapphic (in any capacity) books on today’s list.

    Let’s dive in!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: May 2019 (I)

    When we say “May is a monster month”, we absolutely mean it. In May alone, we have listed 59 LGBT releases. FIFTY-NINE. So, understandably, we had to split the month into three posts. This first post takes us through the first week of May (twenty-one of the twenty-three books here are out on 7th May). The second post will cover 8th-20th, and the final post will take the rest of the month.

    May has pretty much every genre you could possibly want, and a good number of books about LGBT history (it being the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots this year). So, if you’re looking for mystery, contemporary, non-fiction, historical or fantasy, there’s something for you here.

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: April 2019 (II)

    I covered books coming out between April 1st and 9th in my previous post, so check that out before we start! There are fifteen titles there. Listen, our running list of LGBT 2019 releases is over 300 books long and we’re actually a bit picky about what we put there!! Can you even imagine? So many books? We are all going to be broke when the year ends…

    Today I’m here with over twenty books, quite a few of them being F/F ones. There’s some nonfiction as well and even some poetry! I’m sure everyone will find something to be excited about in April!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: April 2019 (I)

    Once again, there are just so! many! LGBT books coming out in the next month, there’s just no way I can fit them all in one post. Ahh, what a marvelous problem to have, though! Let’s be honest! I never imagined I would have one like this…

    So anyway! This means today’s post actually cover only the first two Tuesdays of April. (And a Thursday because some books just don’t wanna come out on Tuesdays with all the rest!) As always, the rep for each book will be stated, so you can clearly see why you should be excited about it. Apart from the blurb itself, that is.

    Okay, so let’s dive in! Those first nine days of the month offer us fifteen (15) books so! There’s a lot to talk about!

  • All Releases,  Book Releases,  Literature

    Book Releases: March 2019 (I)

    March marks the busiest month so far in terms of 2019 releases. No, really, we have over thirty releases on our list (and probably a fair few we’ve missed off, if we’re being realistic) – more than one a day on average! With that in mind, the releases list is going to be split into two parts: one covering the first week of March (17 releases alone), and the other the remainder.

    So, in the interests of not making this post any longer than it has to be, let’s go!

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    Book Recs: Upcoming Books by Black Authors

    It’s the Black History Month so I wanted to focus my posts the next few weeks on books by and/or about Black people. As you can see from the title, today I will be recommending book written by Black authors. And specifically: books that are only about to come out. Most of them are set for this year, but there are a few 2020 titles as well.

    Two books listed here are by authors I’ve already read something by before (I wonder if you can guess which authors I’m talking about…) & you can read my reviews of their previous books here and here.

    There are some amazing stories coming our way, I can tell you that much already! So let’s dive in without any further ado.